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Last active February 23, 2021 00:42
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Canvas rendering in PureScript
"name": "purescript-canvas-rendering",
"ignore": [
"dependencies": {
"purescript-prelude": "^3.0.0",
"purescript-console": "^3.0.0",
"purescript-math": "^2.0.0",
"purescript-canvas": "^3.0.0",
"purescript-dom": "^4.3.1",
"purescript-refs": "^3.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"purescript-psci-support": "^3.0.0"
module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Math (pi, cos, sin)
import Graphics.Canvas (CANVAS, Context2D, getCanvasElementById, getContext2D, setFillStyle, fillRect, moveTo, lineTo, withContext, setStrokeStyle, beginPath, closePath, stroke, CanvasElement, getCanvasWidth, getCanvasHeight, clearRect)
import DOM (DOM)
import DOM.HTML (window)
import DOM.HTML.Types (Window)
import DOM.HTML.Window (requestAnimationFrame)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Ref (REF, newRef, readRef, writeRef, Ref)
-- These are functions which are useful in general
clearCanvas :: forall e. CanvasElement -> Eff (canvas :: CANVAS | e) Unit
clearCanvas canvas = do
width <- getCanvasWidth canvas
height <- getCanvasHeight canvas
ctx <- getContext2D canvas
void $ clearRect ctx { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, w: width, h: height }
loopAnimation :: forall e state.
Window ->
Ref state ->
state ->
(state -> Eff (ref :: REF, dom :: DOM | e) state) ->
Eff (ref :: REF, dom :: DOM | e) Unit
loopAnimation window ref state step =
void $ requestAnimationFrame
do loopAnimation window ref state step
state <- readRef ref
state <- step state
writeRef ref state
withAnimation :: forall e state.
state ->
(state -> Eff (ref :: REF, dom :: DOM | e) state) ->
Eff (ref :: REF, dom :: DOM | e) Unit
withAnimation state step = do
window <- window
ref <- newRef state
loopAnimation window ref state step
withAnimateContext :: forall e state.
String ->
state ->
(Context2D -> state -> Eff (dom :: DOM, ref :: REF, canvas :: CANVAS | e) state) ->
Eff (dom :: DOM, ref :: REF, canvas :: CANVAS | e) Unit
withAnimateContext name state draw = do
canvas <- getCanvasElementById name
case canvas of
Just canvas -> do
ctx <- getContext2D canvas
withAnimation state \state -> do
clearCanvas canvas
draw ctx state
Nothing -> pure unit
withStroke :: forall e.
Context2D ->
String ->
(Context2D -> Eff (canvas :: CANVAS | e) Context2D) ->
Eff (canvas :: CANVAS | e) Context2D
withStroke ctx color draw = withContext ctx do
ctx <- setStrokeStyle color ctx
ctx <- beginPath ctx
ctx <- draw ctx
ctx <- closePath ctx
stroke ctx
-- Define 3D and 2D Point objects
newtype Point3D = Point3D { x :: Number, y :: Number, z :: Number }
newtype Point2D = Point2D { x :: Number, y :: Number }
qx :: Number
qx = pi / 4.0
qy :: Number
qy = pi / 3.0
qz :: Number
qz = pi / 4.0
project :: Point3D -> Point2D
project (Point3D { x, y, z }) =
let xRotQz = x * (cos qz) + y * (sin qz)
yRotQz = y * (cos qz) - x * (sin qz)
yRotQzQx = yRotQz * (cos qx) + z * (sin qx)
zRotQzQx = z * (cos qx) - yRotQz * (sin qx)
xRotQzQxQy = xRotQz * (cos qy) + zRotQzQx * (sin qy)
Point2D { x: xRotQzQxQy, y: yRotQzQx }
drawLine :: forall e. Context2D -> Point2D -> Point2D -> Eff (canvas :: CANVAS | e) Context2D
drawLine ctx (Point2D from) (Point2D to) = do
ctx <- moveTo ctx from.x from.y
lineTo ctx to.x to.y
newtype Cube = Cube
{ x :: Number
, y :: Number
, z :: Number
, size :: Number
, color :: String }
drawCube :: forall e. Context2D -> Cube -> Eff (canvas :: CANVAS | e) Context2D
drawCube ctx (Cube { color, x, y, z, size }) = do
let half = size / 2.0
let v1 = project $ Point3D { x: x - half, y: y - half, z: z - half }
let v2 = project $ Point3D { x: x - half, y: y + half, z: z - half }
let v3 = project $ Point3D { x: x - half, y: y - half, z: z + half }
let v4 = project $ Point3D { x: x - half, y: y + half, z: z + half }
let v5 = project $ Point3D { x: x + half, y: y - half, z: z - half }
let v6 = project $ Point3D { x: x + half, y: y + half, z: z - half }
let v7 = project $ Point3D { x: x + half, y: y - half, z: z + half }
let v8 = project $ Point3D { x: x + half, y: y + half, z: z + half }
withStroke ctx color \ctx -> do
ctx <- drawLine ctx v1 v5
ctx <- drawLine ctx v5 v6
ctx <- drawLine ctx v6 v2
ctx <- drawLine ctx v2 v1
ctx <- drawLine ctx v3 v7
ctx <- drawLine ctx v7 v8
ctx <- drawLine ctx v8 v4
ctx <- drawLine ctx v4 v3
ctx <- drawLine ctx v1 v3
ctx <- drawLine ctx v5 v7
ctx <- drawLine ctx v6 v8
drawLine ctx v2 v4
drawScene :: forall e. Context2D -> Eff (canvas :: CANVAS | e) Context2D
drawScene ctx = do
ctx <- setFillStyle "rgb(122,230,232)" ctx
fillRect ctx { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, w: 500.0, h: 400.0 }
main :: forall e. Eff (dom :: DOM, ref :: REF, canvas :: CANVAS | e) Unit
main =
state = { x: 300.0
, y: 600.0
, dx: 5.0
, dy: 5.0 }
withAnimateContext "thecanvas" state \ctx state -> do
ctx <- drawScene ctx
void $ drawCube ctx $ Cube { x: state.x, y: state.y, z: 0.0, size: 200.0, color: "rgb(0,0,0)" }
-- Update the state
pure $ state { x = state.x + state.dx
, y = state.y + state.dy }
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