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Last active June 17, 2024 10:39
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gist for html to delta conversion for quill js

Code for converting Html to delta for Quill editor in python

some of the attributes maybe missing or not correct. If you find any please feel free to notify me and update this gist

Below is the code for converting

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString

def convert_html_to_delta(html_string):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html_string, "html.parser")
    delta = {"ops": []}
    for element in soup.descendants:

        if isinstance(element, NavigableString):
            if element.string:
                ops = {"insert": element.string, "attributes": get_style_attributes(element)}
        elif in ("p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"):
            convert_paragraph(element, delta["ops"])
        elif == "br":
            delta["ops"].append({"insert": "\n"})
        elif == "img":
            src = element["src"]
            alt = element.get("alt", "")
            delta["ops"].append({"insert": {"image": src}, "attributes": {"alt": alt}})
        elif == "a":
            href = element.get("href", "")
            convert_link(element, delta["ops"], href)
        elif == "span":
            convert_span(element, delta["ops"])
        elif in ("strong", "b"):
            convert_bold(element, delta["ops"])
        elif in ("em", "i"):
            convert_italic(element, delta["ops"])
    return delta

def convert_paragraph(element, ops):
    text = element.text
    if in ("h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"):
        ops.append({"insert": text})
        ops.append({"attributes": {"header": int([1])}, "insert": "\n"})
        for child in element.children:
            if == "b":
                text = text.replace(child.text, "**%s**" % child.text)
            elif == "i":
                text = text.replace(child.text, "*%s*" % child.text)
        ops.append({"insert": text, "attributes": get_attributes(element)})

def convert_link(element, ops, href):
    text = element.text
    ops.append({"insert": text, "attributes": {"link": href}})

def convert_span(element, ops):
    text = element.text
    ops.append({"insert": text, "attributes": get_style_attributes(element)})

def convert_bold(element, ops):
    text = element.text
    ops.append({"insert": text, "attributes": {"bold": True}})

def convert_italic(element, ops):
    text = element.text
    ops.append({"insert": text, "attributes": {"italic": True}})

def get_style_attributes(element):
    attributes = {}
    if hasattr(element, "attrs"):
        if "class" in element.attrs:
            attributes["class"] = " ".join(element["class"])
        if "id" in element.attrs:
            attributes["id"] = element["id"]

        if "style" in element.attrs:
            styles = [s.strip() for s in element["style"].split(";")]
            style_dict = {s.split(":")[0]: s.split(":")[1] for s in styles if ":" in s}

    return attributes

def get_class_and_id_attributes(element):
    attributes = {}
    if hasattr(element, "attrs"):
        if "class" in element.attrs:
            attributes["class"] = " ".join(element["class"])
        if "id" in element.attrs:
            attributes["id"] = element["id"]
    return attributes


html_string = '''
  <p class="paragraph" id="p1">This is a paragraph with class and id.</p>
  <p style="background: #121212; color: #eeeeee;" class="paragraph" id="p2">64&nbsp;Possibly a newbie question, so please bear with me.</p>
  <span style="font-size: 18px;" class="styled-text" id="span1">This is a span with a class and id.</span>
  <h1 id="header1">This is a header with an id.</h1>
  <a href="">hello world</a>
  <i>world is not ending</i>
  <img src="image.png" alt="Image description" class="image" id="img1">
delta = convert_html_to_delta(html_string)

output for the above

    'ops': [
        {'insert': '\n', 'attributes': {}},
            'insert': 'This is a paragraph with class and id.',
            'attributes': {'class': 'paragraph', 'id': 'p1'},
            'class': 'paragraph',
            'id': 'p1'
        {'insert': 'This is a paragraph with class and id.', 'attributes': {}},
        {'insert': '\n', 'attributes': {}},
            'insert': '64\xa0Possibly a newbie question, so please bear with me.',
            'attributes': {'class': 'paragraph', 'id': 'p2', 'background': ' #121212', 'color': ' #eeeeee'},
            'class': 'paragraph',
            'id': 'p2'
        {'insert': '64\xa0Possibly a newbie question, so please bear with me.', 'attributes': {}},
        {'insert': '\n', 'attributes': {}},
            'insert': 'This is a span with a class and id.',
            'attributes': {'class': 'styled-text', 'id': 'span1', 'font-size': ' 18px'},
            'class': 'styled-text',
            'id': 'span1'
        {'insert': 'This is a span with a class and id.', 'attributes': {}},
        {'insert': '\n', 'attributes': {}},
        {'insert': 'This is a header with an id.', 'attributes': {'id': 'header1'}, 'id': 'header1'},
        {'insert': 'This is a header with an id.', 'attributes': {}},
        {'insert': '\n', 'attributes': {}},
        {'insert': 'hello world', 'attributes': {'link': ''}},
        {'insert': 'hello world', 'attributes': {}},
        {'insert': '\n', 'attributes': {}},
        {'insert': 'world is not ending', 'attributes': {'italic': True}},
        {'insert': 'world is not ending', 'attributes': {}},
        {'insert': '\n', 'attributes': {}},
        {'insert': {'image': 'image.png'}, 'attributes': {'alt': 'Image description'}},
        {'insert': '\n', 'attributes': {}}
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