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Last active April 24, 2022 12:55
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  • Save Paul-Reed/c29cfa755fed666805956eb6da42a0d0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Paul-Reed/c29cfa755fed666805956eb6da42a0d0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A node-red flow which runs an archive routine, uploading data to Dropbox for safe keeping!
[{"id":"3857b636.3f0c9a","type":"comment","z":"4487e413.bb781c","name":"Nightly Backups","info":"","x":144,"y":1212,"wires":[]},{"id":"d7570d3d.383af","type":"inject","z":"4487e413.bb781c","name":"Start backup","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"00 03 * * *","once":false,"x":151,"y":1262,"wires":[["d3620081.6ce2a"]]},{"id":"86146d4a.44769","type":"function","z":"4487e413.bb781c","name":"Triggered queue","func":"// if queue doesn't exist, create it\ncontext.queue = context.queue || [];\ncontext.busy = context.busy || false;\n\n// if the msg is a trigger one release next message\nif (msg.hasOwnProperty(\"trigger\")) {\n if (context.queue.length > 0) {\n var m = context.queue.shift();\n return {payload:m};\n }\n else {\n context.busy = false;\n // node.send({payload:\"result\"});\n var msg2 = { payload:\"OK\" };\n }\n}\nelse {\n if (context.busy) {\n // if busy add to queue\n context.queue.push(msg.payload);\n }\n else {\n // otherwise we are empty so just pass through and set busy flag\n context.busy = true;\n return msg;\n }\n}\n\nreturn [null,msg2];","outputs":"2","noerr":0,"x":330,"y":1317,"wires":[["37086894.134c48"],["bc2d8cea.d1e1d"]]},{"id":"f455a591.cf6ea8","type":"function","z":"4487e413.bb781c","name":"set trigger","func":"// handle the return from the exec in here \n// if all is good then set msg.trigger property to exist\nmsg.trigger = 1;\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":601,"y":1316,"wires":[["86146d4a.44769"]]},{"id":"37086894.134c48","type":"exec","z":"4487e413.bb781c","command":"","addpay":true,"append":"","useSpawn":"false","timer":"","oldrc":false,"name":"Execute commands","x":631,"y":1261,"wires":[["f455a591.cf6ea8"],[],["5fb57ced.cc8774"]]},{"id":"bc2d8cea.d1e1d","type":"function","z":"4487e413.bb781c","name":"Read filenames","func":"var path = ('/home/pi/.temp_nodered/');\nvar fs = (global.get('fse'));\n\nfs.readdirSync(path).forEach(file => {\n node.send({localFilename: \"/home/pi/.temp_nodered/\"+(file)});\n});\nreturn null;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":328,"y":1358,"wires":[["d12bd518.7b64b8"]]},{"id":"d12bd518.7b64b8","type":"dropbox out","z":"4487e413.bb781c","dropbox":"","filename":"","localFilename":"","name":"","x":603,"y":1358,"wires":[]},{"id":"d3620081.6ce2a","type":"function","z":"4487e413.bb781c","name":"Generate commands","func":"//--Edit these to your own installation\nvar emonpath = '/home/pi/data'; //location of emoncms datafile directory\nvar mysqlUsername = \"emoncms\"; //MYSQL username\nvar mysqlPassword = \"emonpiemoncmsmysql2016\"; //MYSQL password\n//Don't change these!\nvar path = '/home/pi/.temp_nodered/';\nvar tmp_path = '/tmp/mysql_backup/';\n\n//Generate days to add to archive title\nvar d = new Date();\nvar day = new Array(7);\nday[0]= \"Sun\";\nday[1] = \"Mon\";\nday[2] = \"Tue\";\nday[3] = \"Wed\";\nday[4] = \"Thu\";\nday[5] = \"Fri\";\nday[6] = \"Sat\";\n\n//Create directory structure\nvar m1={payload: \"rm -rf \"+[path]};\nvar m2={payload: \"mkdir \"+[path]};\nvar m3={payload: \"mkdir \"+[tmp_path]};\n\n// ************************************************************************* //\n// *** The below commands will archive the entire node-red user directory,\n// *** emoncms data directories & mysql. To add further commands, use the\n// *** same format, and add the corresponding msg id to the 'return' statement.\n// ************************************************************************* //\n//---NODE-RED---//\n //Create ~/.node-red archive\n var m4={payload: \"tar -czvf \"+[path]+(day[d.getDay()])+\"_nodered\"+\".tar.gz /home/pi/.node-red\"};\n//---EMONCMS---//\n //Stop apache to enable emoncms data backup\n var m5={payload: \"sudo service apache2 stop\"};\n //Archive emoncms feeddata\n var m6={payload: \"tar -czvf \"+[path]+(day[d.getDay()])+\"_emoncms\"+\".tar.gz \"+[emonpath]};\n //Restart apache\n var m7={payload: \"sudo service apache2 start\"};\n //export emoncms database to RAM, then archive it to .temp_nodered/\n var m8={payload: \"mysqldump --lock-tables --user=\"+[mysqlUsername]+\" --password=\"+[mysqlPassword]+\" emoncms > \"+[tmp_path]+\"emoncms.sql\"};\n var m9={payload: \"tar -czvf \"+[path]+(day[d.getDay()])+\"_mysql\"+\".tar.gz /tmp/mysql_backup\"};\n var m10={payload: \"rm -rf \"+[tmp_path]}; //delete old tmp directory from RAM\n// ****************************************************** //\n\n// Output the commands for execution\nreturn [ [ m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m10 ] ];","outputs":"1","noerr":0,"x":355,"y":1262,"wires":[["86146d4a.44769"]]},{"id":"5fb57ced.cc8774","type":"function","z":"4487e413.bb781c","name":"Report any errors","func":"var code = (msg.payload.code);\nif ([code] != \"0\") {\nmsg.payload = (msg.payload.message);\nmsg.topic = \"Raspberry backup process failed\";\nreturn msg;\n}\nelse {\nreturn null;\n}","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":337,"y":1401,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"e25b51a7.6cf8c","type":"comment","z":"4487e413.bb781c","name":"README (select & view in info panel!)","info":"**REQUIREMENTS** \nRequires the library fs-extra installing & enabling\nglobally in settngs.js \n(used in `Read Filenames` function node)\n\nTO INSTALL FS-EXTRA \n```\ncd ./node-red \nnpm install --save fs-extra\n```\nTO MAKE FS-EXTRA GLOBAL \nAdd `fse:require('fs-extra')` to the\n`functionGlobalContext` section in NR settings.js file.\n\n**CONFIGURATION** \nEdit the `Generate commands` function node with \nyour own; \n- Emoncms data directory path\n- Emoncms MYSQL username (default = emoncms)\n- Emoncms MYSQL password \n\nSetup the `dropbox` node, (details in the node info) \nAlso edit the `Start backup` inject node with your preferred time to run. \nIf you want to be alerted about archive problems or failures, you can use the `Report any errors` node output to dispatch the message via Pushover, email, twitter or whatever.","x":400,"y":1211,"wires":[]}]
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You can find where your data files are stored by looking at your emoncms settings.php, which will tell you. For example;

