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Last active February 20, 2019 14:30
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Ignoring: FT_LcdFilter failed: ErrorMessage { msg: "FreeType error 7" }
stack backtrace:
0: <unknown> (0x55e1b76d21b3)
1: <unknown> (0x55e1b76d16cd)
2: <unknown> (0x55e1b6b79589)
3: <unknown> (0x55e1b6b4dfc8)
4: <unknown> (0x55e1b6b66756)
5: <unknown> (0x55e1b68c5d0d)
6: <unknown> (0x55e1b68ccc8b)
7: <unknown> (0x55e1b68fe5f4)
8: <unknown> (0x55e1b68fd630)
9: <unknown> (0x55e1b69cac99)
10: <unknown> (0x55e1b69cb082)
11: <unknown> (0x55e1b683b2f3)
12: <unknown> (0x55e1b683a8e3)
13: <unknown> (0x55e1b693ecaf)
14: <unknown> (0x55e1b770e782)
15: <unknown> (0x55e1b771fce9)
16: <unknown> (0x55e1b770f213)
17: <unknown> (0x55e1b693ec88)
18: <unknown> (0x55e1b683c409)
19: __libc_start_main (0x7fa7fa64d222)
20: <unknown> (0x55e1b670718d)
21: <unknown> (0x0)
spawned: Child { stdin: None, stdout: None, stderr: None }
spawned: Child { stdin: None, stdout: None, stderr: None }
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Egl(QuerySurface)', src/libcore/
stack backtrace:
0: <unknown>
1: <unknown>
2: <unknown>
3: <unknown>
4: <unknown>
5: <unknown>
6: <unknown>
7: <unknown>
8: <unknown>
9: <unknown>
10: <unknown>
11: <unknown>
12: <unknown>
13: <unknown>
14: <unknown>
15: <unknown>
16: <unknown>
17: <unknown>
18: <unknown>
19: <unknown>
20: <unknown>
21: <unknown>
22: <unknown>
23: <unknown>
24: <unknown>
25: __libc_start_main
26: <unknown>
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