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Created December 11, 2022 17:02
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Save Pendrokar/e9eed003eae551f38223de54e9f9011f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reads the latest log file of Infinity: Battlescape and uses xVASynth as TTS
import sys
import queue
import winsound
import urllib
import requests
import os
from os.path import exists
import asyncio
import random
import time
import logging
import hashlib
# find latest logfile
paths = [
"%s" % (f) for t, f in
sorted([(os.path.getctime(x),x) for x in os.listdir(".")], reverse=True)
# grab first log
logfilepath = paths[0]
# clear var
outputPath = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/xVASynth/resources/app/output/masseffect/'
outputPathTwo = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\xVASynth\\resources\\app\\output\\masseffect\\'
paths = []
print('Watching logfile: '+ logfilepath)
# TODO: async playback and audio generation
playbackQueue = queue.Queue()
url = 'http://localhost:8008/synthesize'
def set_tali_synth_voice():
print('Loading Mass Effect Tali model')
post_url = "http://localhost:8008/loadModel", '{"outputs":"None","model":"C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/xVASynth/resources/app/models/masseffect/me_tali","modelType":"FastPitch1.1","version":"1.4","model_speakers":2,"base_lang":"en","pluginsContext":"{}"}')
def set_edi_synth_voice():
print('Loading Mass Effect EDI model')
post_url = "http://localhost:8008/loadModel"
try:, '{"outputs":"None","model":"C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/xVASynth/resources/app/models/masseffect/me_edi","modelType":"FastPitch1.1","version":"2.0","base_lang":"en","pluginsContext":"{}"}')
print('Failed to receive a response')
# set_tali_synth_voice()
print('Model loaded')
class LogDictation(object):
# last line before parsing it
lastLine = ''
# lastVoiceLine - to compare and not say the same voiceline
lastVoiceLine = ''
# text of last missing line
lastMissingLine = ''
def __init__(self):
self._cached_stamp = 0
self.filename = logfilepath
async def ook(self):
stamp = os.stat(self.filename).st_mtime
if stamp != self._cached_stamp:
self._cached_stamp = stamp
# File has changed, so do something...
print('File has changed')
# print('Last Line:'+ self.lastLine)
hasPassedLastLine = False
# missed lines since last log parse
missedLines = []
veryLastLine = ''
logfile = open(logfilepath, mode="r", encoding="utf-8")
for line in logfile:
veryLastLine = line
# print(line +'='+ self.lastLine)
# TODO: collect missed lines and prepare a collected statement
if self.lastLine != '' and line == self.lastLine:
# print('passed last line')
hasPassedLastLine = True
# now start the missing lines, so skip this one
if hasPassedLastLine:
# print('adding new line')
self.lastLine = veryLastLine
# print('New last Line:'+ self.lastLine)
voiceLines = ''
for line in missedLines:
voiceLine = self.parseLine(line)
if voiceLine != '':
# having a period at the end helps TTS voices
voiceLines += voiceLine + '. '
# skip if too long; TODO: separate conjoined lines into multiple files
if len(voiceLine) > 200:
print('Voice line too long. Skipping...')
# add already generated audio lines to playback queue
# playQueuedAudio = asyncio.ensure_future(play_audio())
# asyncio.gather(playQueuedAudio)
for line in missedLines:
voiceLine = self.parseLine(line)
if voiceLine != '':
# having a period at the end helps TTS voices
voiceLines += voiceLine + '. '
# skip if too long; TODO: separate conjoined lines into multiple files
if len(voiceLine) > 200:
print('Voice line too long. Skipping...')
# add ungenerated audio lines to playback queue
# print(voiceLines)
# if voiceLines.strip() != '':
# # skip if too long; TODO: separate conjoined lines into multiple files
# if len(voiceLine) > 200:
# print('Voice line too long. Skipping...')
# return
# # add already generated audio lines to playback queue
# self.addGenerated(voiceLines)
# # add ungenerated audio lines to playback queue
# self.tts(voiceLines)
def parseLine(self, line):
isTextNotification = False
if (
line.find('credits from team effort pool') > 0
or line.find('CREDITS:') > 0
or line.find('FRIENDLY FIRE') > 0
or line.find('XP') > 0
or line.find('OBJECTIVE SCORE:') > 0
print('Repetitive line')
return ''
index = line.find('Localized')
# find text within line
voiceLineStart = line.find('(\'') + 2
voiceLineEnd = line.find('\')')
if (index >= 0):
line = line[voiceLineStart:voiceLineEnd]
isTextNotification = True
index = line.find('Text notification')
voiceLineStart = line.find('\'') + 1
voiceLineEnd = len(line) - 1
if (index >= 0):
# check for empty text: Battlescape bug
# TODO: make it not be the reason for blocking speech
if (line.find(": ''") > 0):
print('Empty notification')
return ''
if (line.find("Battle will start in") > 0):
# TODO: make unrepettitive
print('Repetitive line')
return ''
if (line.find("Victory odds") > 0):
# TODO: make unrepettitive
print('Repetitive line')
return ''
# print('Shortened notification')
# line = line[line.find("Victory odds:"):voiceLineEnd]
isTextNotification = True
line = line[voiceLineStart:voiceLineEnd]
if (self.lastMissingLine == line):
# skip same voice line
print('Skip same voiceline')
return ''
lastMissingLine = line
# if (self.lastVoiceLine == voiceLine):
# # skip same voice line
# print('Skipping same voiceline')
# return
voiceLine = line.replace('Hauler HAULER', 'Hauler')
voiceLine = line.replace(': ', ', ')
# TODO: apply angry emotion (speedup)
index = voiceLine.find('Griefing !')