        // Engines working folder. Default is /var/lib/phpfiwa,phpfina,phptimeseries
        // On windows or shared hosting you will likely need to specify a different data directory--
        // Make sure that emoncms has write permission's to the datadirectory folders
            'datadir' => '/mnt/data/emondata/phpfiwa/'
            'datadir' => '/mnt/data/emondata/phpfina/'
            'datadir' => '/mnt/data/emondata/phptimeseries/'
            'keyspace' => 'emoncms'

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orandaadnaro commented May 29, 2019

Hi Paul
I've only just come to using node-red from using BBC Basic - years ago,

I'm having problems with this error on a node-red only backup installation.

29/05/2019, 10:15:16node: Read filenames
function : (error)
"TypeError: Cannot read property 'readdirSync' of undefined"

I'm also not getting any error messages sent to my e-mail, which I attached to the 'Report any errors' node

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MuddyVT commented Apr 24, 2022

Have you updated this to work with the new dropbox authorization process? I moved a node red install to a new pc and tried to use your wonderful code again with no luck. The access tokens only last 4 hours now.... It worked just once..

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@MuddyVT I think your question is more for the author of node-red-node-dropbox to answer, as my flow simply collates all of the required node-RED files, compresses them, and feeds the resulting archive into the default dropbox node for uploading.

Perhaps a post in the forum may prompt some feedback from the node-RED team, who maintain the dropbox node.

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