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Created October 11, 2016 21:56
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BBC Micro:bit Arkanoid clone
from microbit import *
# quickly create a level of two rows, with pixels set to 0 hits and 1 hits
blocks = [[1 - i for j in range(5) ] for i in range(2)]
ball = [2, 3]
ball_direction = [1,-1]
paddle = [2, 4]
previous_game_time = running_time()
ball_timing = running_time()
game_time = running_time()
running = True
# Set up the board.
def setup_line(line, value):
for i in range(5):
display.set_pixel(i, line, value)
def draw_blocks():
for x in range(5):
for y in range(2):
display.set_pixel(x, y, blocks[y][x])
def draw_ball():
display.set_pixel(ball[0], ball[1], 4)
def draw_paddle():
display.set_pixel(paddle[0], paddle[1], 5)
display.set_pixel(paddle[0]+1, paddle[1], 5)
def move_ball():
global ball
ball = next_position()
def next_position():
return [ball[0] + ball_direction[0], ball[1] + ball_direction[1]]
def check_ball_collisions():
global running
if ball[1] == 4:
# Has the ball hit the bottom. Stop the ball and Game over
ball_direction[0] = 0
ball_direction[1] = 0
running = False
# Has the ball hit the paddle.
if ball[1] == 3 and (ball[0] == paddle[0] or ball[0] == paddle[0] + 1):
# 3, so it doesn't embed in the paddle
ball_direction[1] = -ball_direction[1]
if ball[1] == 3 and (ball[0] == paddle[0] - 1 or ball[0] == paddle[0] + 2):
# ball hit odd angle of paddle.. note might reflect it back up one day
ball_direction[0] = -ball_direction[0]
# Has the ball hit wall (left, right, top). We can still hit something
if ball[0] == 0 or ball[0] == 4:
ball_direction[0] = -ball_direction[0]
if ball[1] == 0:
ball_direction[1] = -ball_direction[1]
if ball[1] <= 2:
# Blocks can only be in top two rows in this game
if blocks[ball[1] - 1][ball[0]] > 0:
# We hit a block, take a life from the block
blocks[ball[1] -1][ball[0]] = blocks[ball[1] -1][ball[0]] -1
# send the ball back down.
ball_direction[1] = -ball_direction[1]
flipflop = 1
while running:
# get input
if button_a.is_pressed() and paddle[0] >= 1:
paddle[0] = paddle[0] - 1
if button_b.is_pressed() and paddle[0] < 3:
paddle[0] = paddle[0] + 1
if game_time - ball_timing > 500:
flipflop = flipflop ^ 1
display.set_pixel(4, 4, flipflop)
ball_timing = game_time
# draw state
previous_game_time = game_time
game_time = running_time()
display.scroll('Game Over')
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Can you make this with code blocks

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