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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Rumour has it ...

That there are numerous ways of dispatching those pesky rodents in which you don't even have to raise your longsword in anger. I've heard tales that all double dozen of them can be dispatched inside of thirty seconds. Wouldn't that be too good to be true?

It's been said that there's a connection between the old man's home and the king: 'The King said, "Bother!" and then he said, "Oh, deary me!". The King sobbed, "Oh, deary me!" and went back to bed. "Nobody," he whimpered, "could call me a fussy man; I only want a little bit Of butter for my bread!" Perhaps a serving at the correct location is in order?

Do you know that you can actually get MUD to say "fuck off" to you? Try experimenting ...

Have you ever considered other places to use those parachutes? One particular location is guaranteed to lead to a grizzly end, but in doing so you'll be given a strong hint to a great secret.

Want in to the badger's home but he'll have none of it? Someone snatched your ticket in? Think it through until the penny drops ...

This is a good few years old and I haven't tried it myself and it may since have been fixed, however; Doing exactly what your prudish parents warned you off could be a lifesaver when short on preparations as a low-life and having to deal with a petrifying creature of ancient aspect. Or at least so the story goes.

That MUD's full of surprises. If you were superman just how would you go about demonstrating your strength?

This may anger the powers that be but in times not long gone there was rumoured to be much super sharpening of axes in The Land. A very risky operation that some say rewards the adventurer far too handsomely. The use of a very special form of geological material is required, one that is justly referred to in hushed tones.

Pony taking you for a ride? Time to kick the habit and fly like the wind ...

Annoying how protective those creatures are of their possessions. One has become far too protective for my liking, but the trick it employs can be used to dispatch it and another possessive creature and yield the goodies. All that's required is a little patience ...

Fire can be scary as hell don't you think? No? Well do all things agree with you?

Legends tell of a terrible murder. Up from there, then towards the vegetation and on to the disused building. Ignore the hedge and head towards the surprisingly flat area. Keep that bearing until you can go no more. One to the east and there's a lurid hint for you. To the north is a similar though not so easily executed puzzle. There's gold in these hills I'm sure of it ...

Rumour has it ...

It's widely known that the forge can bestow points on the adventurous, but not that a certain item which is seldom ever disturbed can be used to avoid the dangerous side-effect. Perhaps poking around like this is just playing with fire.

Never discard a useful wafer, especially not one that's misunderstood. Experiment with one belonging to the man. There are conditions under which it can be eaten by anybody. It's not to be scoffed at though as it's the most powerful wafer in The Land by far!

It's possible to do one of the tasks up to four times in a single reset - and that's without wizardly intervention. It does require a lot of planning, cooperation, determination and luck however. I'll wager that all serious contenders for best ever reset scores (excluding kill points) include this trick.

Wafers are a weighty issue. It's been said that there a non-destructive ways of increasing their mass.

Like to while away the hours engrossed in a good novel? Someone obviously did. I bet there's a handsome reward for reuniting the collection. But just where would a real bookworm store such things?

The vampire likes blood, but how to give it to him and reap the rewards?

Annoying not being able to carry everything out of the inn all in one go isn't it? With delicate thought or uplifting ideas you can find other convenient ways out.

There's a point to doing eight tasks in a reset. If you've done it before you'll know what I mean.

I've not heard tell of anyone making use of this one recently. Most foods have nutritional bonuses, one of the more luxurious foods types however is good at combating the common cold. Perhaps those in the know are never actually get colds in the first place..

Ever considered inviting a zombie to a game of croquet? It's much more effective than you'd think.

Beaten to the brolly? Foxed to the parasol? Never mind, lie back and relax in springy comfort by using another bulky item that almost never gets swiped at the start of the reset..

Without being blunt, there are a number of potential weapons out there, better than all except the finest of swords, for slaying the evil one.

There's a bottle of bubbly it in for the one most avid collector in the land. You'll just have to rack your brains for what type of object though and just where to collect your reward.

Being miserly turns out to be a pretty neat trick. It'd be nicer if everything didn't turn up somewhere else though, eh?

