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Created October 19, 2015 11:22
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import requests
from pyasn1.type import univ
from pyasn1.codec.ber import decoder, encoder
from pyasn1_modules import rfc2459
from ocsp import *
# settings
URL = 'https://yourdomain.tld/OCSP'
"http": "",
"https": "",
# variables
ISSUER_NAME_HASH = '01cb3044531fa8618a68d3c60596ab0555866b09'
ISSUER_KEY_HASH = '31c3791bbaf553d717e0897a2d176c0ab32b9d33'
ALGORITHM = rfc2437.id_sha1
def build_payload():
# initializations
tbsReq = TBSRequest()
certid = CertID()
request = Request()
requestList = univ.SequenceOf(componentType=Request())
req = OCSPRequest()
reqExts = rfc2459.Extensions().subtype(
explicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatSimple, 2))
reqExt = rfc2459.Extension()
signature = Signature()
certs = univ.SequenceOf(componentType=rfc2459.Certificate()).subtype(
explicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatSimple, 0)
cert = rfc2459.Certificate()
name = rfc2459.GeneralName()
# assignments
certid['hashAlgorithm'] = rfc2459.AlgorithmIdentifier()\
.setComponentByName('algorithm', ALGORITHM)\
.setComponentByName('parameters', univ.Any(hexValue=ALGO_PARAMS_HEX))
certid['issuerNameHash'] = univ.OctetString(hexValue=ISSUER_NAME_HASH)
certid['issuerKeyHash'] = univ.OctetString(hexValue=ISSUER_KEY_HASH)
certid['serialNumber'] = rfc2459.CertificateSerialNumber(SERIAL_NUMBER)
request['reqCert'] = certid
# optional field
#request['singleRequestExtension'] = reqExt
reqExt['extnID'] = univ.ObjectIdentifier('')
reqExt['critical'] = univ.Boolean('False')
reqExt['extnValue'] = univ.Any(hexValue='04120410236e5193af7958f49edcc756ed6c6dd3')
reqExts[0] = reqExt
requestList[0] = request
# optional
# TODO: fill name?
#tbsReq['requestorName'] = name
tbsReq['requestList'] = requestList
# optional
tbsReq['requestExtensions'] = reqExts
tbsReq['version'] = Version(0).subtype(
explicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatSimple, 0))
# optional
# TODO fill cert?
signature['signatureAlgorithm'] = rfc2459.AlgorithmIdentifier()\
.setComponentByName('algorithm', rfc2437.sha1WithRSAEncryption)
signature['signature'] = univ.BitString("'010101010101'B")
certs[0] = cert
signature['certs'] = certs
req['tbsRequest'] = tbsReq
# optional signature
#req['optionalSignature'] = signature
return req
def send_payload(payload):
# encode in ASN.1
data = encoder.encode(payload)
# send to server
response =,
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/ocsp-request'},
return response.content
def decode(data, spec):
# decode response
ocspResponse = decoder.decode(data, asn1Spec=spec)
for r in ocspResponse:
# is asn.1 decodable?
if hasattr(r, 'prettyPrint'):
return r
if __name__ == '__main__':
from pyasn1 import debug
payload = build_payload()
response = send_payload(payload)
response = decode(response, OCSPResponse())
print("Status:", response['responseStatus'].prettyPrint())
response = decode(response['responseBytes']['response'], BasicOCSPResponse())
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