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Last active February 9, 2024 23:29
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Get all keys or values of a nested dictionary or list in Python
def iterate_all(iterable, returned="key"):
"""Returns an iterator that returns all keys or values
of a (nested) iterable.
- iterable: <list> or <dictionary>
- returned: <string> "key" or "value"
- <iterator>
if isinstance(iterable, dict):
for key, value in iterable.items():
if returned == "key":
yield key
elif returned == "value":
if not (isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, list)):
yield value
raise ValueError("'returned' keyword only accepts 'key' or 'value'.")
for ret in iterate_all(value, returned=returned):
yield ret
elif isinstance(iterable, list):
for el in iterable:
for ret in iterate_all(el, returned=returned):
yield ret
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LiorBitton commented Jan 25, 2023

I used @mh-malekpour code and added support for objects that are nested inside of arrays.

def generic_items(dict_or_list):
	if type(dict_or_list) is dict:
		return dict_or_list.items()
	if type(dict_or_list) is list:
		return enumerate(dict_or_list)
def get_keys(dictionary):
	result = []
	for key, value in generic_items(dictionary):
		if type(value) is dict or type(value) is list:
			new_keys = get_keys(value)
			for innerkey in new_keys:
	return result

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