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Created June 2, 2018 15:49
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Save PedroSFreitas/219408601ee301230325d451f694b837 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FROM archlinux/base
USER root
ENV HOME /root
RUN echo '[multilib]' >> /etc/pacman.conf && \
echo 'Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist' >> /etc/pacman.conf
RUN pacman -Syu --noconfirm --needed --force && \
pacman -Scc --noconfirm && \
pacman -S --force --noconfirm --needed base-devel && \
curl -s | sed 's| check_internet| #check_internet|' | sh && \
pacman -S --force --noconfirm --needed \
0d1n 0trace afflib aircrack-ng arch-install-scripts autosploit base64dump bc bind-tools \
binwalk blackarch-installer bulk-extractor cewl cfr clonezilla cloudflare-enum cppcheck \
crunch dex2jar dirbuster dirsearch dnsrecon dnsspider dosfstools enum4linux enum-shares \
ettercap fernflower findmyhash foremost frida gcc gdb git gnu-netcat gobuster \
grml-zsh-config gvfs vim hash-buster hashcat hashid htop hydra iw jad john kickthemout \
kismet lib32-gcc-libs libsecret lsb-release lzop malwaredetect \
masscan metasploit mimikatz mimipenguin mitmf msf-mpc mtools mutator mutt nfsshell \
nfs-utils nikto nmap noriben nosqlmap openssh openvpn ophcrack p7zip padbuster parted peda \
peframe perl-image-exiftool pngcheck postgresql proxychains-ng pwndbg pwntools pyrit \
python2-yara radamsa radare2 raven reaver recon-ng rsync searchsploit set shodan smbclient \
smbmap smtp-user-enum spiderfoot sqlmap squashfs-tools sshfs ssldump sslyze stegdetect \
steghide stegsolve sublist3r tcpdump tcpextract tcpick testdisk theharvester tigervnc tmux \
tor traceroute transmission-cli ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-font-awesome \
ttf-freefont ttf-inconsolata ttf-ionicons ttf-liberation ttf-symbola unicorn-powershell \
unicornscan unrar unzip vim-airline vim-airline-themes vim-nerdtree vim-tagbar volatility \
webshells weechat wget whois wifite wireshark-cli wpscan xsel xz yara zip zsh \
zsh-completions zsh-syntax-highlighting
RUN chsh -s /bin/zsh root
CMD ["/bin/zsh"]
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