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Last active September 20, 2022 15:42
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Overview of the parallelism/concurrent/distributed framework of julia in a nutshell
# Multithreaded programming in Julia
Julia supports multiple types of parallelism
- SIMD (handled by the compiler) -> for instance the package StaticArrays.jl, short static vectors incline to encourage SIMD operations, a further reason why the package is so efficient
- Threads with shared memory (this documents touches upon this point)
- Distributed (multi-mode, not sharing memory)
- GPUs
Getting started with Threads
- use `julia -t 4` to start julia with 4 Threads
- In VSCode use the settings' julia.numThreads variable
# 4
# 1
Julia uses a task based model, where it has a fixed number of Threads
and schedule defined pieces of the work (Task's) onto them.
Julia Team likes this model bacause for them, it is 'composable'.
using Images, Statistics
using Base.Threads: @spawn, @threads, threadid
x = @spawn threadid()
for i = 1:10
println( "Hello from thread ", threadid() )
@threads for i in 1:10
println( "Hello from thread ", threadid() )
@spawn println( "Hello from thread ", threadid() )
@sync begin
@spawn println( "Hello from thread ", threadid() )
@spawn println( "Hello from thread ", threadid() )
@spawn println( "Hello from thread ", threadid() )
@spawn println( "Hello from thread ", threadid() )
t1 = @spawn mean(randn(1_000_000_000))
##--- prove there are multiple threads ---------------------------------------------------
x = 1
@spawn begin
while x == 1
1 + 1 # u can run this asynchronously (while the previous code still runs), as the loop runs in the background which doesn't block the main session
x = 0 # interupts the background process as x is not anymore equal to 1
#--- memory is shared hence the spawned thread has access to the main threads memory ---
using DataFrames
using Statistics
t = @spawn begin
n = 100000000
d1 = DataFrame(x = 1:n)
temp = d1.x |> sum
d1.y = repeat([temp], n)
print("Hello world!")
df = fetch(t)
Use @threads for loops with uniform iterations
use @spawn for unbalanced and nested parallelism
## example for unbalanced parallelism
function escapetime(z; maxiter = 80)
c = z
for n = 1:maxiter
if abs(z) > 2
return n-1
z = z^2 + c
return maxiter
function mandel(; width = 80, height = 20, maxiter = 80)
out = zeros(Int, height, width)
real = range(-2.0,0.5,length=width)
imag = range(-1.0,1.0,length=height)
for x in 1:width
for y in 1:height
z = real[x] + imag[y]*im
out[x,y]= escapetime(z, maxiter = maxiter)
return out
mandel(width = 80, height = 20, maxiter = 80)
# somethin the code above doesnt want to even even though it is one to one copy from
using ThreadsX #parallel versions of common algos like sum, sort, max, min etc
@time sqrt(6 * sum(1/n^2 for n in 1:1_000_000_000))
@time sqrt(6 * ThreadsX.sum(1/n^2 for n in 1:1_000_000_000))
- I/O is itegrated with task system
- file, socket, pipe I/O is thread-safe and can overlap
- compute tasks with I/O latency
- can speed up file I/O a bit using 'open(filename, lock = false)' when yuo need multi-threaded access
- data races are possible but fairly easy to avoid with these hogher-level constructs
- Base julia data structures are usually not thread-safe by default
- for more advances cases:
- channels (inter-task communication)
- locks
- atomic operations
# race condition
x = [0]
@threads for i = 1:1000
x[1] += 1
# VS
# no race condition however the atomic is expensive operation
x = Threads.Atomic{Int}(0)
@threads for i = 1:1000
Threads.atomic_add!(x, 1)
# async is an older kyeword, not really neccessary anymore, one can use @spawn instead
@async f($(g(x)), 1)
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