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Created June 25, 2018 17:50
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Sacred Underworld Autohotkey script
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
#SingleInstance force
#IfWinActive ahk_class Sacred
;; new::original
; +/- (numeric keypad) Zoom in/out
Esc::Esc ; Close window; Open Game menu
z::a ; Collect all visible objects (single player only)
i::i ; Open Inventory
h::f ; Open Combat Arts
c::c ; Open Combo menu
l::l ; Open Log Book
m::m ; Show World Map
o::o ; Options
,::s ; Save menu
F8::F8 ; Quick Load
F9::F9 ; Quick Save
p::p ; Pause (single player only)
n::h ; Help Screens
; Ctrl + B Screen Shot (stored in CAPTURE folder)
space::space ; Drink Healing Potion
a::q ; Drink Potion of Undead Death
s::w ; Drink Potion of the Mentor
d::e ; Drink Viper’s Antidote
f::r ; Drink Potion of Concentration
g::b ; Heal Hireling
;; Weapons
1::1 ; Weapon Slot 1
2::2 ; Weapon Slot 2
3::3 ; Weapon Slot 3
4::4 ; Weapon Slot 4
5::5 ; Weapon Slot 5
;; Arts
q::6 ; Spell / Special Move / Combo Slot 1
w::7 ; Spell / Special Move / Combo Slot 2
e::8 ; Spell / Special Move / Combo Slot 3
r::9 ; Spell / Special Move / Combo Slot 4
t::0 ; Spell / Special Move / Combo Slot 5
;; Multiplayer:
; n::n ; Network/Party Information (multiplayer only)
Enter::Enter ; Open Chat Window (Enter = send message)
; Ctrl + Enter Send Message to Party
; Page up/down Scroll Chat Lines
;; Not mentioned in manual
Tab::Tab ; Overlay map
LCtrl::LShift ; Walk/Run
LShift::LCtrl ; Stand still
LAlt::LAlt ; view the objects on the ground, and also the names of both neutral characters and opponents
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