Noticed that you can't go around throwing music items because they have an annoying habit of disappearing? There are ways around this in a flash if you time it properly. Why bother? Well as most people know, a certain profitable puzzle needs help or strong magic on humanoid mobiles. Well how about doing that puzzle without either? Ah ha...

Rumour has it ...

... that all keys are by nature expertly tooled. Some are just a little rusty and require a little lamp oil.

... Papaflame will be changing his name to Papastatic after long being frustrated with the attempts to bring death by flame to his enemies.

... that after a bit of help with the statues, Carl does the keep on his own!

... that Sonic, Carl, Havoc, Cheerbear and Hayt had planned an expedition to the goblin realm. Unfortunately Sonic lost his kit in the water, Carl needed to shower, Havoc had a rock climbing engagement, nobody wanted to help poor Cheerbear, and Hayt had suddenly disappeared only to be later found stuck on the toilet. What a shambles!

... that Verdant had a long night with the exceptionally large goblin. Pity no-one ever told him that the goblin is a coward when it comes to fire.

... that Verdant's been playing with the flute, only to find that the rats are disinterested. Not exactly trusting a certain columnist, he boldly stepped into the bunker and timidly entered: GET ALL. Note quite what he was expecting but..

... that the broadsword and a fungus aggravate the fiery breath. Poor Mao.

... that showing the skeleton the finger will get him out of your way.

... that an arrangement of red, white and gold should be presented, according to tradition, to the dead for a proportional reward.

... that Scud is smelly. Well, flowers can be too. Some with magical effect ...

... that with persistence, tea can be far more informative and useful than books.

... that Freya has found an innovative way of solving the swamp puzzle super fast when using three people. Woodnymph-reliants beware!

... that a certain pp hoover didn't know what happens when you rub two sticks together!

... that going for the rats is when you get caught out by nasty PKers. Aw ... But seriously, there's been talk that the bunker is a very safe place indeed, under the right conditions.

... that it makes for a gloomy reset if you're invisible and swamping large amounts of t.

... that Crowley recently found out that a boat can literally be stolen out from under your feet! Hope that was some consolation to Killdozer, who dropped carrier and got killed by said mage. Naughty Crowley.

... that Havoc's only just found out that you can simply walk into "Il Castleair" keyless!

... that Gilgamesh has been experimenting with one of the Lost Scrolls items, and found that you should move the ox in order to be able to experiment more. He says it's not about dropping, it's about throwing.

... that Laura has discovered inbuilt cheat codes which she claims grant guaranteed steals and impossibly good hits. Fortyplus denies it course, suggesting that writing 'steal me' on a cardboard box full of wafers while vis as a warlock probably makes the difference. He did concede that perhaps saying ELTRAB might be the key however.

... that good map making will reveal that the vicious rocks are just three movements away from the concealed inlet.

... that there is yet another way around those sneering statues. Simply ply a certain humanoid with a certain liquid for help and accompaniment (plus the occasional kiss or kick). Of course he can't control his habit so watch out just how much you give him!

Rumour Has It - Part 4

With the help of Thwomp, Havoc has provided us with another set of rumours for us to ponder over. Read through the following hints before filling in the questionnaire associated with this article.

I stumbled across a useful trick with the ogre the other day. The ogre had just dispatched the thief. Curiously enough it wasn't carrying its club, nor any weapon of any sort! Now how can that be ...?

Ever wondered how someone survived so many times in a row? Well, heat protection negates the dreaded flames of failure.

Here's a hint for all those "help pc" whiners. There are two ways in that are big enough for you to fit through, and most everybody knows them. To add to that though, there are multiple entries to two ways in that you won't fit through - or at least you won't survive them if you try. These can be utilised with any of five different objects to gain access. Enough said! Get thinking!

Burly's proving to be a bit of a hassle? No problem! Done properly, pestering the little one will anger the queen and cause her to open the way for you to by-pass them.

Archways or the vampire costing you your site? Not to worry! A certain item of attire to be found in the west of The Land will put a stop to it. All for a cost of course, which you should still find acceptable.

Not allowed out of the garden by big ol' bossy boots? Nasty mobiles stealing all your keep treasure on the way to the swamp? By-pass them all! Go leather! Go sturdy!

