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Created July 4, 2019 12:35
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`apply_fun` tactic
import order.basic
open tactic interactive (parse) interactive (loc.ns)
interactive.types (texpr location) lean.parser (tk)
local postfix `?`:9001 := optional
meta def apply_fun_name (e : expr) (h : name) (M : option pexpr) : tactic unit :=
do {
H ← get_local h,
t ← infer_type H,
match t with
| `(%%l = %%r) := do
tactic.interactive.«have» h ``(%%e %%l = %%e %%r) ``(congr_arg %%e %%H),
tactic.clear H
| `(%%l ≤ %%r) := do
if M.is_some then do
Hmono ← M >>= tactic.i_to_expr,
tactic.interactive.«have» h ``(%%e %%l ≤ %%e %%r) ``(%%Hmono %%H)
else do {
n ← get_unused_name `mono,
tactic.interactive.«have» n ``(monotone %%e) none,
Hmono ← get_local n,
tactic.interactive.«have» h ``(%%e %%l ≤ %%e %%r) ``(%%Hmono %%H) },
tactic.clear H
| _ := skip
end } <|> fail ("failed to apply " ++ to_string e ++ " at " ++ to_string h)
namespace tactic.interactive
/-- Apply a function to some local assumptions which are either equalities or
inequalities. For instance, if the context contains `h : a = b` and
some function `f` then `apply_fun f at h` turns `h` into `h : f a = f b`.
When the assumption is an inequality `h : a ≤ b`, a side goal `monotone f`
is created, unless this condition is provided using
`apply_fun f at h using P` where `P : monotone f`. -/
meta def apply_fun (q : parse texpr) (locs : parse location)
(lem : parse (tk "using" *> texpr)?) : tactic unit :=
do e ← tactic.i_to_expr q,
match locs with
| (loc.ns l) := do
l.mmap' (λ l, match l with
| some h := apply_fun_name e h lem
| none := skip
| wildcard := do ctx ← local_context,
ctx.mmap' (λ h, apply_fun_name e h.local_pp_name lem)
end tactic.interactive
open function
example (X Y Z : Type) (f : X → Y) (g : Y → Z) (H : injective $ g ∘ f) :
injective f :=
intros x x' h,
apply_fun g at h,
exact H h
example (f : ℕ → ℕ) (a b : ℕ) (monof : monotone f) (h : a ≤ b) : f a ≤ f b :=
apply_fun f at h,
example (f : ℕ → ℕ) (a b : ℕ) (monof : monotone f) (h : a ≤ b) : f a ≤ f b :=
apply_fun f at h using monof,
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