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Forked from diego3g/.gitconfig
Last active July 13, 2020 18:44
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ci = commit
co = checkout
cm = checkout master
cd = checkout dev
cb = checkout -b
bd = git branch -d
st = status -sb
sf = show --name-only
lg = log --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset %C(bold)%cr%Creset %Cgreen<%an>%Creset %s' --max-count=30
incoming = !(git fetch --quiet && git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %C(white)- %C(red)%an %C(white)- %C(cyan)%d%Creset %s %C(white)- %ar%Creset' ..@{u})
outgoing = !(git fetch --quiet && git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %C(white)- %C(red)%an %C(white)- %C(cyan)%d%Creset %s %C(white)- %ar%Creset' @{u}..)
unstage = reset HEAD --
undo = checkout --
rollback = reset --soft HEAD~1
pushom = push origin master
pullom = pull origin master
pushum = push upstream master
pullum = pull upstream master
pushod = push origin dev
pullod = pull origin dev
pushud = push upstream dev
pullud = pull upstream dev
observe = update-index --no-assume-unchanged
nobserve = update-index --assume-unchanged
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