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Forked from jsteenkamp/upload.cfc
Created July 18, 2013 20:08
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<cffunction name="upload" access="remote" returntype="struct" returnformat="json" output="false">
var uploadDir = expandPath('.') & '/uploads/'; // should be a temp directory that you clear periodically to flush orphaned files
var uploadFile = uploadDir & arguments.NAME;
var response = {'result' = arguments.NAME, 'id' = 0};
var result = {};
// if chunked append chunk number to filename for reassembly
if (structKeyExists(arguments, 'CHUNKS')){
uploadFile = uploadFile & '.' & arguments.CHUNK; = arguments.CHUNK;
<!--- save file data from multi-part form.FILE --->
<cffile action="upload" result="result" filefield="FILE" destination="#uploadFile#" nameconflict="overwrite"/>
// Example: you can return uploaded file data to client
response['size'] = result.fileSize;
response['type'] = result.contentType;
response['saved'] = result.fileWasSaved;
// reassemble chunked file
if (structKeyExists(arguments, 'CHUNKS') && arguments.CHUNK + 1 == arguments.CHUNKS){
try {
var uploadFile = uploadDir & arguments.NAME; // file name for reassembled file - if using a temp directory then this should be the final output path/file
if (fileExists(uploadFile)){
fileDelete(uploadFile); // delete otherwise append will add chunks to an existing file
var tempFile = fileOpen(uploadFile,'append');
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.CHUNKS; i++) {
var chunk = fileReadBinary('#uploadDir#/#arguments.NAME#.#i#');
fileWrite(tempFile, chunk);
catch(any err){
// clean up chunks for incomplete upload
var d = directoryList(uploadDir,false,'name');
if (arrayLen(d) != 0){
for (var i = 1; i <= arrayLen(d); i++){
if (listFirst(d[i]) == arguments.NAME && val(listLast(d[i])) != 0){
// you could add more error handling and return info from err
response = {'error' = {'code' = 500, 'message' = 'Internal Server Error'}, 'id' = 0};
return response;
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