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Created July 24, 2018 19:35
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Products of Cauchy filter are Cauchy, a shameful proof
import analysis.topology.uniform_space
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} [uniform_space α] [uniform_space β]
lemma prod_cauchy {f : filter α} {g : filter β} : cauchy f → cauchy g → cauchy ( f g) :=
rintros ⟨f_neq, f_prod⟩ ⟨g_neq, g_prod⟩,
{ rw filter.prod_neq_bot,
cc },
{ let p_α := λ (p : (α × β) × α × β), ((p.fst).fst, (p.snd).fst),
let p_β := λ (p : (α × β) × α × β), ((p.fst).snd, (p.snd).snd),
rw uniformity_prod,
have h1 : ( f g) ( f g) ≤
filter.vmap p_α uniformity,
{ intros r r_in,
rw filter.mem_vmap_sets at r_in,
rcases r_in with ⟨t, t_in, ht⟩,
rw filter.mem_prod_iff,
suffices : ∃ (t₁ ∈ ( f g).sets) (t₂ ∈ ( f g).sets), t₁ t₂ ⊆ p_α ⁻¹' t,
{ rcases this with ⟨t₁, in₁, t₂, in₂, H⟩,
existsi [t₁, in₁, t₂, in₂],
exact set.subset.trans H ht },
have t_in_ff := f_prod t_in,
have univ_in_gg : set.univ ∈ ( g g).sets := filter.univ_mem_sets,
rw filter.mem_prod_iff at t_in_ff,
rw filter.mem_prod_iff at univ_in_gg,
rcases t_in_ff with ⟨a₁, a₁_in, a₂, a₂_in, ha⟩,
rcases univ_in_gg with ⟨b₁, b₁_in, b₂, b₂_in, hb⟩,
let p₁ := a₁ b₁,
have in₁ : p₁ ∈ ( f g).sets,
by apply filter.prod_mem_prod ; assumption,
let p₂ := a₂ b₂,
have in₂ : p₂ ∈ ( f g).sets,
by apply filter.prod_mem_prod ; assumption,
existsi [p₁, in₁, p₂, in₂],
intros x x_in,
apply ha,
dsimp [p₁, p₂] at x_in,
dsimp[] at x_in,
cc },
have h2 : ( f g) ( f g) ≤ filter.vmap p_β uniformity,
{ intros r r_in,
rw filter.mem_vmap_sets at r_in,
rcases r_in with ⟨t, t_in, ht⟩,
rw filter.mem_prod_iff,
suffices : ∃ (t₁ ∈ ( f g).sets) (t₂ ∈ ( f g).sets), t₁ t₂ ⊆ p_β ⁻¹' t,
{ rcases this with ⟨t₁, in₁, t₂, in₂, H⟩,
existsi [t₁, in₁, t₂, in₂],
exact set.subset.trans H ht },
have t_in_gg := g_prod t_in,
have univ_in_ff : set.univ ∈ ( f f).sets := filter.univ_mem_sets,
rw filter.mem_prod_iff at t_in_gg,
rw filter.mem_prod_iff at univ_in_ff,
rcases t_in_gg with ⟨b₁, b₁_in, b₂, b₂_in, hb⟩,
rcases univ_in_ff with ⟨a₁, a₁_in, a₂, a₂_in, ha⟩,
let p₁ := a₁ b₁,
have in₁ : p₁ ∈ ( f g).sets,
by apply filter.prod_mem_prod ; assumption,
let p₂ := a₂ b₂,
have in₂ : p₂ ∈ ( f g).sets,
by apply filter.prod_mem_prod ; assumption,
existsi [p₁, in₁, p₂, in₂],
intros x x_in,
apply hb,
dsimp [p₁, p₂] at x_in,
dsimp[] at x_in,
cc },
exact lattice.le_inf h1 h2 },
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