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Created May 28, 2018 14:56
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Johan's simplicial set cleanup
import order.basic .simplex_category data.finset data.finsupp
local notation ` [`n`] ` := fin (n+1)
/-- Simplicial set -/
class simplicial_set :=
(objs : Π n : ℕ, Type*)
(maps {m n : ℕ} {f : [m] → [n]} (hf : monotone f) : objs n → objs m)
(comp {l m n : ℕ} {f : [l] → [m]} {g : [m] → [n]} (hf : monotone f) (hg : monotone g) :
(maps hf) ∘ (maps hg) = (maps (monotone_comp hf hg)))
namespace simplicial_set
/-- The i-th face map of a simplicial set -/
def δ {X : simplicial_set} {n : ℕ} (i : [n+1]) :=
maps (simplex_category.δ_monotone i)
lemma simplicial_identity₁ {X : simplicial_set} {n : ℕ} {i j : [n + 1]} (H : i ≤ j) :
(@δ X n) i ∘ δ j.succ = δ j ∘ δ i.raise := by finish [δ, comp, simplex_category.simplicial_identity₁]
end simplicial_set
namespace simplicial_complex
noncomputable theory
local attribute [instance] classical.prop_decidable
open finset finsupp simplicial_set group
variables (A : Type*) [module ℤ A] (X : simplicial_set) (n : ℕ)
-- We actually want to be more general:
-- variables {R : Type*} [ring R] (A : Type*) [module R A] (X : simplicial_set) (n : ℕ)
-- However, to make this work we need to do some work on modules:
-- - finsupp.to_module needs to be generalised (as suggested in a comment above it)
-- - is_linear_map should be a class so that we can have type class inference
/-- The simplicial complex associated with a simplicial set -/
def C := (@objs X n) →₀ A
instance : add_comm_group (C A X n) := finsupp.add_comm_group
/-- The boundary morphism of the simplicial complex -/
definition boundary : C A X (n+1) → C A X n :=
λ f, f.sum (λ x a,
(sum univ (λ i : [n+1], finsupp.single ((δ i) x) (((-1 : ℤ)^i.val) • a))))
instance: is_add_group_hom (boundary A X n) :=
⟨λ f g, begin
apply finsupp.sum_add_index,
{ finish },
{ finish [finset.sum_add_distrib, finset.sum_congr rfl, single_add, smul_add] }
lemma C_is_a_complex (γ : C A X (n+2)) : (boundary A X n) ((boundary A X (n+1)) γ) = 0 :=
apply finsupp.induction γ,
{ apply },
{ intros x a f xni ane h,
rw [is_add_group_hom.add (boundary A X (n + 1)), is_add_group_hom.add (boundary A X n), h, add_zero],
unfold boundary,
rw finsupp.sum_single_index,
{ rw ←finsupp.sum_finset_sum_index,
{ rw show sum univ (λ (i : [n+1+1]), sum (single (δ i x) ((-1 : ℤ) ^ i.val • a)) (λ (y : objs (n + 1)) (b : A), sum univ (λ (i : [n+1]), single (δ i y) ((-1 : ℤ)^i.val • b)))) =
sum univ (λ (i : [n+1+1]), (λ (y : objs (n + 1)) (b : A), sum univ (λ (i : [n+1]), single (δ i y) ((-1 : ℤ)^i.val • b))) (δ i x) ((-1 : ℤ)^i.val • a)),
by finish [finset.sum_congr rfl, finsupp.sum_single_index],
