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Last active April 20, 2018 19:51
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  • Save Pe8er/afae82d14ca5123bcf123dd0b1995cd3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Pe8er/afae82d14ca5123bcf123dd0b1995cd3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
on run arguments
-- Debugger
if class of arguments is script then set arguments to {"US/Pacific", "Pacifica", "24"}
tell arguments
-- Set up the location and city name
set theLocation to item 1
if theLocation does not contain "/" then return "Invalid location, Bob!"
set CityName to item 2
end try
-- Logic to figure out what is what
if (count) is 1 then
set CityName to theLocation
else if (count) is 2 then
set CityName to CityName as integer
end try
if CityName's class is integer then set CityName to item 1 as string
else if (count) ≥ 3 then
item -1 as integer
on error
set CityName to (item 2 as string) & space & (item 3 as string) as string
end try
end if
-- Extract city name from locationName
CityName as integer
on error
if CityName contains "/" then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
set CityName to text item 2 of CityName
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
end if
end try
-- Time format: the last argument. If it's not a number, set it to zero.
set TimeFormat to item -1
set TimeFormat to TimeFormat as integer
on error
set TimeFormat to 0
end try
end tell
if TimeFormat = 12 or TimeFormat = 0 then
set format to "\"+%-l:%M %p\""
set format to "\"+%H:%M\""
end if
set outTimes to {}
set theTime to do shell script "export TZ='" & theLocation & "'; date " & format & "; unset TZ"
return CityName & space & theTime
end run
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