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Last active July 5, 2018 09:17
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Drush - usual commands cheatsheet
# -*- coding: UTF8 -*-
# Drush usual commands cheat sheet
# Prerequisites : drush installed
# Sources:
# Apply patch (requires module "drush_iq" installed - run "drush dl drush_iq" first)
# Note : seems not to work anymore since the conversion to git
drush iq-apply-patch
# Cache clear all
drush cc all
# Cache clear css + js
drush cc css-js
# Reset Drupal admin password
drush upwd admin --password="admin"
# Get an admin one-time login link
drush uli
# Modules management
# Download & enable
# (auto-detects subdir "contrib" in modules directory when present)
drush dl token
drush en token -y
# Disable
drush dis token -y
# Upgrade a module (requires core module "update" enabled)
drush up token -y
# Upgrade everything (requires core module "update" enabled)
drush up -y
# Reinstall (requires module "devel" enabled)
drush devel-reinstall token -y
# Features
# Export example (create new OR update a feature module)
# @see
drush fe events_feature views:latest_events
# Note : after exporting in a feature once, if you want to add stuff (re-export) in this same feature,
# it's mandatory to enable the feature first -- to carry on with our example :
drush en events_feature -y
# Build components list (the configuration available to features)
drush fc
drush fc --all
# Update a feature
# (write current site configuration into files)
drush fu events_feature -y
# Update all features
# (write current site configuration into files)
drush fua
# Revert a feature
# (replace current site configuration with the ones loaded from files)
drush fr events_feature
# Revert all features
# (replace current site configuration with the ones loaded from files)
drush fra
# List all features
drush fl
# Variables
# List / find variables - ex. with pathauto :
drush vget | grep pathauto
# Configuration
# Set variable value
drush vset maintenance_mode 0 --yes
# Delete variable
# ex: cron variables (useful when stuck)
drush vdel cron_semaphore
drush vdel cron_last
# Localization update (l10n_update)
# Create / update cache
drush l10n-update-refresh
# Update translations
drush l10n-update -y
# Solr
# Delete index
drush solr-delete-index
# Index
drush solr-index
# Migration
# Status
drush ms
drush ms my_migration_name
# Recognize new migrations and update counts
drush ms --refresh
# Operations : Import / Update / Rollback & Import
drush mi --all
drush mi --group="my_group_name"
drush mi my_migration_name
# Ignore unmet dependencies
drush mi my_migration_name --force
drush mi my_migration_name --update
# Rollback before importing
drush mi my_migration_name --rollback
# Number of items to import
drush mi my_migration_name --limit="2"
# List (CSV) of source IDs to import
drush mi my_migration_name --idlist="123,124"
# Operations : Rollback
drush mr --all
drush mr my_migration_name
# Wipe : Delete all nodes from specified content types,
# with space delimited list of content type machine readable Ids as argument
drush mw content_type_name other_content_type_name
# Audit
drush ma my_migration_name
# Analyse
drush maz my_migration_name
# View messages
drush mmsg my_migration_name
# Mappings
drush mm my_migration_name
# Devel
# Generate 12 users
drush genu 12
# Generate 25 nodes
drush genc 25
# Generate 25 nodes of type "book" and "page" only
drush genc 25 --types="book,page"
# Generate 25 nodes leaving out "field_my_test" and "field_foobar" fields (no values)
drush genc 25 --skip-fields="field_my_test,field_foobar"
# Generate 1 vocabulary (default qty is 1)
drush genv
# Generate 32 terms in "my_voc_name"
drush gent my_voc_name 32
# Generate menus
drush genm
# Backup & migrate (requires module "backup_migrate" enabled)
# @see
# Create dump (default settings)
drush bb
# List manual dumps
drush bam-backups
# Restore manual dump
drush bam-restore db manual "Your.Site-01.01.2012-12.00.00.mysql.gz"
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