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Created February 22, 2023 13:51
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<div class="root">
<script lang="ts">
import {
} from 'vue-property-decorator'
import TableWithFilters from '@/components/table/tableWithFilter.vue'
import ExportProgressView from '@/widgets/exports/progress.vue'
import LoadingButton from '@/components/com-button/loadingButton.vue'
import API from '@/api/api'
import { time as timeCell } from '@/utils/tableCellFormatter'
import {
} from '@/utils/formValueFormatter'
import {
} from '@/utils/time'
import TransportControlFenceView from '@/views/tools/components/transportControlFenceView.vue'
import AuthButton from '@/widgets/auth/AuthButton.vue'
import UploadTemplate from '@/widgets/import/uploadTemplate.vue'
const today = todayStr()
const before2Days = beforeNDaysStr(2)
components: {
export default class TheBillCodeQuery extends Vue {
name = 'TheBillCodeQuery'
tableFilter = 'tableFilter'
@Ref('tableFilter') readonly tableFilterRef!: Vue & TableWithFilters
tableProps = {
isSelectedColumnSave: true,
selectedColumnSaveLabel: 'theBillCodeQueryTableColumns',
customFilterLabel: 'theBillCodeQueryQueryFilter',
get columns(): ITableBasicColumn[] {
return [
label: '委托书号',
prop: 'transBookCode',
width: 190,
label: '运输任务编码',
prop: 'transJobCode',
width: 190,
label: '运输任务项编码',
prop: 'transJobItemCode',
width: 190,
label: '派车单编码',
prop: 'transWorkCode',
width: 190,
label: '派车任务项编码',
prop: 'transWorkItemCode',
width: 90,
label: '封车编码',
prop: 'sealCarCode',
width: 90,
label: '车牌号',
prop: 'vehicleNumber',
width: 90,
label: '承运商名称',
prop: 'carrierName',
width: 180,
label: '车队名称',
prop: 'carrierTeamName',
minWidth: 100,
label: '司机姓名',
prop: 'endPerson',
width: 120,
label: '始发区域',
prop: 'beginOrgName',
width: 90,
label: '始发省份',
prop: 'beginProvinceName',
width: 90,
label: '始发城市',
prop: 'beginCityName',
width: 90,
label: '始发网点',
prop: 'beginNodeName',
width: 90,
label: '目的区域',
prop: 'endOrgName',
width: 90,
label: '目的省份',
prop: 'endProvinceName',
width: 90,
label: '目的城市',
prop: 'endCityName',
width: 90,
label: '目的网点',
prop: 'endNodeName',
width: 90,
label: '运单数',
prop: 'waybillCount',
width: 90,
label: '包裹数',
prop: 'packageCount',
width: 90,
label: '体积',
prop: 'volume',
width: 90,
label: '预约提货时间',
prop: 'requirePickupTime',
formatter: timeCell,
width: 200,
label: '创建人',
prop: 'createUserName',
width: 200,
label: '委托书全部签收时间',
prop: 'signTime',
formatter: timeCell,
width: 200,
label: '创建时间',
prop: 'createTime',
formatter: timeCell,
width: 90,
label: '操作',
prop: '',
component: 'buttons',
fixed: 'right',
width: 80,
props: {
pingback: true,
buttons: (row: any) => {
const { transBookCode } = row
const btns = [
text: '打印',
onClick: () => {
return btns
sections: IFilterSection[] = [
items: [
filterProps: {
label: '委托书号',
type: 'text',
filterName: 'transBookCode',
filterProps: {
label: '车牌号',
type: 'text',
filterName: 'vehicleNumber',
filterProps: {
label: '派车单号',
type: 'text',
filterName: 'transWorkCode',
filterProps: {
label: '派车明细号',
type: 'text',
filterName: 'transWorkItemCode',
filterProps: {
label: '运输任务号',
type: 'text',
filterName: 'transJobCode',
filterProps: {
label: '运输任务明细号',
type: 'text',
filterName: 'transJobItemCode',
filterProps: {
label: '创建时间区间',
type: 'time-range',
defaultTime: ['00:00:00', '23:59:59'],
defaultValue: [`${before2Days} 00:00:00`, `${today} 23:59:59`],
formatter: timeRange,
filterName: 'createTime',
rules: [
required: true,
message: '请选择创建时间',
trigger: 'change',
async tableQueryRequest(params: [IFormValues]) {
params[0].beginNodeSubType = 218
const res = await API.toolsQueryTransBook(params) as IResponseData<any[]>
refresh() {
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
width 220px
>>> .last-operation-line .el-form-item__label
width 140px !important
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