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Last active March 1, 2024 13:46
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  • Save PaulDMendoza/6ab205ec1985ace145d1c16cb2b8cb17 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Postgresql table to C# class converter
SELECT 'public ' ||
when data_type = 'uuid' THEN 'Guid'
when data_type = 'text' then 'string'
when data_type = 'json' then 'string'
when data_type = 'integer' then 'int'
when data_type = 'boolean' then 'bool'
when data_type = 'bigint' then 'long'
when data_type = 'timestamp with time zone' then 'DateTimeOffset'
when data_type = 'timestamp without time zone' then 'DateTime'
when data_type = 'money' then 'decimal'
when data_type = 'numeric' then 'decimal'
when data_type = 'jsonb' then 'string'
when data_type = 'real' then 'float'
when data_type = 'ARRAY' then
(case when udt_name = '_text' then 'string'
when udt_name = '_uuid' then 'Guid'
when udt_name = '_int4' then 'int'
else data_type end)
|| '[]'
else data_type
when is_nullable = 'YES' and (data_type = 'uuid' or data_type = 'integer' or data_type = 'boolean' or data_type = 'timestamp with time zone' or data_type = 'numeric' or data_type = 'real') THEN '?'
else '' end
' ' || column_name || ' { get; set; } '
as sql
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema = 'public'
AND table_name = 'enterprisecontactmetadata';
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