I thought I was going to win the fight. That is, until my foe upturned a boatload of rats on me! Now how did they manage that?!

Viper or the wyvern caught you unawares? No phial handy? Not to worry (too much) there's a warlock spell to help you out. You can cast it at lower levels with no ill effects. Be warned though, the effect is not as long lasting as those trusty phials.

One of the best conduits to places you can't otherwise reach, also doubles as a host for a dilapidated garden, gallery and mansion.

Pesky wizzes interfering? Gone and deafened your hero again while you were doing the hedgehog? Not to fear! You won't hear the notes to "Love Story" but the next thing you'll hear is bound to be the rushing of water and the creaking of evil trees.

Our furry friend bays for twice the points if his bane is placed at his feet. Not only that but the bonus increases proportional to the number of players at its location. The bonus is shared though, so you do have to be somewhat altruistic.

Thief runs off with your kit? He's all tooled up, leaving you with no hope of pulling off steals or a fight? No matter! Turn a vice of his against him, and you'll be collecting up all your kit risk free.

Regal it may be, but an illusion it is. Provide it a fish and it will abandon its valuable pelt.

Skeleton not taking kindly to your attempted advances? Not a problem, you just need protection. A common liquid can be blessed by pouring it into a certain stone of saintly life. A suitable vestibule is required, apart from that it's easy. Just be sure to have it on you before you get into trouble. This same trick can be used to inflict damage on any undead. The key is to work out the exact time at which it will break on impact. Don't do this unless you're happy to start a fight of course!

Short on time? That dusty tome with its' strange oriental characters never did mention the adjective "water" now did it?

It's annoying to extricate, but the osselesu is the same to the majority of dwarfs as some things are to vampires.

After that tome with your grubby little hands? Who ever said you had to fight for it?!

Too lazy to dispatch our pavonine-skinned friend in a fight? All sorts of beasties can be effectively summoned to do the dirty work for you. They just have to all have one thing in common.

Rumour Has It - Part 5

If MUD2 is a fresh dish, then bare in mind ...

... that the ox doesn't just produce any old shit; It's good fertilizer.

... that hedgehog football can be the start of something wonderful.

... that much can be learned from gazing in mirrors.

... that dwarfen spring water is very refreshing.

... that dropping your boat in a fight will give you much bigger hits.

... that appropriately filling the winerack or the bookshelf will be rewarded.

... that a tipple of malmsey is the road to quick recovery for the sniffles.

... that it's well worth playing with the violin.

... that doing the dishes is a worthy chore.

... that a lot of things you can wear have special properties.

If your keyboard has go-faster stripes, then did you should know ...

... that certain undead creatures hassle you less if you have a certain item found in a cave.

... that the weight of wafers is important.

... that bringing all of the parts of the body together by a grave will assist you in combat.

... that long armed weapons are more effective against sea life.

... that there are three routes to under the yew.

... that you can flush things down the toilets.

... that skeletons are cowards in the face of weapons of bone.

... that necromancers can command the undead to slay their enemies.

... that stone rats make for easier points.

... that more creatures than you might think can be enlisted to your aid.

... that a charged pendant is a useful pendant.

... that the touchstone is useful as a magic user.

If you type one-handed to even the playing field, see if you knew ...

... that you can swamp the crown more than the basic three times per reset.

... that there are many useful ways of throwing the pointers.

... that evil magic can be obtain at the ring of stones.

... that the mattress is good for soft landings in a fair few locations.

... that there's a safe way into the sorcerers room for people without magic.

... that spell protection items lower magic resistance.

... that you can regularly achieve over 120 eff dex without the litter.

... that you can escape flee loops by silly deathing yourself on command.

... that you can set up notification for when someone leaves the tea room.

... that the wolf can be made to be a deadly trap.

... that your choice of attire can pacify aggressive mobiles.

... that there are at least a couple of ways of reaching the ship during bad weather.

... that the grandfather clock sequences follow one of three preset courses.

... that the hedgehog can be forcibly reset.

... that all wandering mobiles can be motivated to move.

... that there many ways of reaching the dragons isle without the documentation.

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