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Last active April 16, 2023 11:36
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Save Patrikios/bb19303df830526ebd0632dddefe1987 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
chatGPT interactions, as well to help you generate and evaluate code
# an example of using package 'chatgpt' to help you generate pipaeble code
# I used here code that I have seen on twitter
# however I cannot locate it anymore, no pun intended, will update the sources once I found it
# my package loader (installs packages if they are not installed)
if (!require(attachee)) {
if (!require(devtools)) {
} else {
# Set your OpenAI API key here
sk = "sk-number" # get from chatGPT
Sys.setenv(OPENAI_API_KEY = sk)
# load the package
# basic operations
cat(ask_chatgpt("What do you think about R language?"))
cat(comment_code("for (i in 1:10) {\n print(i ** 2)\n}"))
cat(complete_code("# A function to square each element of a vector\nsquare_each <- function("))
# let chat gpt help you coding
# seen somewhere online on twitter I think, no pun intended
describe_data_df <- function(x) {
res_1 <- paste0("data is a dataframe with ", ncol(x), " colums", ":")
res_2 <- sapply(x, class)
res_2 <- sapply(1:length(res_2), function(x) {
paste0("- Column ", x, " is named '", names(res_2)[x], "' and is of class ", res_2[x], ".")
res_2 <- paste(res_2, collapse = "\n")
res <- paste(res_1, res_2, sep = "\n")
gpt_do <- function(data, prompt) {
Sys.setenv(OPENAI_MODEL = "text-davinci-003")
if(! {
stop("data is not a dataframe.")
gpt_prompt <- paste0(describe_data_df(data),
"Put the result in an object called 'res'",
"Return only the code, do not comment or explain.",
sep = "\n")
gpt_code <- chatgpt::ask_chatgpt(gpt_prompt)
eval(parse(text = gpt_code))
grab_and_attach(palmerpenguins, dplyr, ggplot2)
palmerpenguins::penguins %>%
gpt_do("Use dplyr to add a new variable bill_product by multiplying bill_length_mm by bill_depth_mm") %>%
filter(! %>%
gpt_do("Make a scatterplot with ggplot showing the relationship between bill_product and body_mass_g.
Create a panel for each sex. Use a bright theme. Rewrite the axis labels")
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