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Created February 9, 2012 02:30
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Save PaulFarry/1776629 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ASCII85 / Base85 Encoder/Decoder for VB.NET
Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO
''' <summary>
''' VB.Net implementation of ASCII85 encoding.
''' Based on C code from
''' based on C# Jeff Atwood
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Class Ascii85
''' <summary>
''' Prefix mark that identifies an encoded ASCII85 string, traditionally &lt;~
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public PrefixMark As String = "<~"
''' <summary>
''' Suffix mark that identifies an encoded ASCII85 string, traditionally ~&gt;
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public SuffixMark As String = "~>"
''' <summary>
''' Maximum line length for encoded ASCII85 string;
''' set to zero for one unbroken line.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public LineLength As Integer = 75
''' <summary>
''' Add the Prefix and Suffix marks when encoding, and enforce their presence for decoding
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Property EnforceMarks As Boolean = True
Private Const _asciiOffset As Integer = 33
Private _encodedBlock As Byte()
Private _decodedBlock As Byte()
Private _tuple As UInt32 = 0
Private _linePos As Integer = 0
Private zMark As Char = CChar("z")
Private pow85 As UInt32() = {(85 * 85 * 85 * 85), (85 * 85 * 85), (85 * 85), 85, 1}
Public Sub New()
_encodedBlock = CType(Array.CreateInstance(GetType(Byte), 5), Byte())
_decodedBlock = CType(Array.CreateInstance(GetType(Byte), 4), Byte())
End Sub
Private Sub Reset()
Array.Clear(_encodedBlock, 0, _encodedBlock.Length)
Array.Clear(_decodedBlock, 0, _decodedBlock.Length)
_tuple = 0
_linePos = 0
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Decodes an ASCII85 encoded string into the original binary data
''' </summary>
''' <param name="s">ASCII85 encoded string</param>
''' <returns>byte array of decoded binary data</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function Decode(s As String) As Byte()
If (EnforceMarks) Then
If (Not s.StartsWith(PrefixMark) Or Not s.EndsWith(SuffixMark)) Then
Throw New Exception("ASCII85 encoded data should begin with '" & PrefixMark & "' and end with '" + SuffixMark + "'")
End If
' strip prefix and suffix if present
If (s.StartsWith(PrefixMark)) Then
s = s.Substring(PrefixMark.Length)
End If
If (s.EndsWith(SuffixMark)) Then
s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - SuffixMark.Length)
End If
End If
Using ms As New MemoryStream()
Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim processChar As Boolean = False
For Each c As Char In s
Select Case c
Case zMark
If (count <> 0) Then
Throw New Exception("The character 'z' is invalid inside an ASCII85 block.")
End If
_decodedBlock(0) = 0
_decodedBlock(1) = 0
_decodedBlock(2) = 0
_decodedBlock(3) = 0
ms.Write(_decodedBlock, 0, _decodedBlock.Length)
processChar = False
Case Chr(10), Chr(13), Chr(9), Chr(0), Chr(12), Chr(8)
processChar = False
Case Else
If (c < "!" Or c > "u") Then
Throw New Exception("Bad character '" + c + "' found. ASCII85 only allows characters '!' to 'u'.")
End If
processChar = True
End Select
If (processChar) Then
_tuple += (CType((Asc(c) - _asciiOffset) * pow85(count), UInteger))
count += 1
If (count = _encodedBlock.Length) Then
ms.Write(_decodedBlock, 0, _decodedBlock.Length)
_tuple = 0
count = 0
End If
End If
'if we have some bytes left over at the end..
If (count <> 0) Then
If (count = 1) Then
Throw New Exception("The last block of ASCII85 data cannot be a single byte.")
End If
count -= 1
_tuple += pow85(count)
Dim i As Integer
While (i < count)
i += 1
End While
End If
Return ms.ToArray()
End Using
End Function
''' <summary>
'''Encodes binary data into a plaintext ASCII85 format string
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ba">binary data to encode</param>
''' <returns>ASCII85 encoded string</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function Encode(ba As Byte()) As String
Dim sb As New StringBuilder(CInt(ba.Length * (_encodedBlock.Length / _decodedBlock.Length)))
_linePos = 0
If EnforceMarks Then
AppendString(sb, PrefixMark)
End If
Dim count As Integer = 0
_tuple = 0
For Each b As Byte In ba
If count >= _decodedBlock.Length - 1 Then
_tuple = _tuple Or b
If _tuple = 0 Then
AppendChar(sb, zMark)
End If
_tuple = 0
count = 0
_tuple = _tuple Or (CUInt(b) << 24 - (count * 8))
count += 1
End If
' if we have some bytes left over at the end..
If count > 0 Then
EncodeBlock(count + 1, sb)
End If
If EnforceMarks Then
AppendString(sb, SuffixMark)
End If
Return sb.ToString()
End Function
Private Sub EncodeBlock(sb As StringBuilder)
EncodeBlock(_encodedBlock.Length, sb)
End Sub
Private Sub EncodeBlock(count As Integer, sb As StringBuilder)
For i As Integer = _encodedBlock.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
_encodedBlock(i) = CByte(((_tuple Mod 85) + &H21))
_tuple = CUInt(_tuple \ 85)
For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
Me.AppendChar(sb, Chr(_encodedBlock(i)))
End Sub
Private Sub DecodeBlock()
End Sub
Private Sub DecodeBlock(bytes As Integer)
For i As Integer = 0 To bytes - 1
_decodedBlock(i) = CType((_tuple >> (24 - (i * 8))) And 255, Byte)
End Sub
Private Sub AppendString(sb As StringBuilder, s As String)
If (LineLength > 0 AndAlso (_linePos + s.Length > LineLength)) Then
_linePos = 0
_linePos += s.Length
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AppendChar(sb As StringBuilder, c As Char)
_linePos += 1
If (LineLength > 0 AndAlso (_linePos >= LineLength)) Then
_linePos = 0
End If
End Sub
End Class
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