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Created November 29, 2023 23:56
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KNMI dinges
import requests, datetime, netCDF4, re
# 6215: Voorschoten
# 6344: Rotterdam The Hague Airport
# 6330: Hoek van Holland
weather_stations = [6330, 6344, 6215]
apiKey = 'ey...J9'
fields = [
('temperature', 'ta'),
('groundtemperature', 'tgn'),
('humidity', 'rh'),
dtNow = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
dtSearch = dtNow - datetime.timedelta(minutes = 20 + dtNow.minute % 10)
session = requests.Session()
session.headers.update({'Authorization': apiKey})
print("Finding the right file...")
files = session.get('', params = {
'startAfterFilename': f"KMDS__OPER_P___10M_OBS_L2_{dtSearch:%Y%m%d%H%M}.nc"
fileName = files.json()['files'][-1]['filename']
fileMetadata = session.get(f"{fileName}/url")
rlRemaining = fileMetadata.headers['X-Ratelimit-Remaining']
rlLimit = fileMetadata.headers['X-Ratelimit-Limit']
rlReset = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(fileMetadata.headers['X-Ratelimit-Reset']))
print(f"Ratelimit stats: {rlRemaining}/{rlLimit} remaining (resets at {rlReset})")
print(f"Found {fileName}, last modified at {files.json()['files'][-1]['lastModified']}, starting download...")
theFile = requests.get(fileMetadata.json()['temporaryDownloadUrl'])
print(f"Downloading completed ({len(theFile.content)/1024:.0f} kb)")
dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(fileName, memory=theFile.content)
assert dataset.variables['time'].units == 'seconds since 1950-01-01 00:00:00', f"{dataset.variables['time']=:}"
# so, we're dealing with a 1950-01-01 epoch. Let's convert it to a unix timestamp
# there are 5 leap years between those epochs: '52, '56, '60, '64, and '68
dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(dataset.variables['time'][:][0] - (20*365 + 5) * 24*60*60)
for station in weather_stations:
idx = list(dataset.variables['station']).index(f"{station:05d}")
print(f"Valid for {dt} (UTC) at station {dataset.variables['stationname'][idx].title()}")
for field in fields:
print(f"{field[0]}, {dataset.variables[field[1]][idx][0]})")
except ValueError:
print(f"Can't find weather station {station}, skipping...")
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