rw show sum univ (λ (j : [n+1+1]), sum univ (λ (i : [n+1]),
single (δ i (δ j x)) ((-1 : ℤ) ^ i.val • ((-1 : ℤ) ^ j.val • a)))) =
sum univ (λ (j : [n+1+1]), sum univ (λ (i : [n+1]),
single (((δ i) ∘ (δ j)) x) ((-1 : ℤ) ^ i.val • ((-1 : ℤ) ^ j.val • a)))), by unfold function.comp,
let temp := λ (p : [n+1+1] × [n+1]), single ((δ p.snd ∘ δ p.fst) x) ((-1 : ℤ)^p.snd.val • ((-1 : ℤ)^p.fst.val • a)),
rw ←@finset.sum_product _ _ _ _ _ _ temp,
rw ←@finset.sum_sdiff ([n+1+1] × [n+1]) _ (univ.filter (λ p : [n+1+1] × [n+1], p.fst.val ≤ p.snd.val)),
{ rw [←eq_neg_iff_add_eq_zero, ←finset.sum_neg_distrib],
apply eq.symm,
apply @finset.sum_bij ([n+1+1] × [n+1]) _ ([n+1+1] × [n+1]) _ (univ.filter (λ p : [n+1+1] × [n+1], p.fst.val ≤ p.snd.val)) _ _ _
(λ (p : [n+1+1] × [n+1]) hp, (p.snd.succ, ⟨p.fst.val,lt_of_le_of_lt ( hp).2 p.snd.is_lt⟩)),
{ intros p hp,
replace hp := ( hp).2,
apply nat.succ_le_succ,
exact hp },
{ intros p hp,
dsimp [temp],
simp [fin.succ],
let j := p.fst,
let i := p.snd,
show -single (δ i (δ j x)) ((-1 : ℤ)^i.val • ((-1 : ℤ)^j.val • a)) =
single (δ ⟨j.val, _⟩ (δ i.succ x))((-1 : ℤ)^j.val • ((-1 : ℤ)^nat.succ (i.val) • a)),
rw show -single (δ i (δ j x)) ((-1:ℤ)^i.val • (-1:ℤ)^j.val • a) =
single (δ i (δ j x)) (-((-1:ℤ)^i.val • (-1:ℤ)^j.val • a)),
apply finsupp.ext,
intro γ,
simp [single_apply],
split_ifs ; simp
apply finsupp.ext,
intro γ,
have you_know_this_lean : j.val < n + 1 + 1 := -- by schoolkid
apply lt_of_le_of_lt ( hp).2 i.is_lt,
rw show (δ ⟨j.val, you_know_this_lean⟩ (δ (fin.succ i) x)) = (δ i (δ j x)),
show ((δ ⟨j.val, you_know_this_lean⟩) ∘ (δ (fin.succ i))) x = ((δ i) ∘ (δ j)) x,
rw simplicial_identity₁,
{ suffices foo : (fin.raise ⟨j.val, you_know_this_lean⟩) = j,
{ rw foo },
{ apply fin.eq_of_veq,
finish }},
{ show j.val ≤ i.val,
exact ( hp).2 }
repeat {rw single_apply},
{ simp [pow_succ, eq.symm mul_smul, eq_neg_iff_add_eq_zero, add_smul, mul_comm] },
{ simp } },
{ intros p q hp hq,
intros h2 h1,
apply prod.ext.mpr,
{ apply fin.eq_of_veq,
apply fin.veq_of_eq h1 },
{ exact fin.succ.inj h2 }},
{ intros p hp,
simp at *,
existsi p.snd.raise,
existsi (⟨p.fst.val.pred, begin
induction H : p.fst.val with i,
{ simp [nat.zero_lt_succ] },
{ change i.succ ≤ n+2,
simp [eq.symm H, nat.le_of_succ_le_succ p.fst.is_lt] }
end⟩ : [n+1]),
existsi _,
{ apply prod.ext.mpr,
split; simp [fin.succ,fin.raise],
{ apply fin.eq_of_veq,
simp [nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (lt_of_le_of_lt (nat.zero_le p.snd.val) hp)] },
{ apply fin.eq_of_veq,
simp } },
{ simp,
exact (nat.pred_succ (p.fst).val ▸ nat.pred_le_pred hp) } } },
{ apply filter_subset }},
{ finish },
{ finish [finset.sum_add_distrib, finset.sum_congr rfl, single_add, smul_add] } },
{ finish }}
end simplicial_complex
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