if (index >= 0):
voiceLine = 'Griefer!'
return voiceLine
index = voiceLine.find('Bounty on')
if (index >= 0):
return ''
# voiceLine = voiceLine.replace('Bounty on', 'Bounty on,')
# voiceLine = voiceLine.replace('has been claimed', ' has been claimed')
# voiceLine = self.convertRankHuman(voiceLine)
# return voiceLine
index = voiceLine.find('YOU KILLED')
if (index >= 0):
# voiceLine = voiceLine.replace('YOU KILLED', '')
# voiceLine = self.convertRankHuman(voiceLine)
voiceLine = 'Target'
# cleanup percentage
parenthesisStart = voiceLine.find('(')
if parenthesisStart >= 0:
voiceLine = voiceLine[0:parenthesisStart]
voiceLine += self.getDeathLine()
# voiceLine += ' is destroyed'
# hmm capital ships aren't pilots
# voiceLine += ' is K I Ay '
return voiceLine
index = voiceLine.find('KILL ASSIST')
if (index >= 0):
return ''
# voiceLine = voiceLine.replace('Kill assist', 'Kill assist on')
# voiceLine = self.convertRankHuman(voiceLine)
# # cleanup percentage
# parenthesisStart = voiceLine.find('%))') - 3
# if parenthesisStart >= 0:
# voiceLine = voiceLine[0:parenthesisStart]
# return voiceLine
# Subsystems:
# self
index = voiceLine.find('Critical hit!')
if (index >= 0):
voiceLine = voiceLine.replace('Critical hit!', '')
voiceLine = voiceLine.replace('destroyed', 'damaged')
return voiceLine
# target
index = voiceLine.find('Critical hit on target')
if (index >= 0):
voiceLine = voiceLine.replace('Critical hit on target', '')
voiceLine = 'Target\'s '+ voiceLine[1:]
return voiceLine
if isTextNotification:
return voiceLine
return ''
def addGenerated(self, voiceLine):
mdFive = hashlib.md5('EDI:'.encode('utf-8') + voiceLine.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
mdFilePath = outputPathTwo + mdFive +'.wav'
# if audio file exists, add it to the playback queue
if exists(mdFilePath):
print('Queued existing: '+ voiceLine)
def tts(self, voiceLine):
mdFive = hashlib.md5('EDI:'.encode('utf-8') + voiceLine.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
mdFilePath = outputPath + mdFive +'.wav'
# if audio file exists, add it to the playback queue
if exists(mdFilePath):
print('Converting voiceline... (Web Request): '+ voiceLine)
# print('Web Request: '+ '{"sequence":"'+ voiceLine +'","pitch":[],"duration":[],"energy":[],"pace":1,"modelType":"FastPitch1.1","outfile":"' + outputPath + mdFive +'.wav","pluginsContext":"[]","vocoder":""}')
try:, '{"sequence":"'+ voiceLine +'","pitch":[],"duration":[],"energy":[],"pace":1,"modelType":"FastPitch1.1","outfile":"' + outputPath + mdFive +'.wav","pluginsContext":"[]","vocoder":""}')
self.lastVoiceLine = voiceLine
print('Queued: '+ voiceLine)
print('Failed to receive a response from server ')
# remove rank abbrevations
def removeRankHuman(self, line):
line = line.replace('RCT', '')
line = line.replace('PVT', '')
line = line.replace('PV1', '')
# more important ranks, extra pause
line = line.replace('GRD', '')
line = line.replace('PO3', '')
line = line.replace('PO2', '')
line = line.replace('PO1', '')
line = line.replace('CPO', '')
line = line.replace('SPO', '')
line = line.replace('MP0', '')
line = line.replace('ENS', '')
line = line.replace('LTJ', '')
line = line.replace('LTN', '')
line = line.replace('LTC', '')
# most important ranks, exclamation
line = line.replace('CMD', '')
line = line.replace('CPT', '')
line = line.replace('CDR', '')
line = line.replace('RADM', '')
line = line.replace('VADM', '')
line = line.replace('ADM', '')
line = line.replace('FADM', '')
return line
# Make rank abbrevations human readable
def convertRankHuman(self, line):
line = line.replace('RCT', 'Recruit')
line = line.replace('PVT', 'Private')
line = line.replace('PV1', 'Private First Class')
# more important ranks, extra pause
line = line.replace('GRD', 'Guardian,')
line = line.replace('PO3', 'Petty Officer 3rd Class,')
line = line.replace('PO2', 'Petty Officer 2nd Class,')
line = line.replace('PO1', 'Petty Officer 1st Class,')
line = line.replace('CPO', 'Chief Petty Officer,')
line = line.replace('SPO', 'Senior Chief Petty Officer,')
line = line.replace('MP0', 'Master Chief Petty Officer,')
line = line.replace('ENS', 'Ensign,')
line = line.replace('LTJ', 'Lieutenant Junior,')
line = line.replace('LTN', 'Lieutenant,')
line = line.replace('LTC', 'Lieutenant Commander,')
# most important ranks, exclamation
line = line.replace('CMD', 'Commander!')
line = line.replace('CPT', 'Captain!')
line = line.replace('CDR', 'Commodore!')
line = line.replace('RADM', 'Rear Admiral!')
line = line.replace('VADM', 'Vice Admiral!')
line = line.replace('ADM', 'Admiral!')
line = line.replace('FADM', 'Fleet Admiral!')
return line
# get a random deathline
def getDeathLine(self):
return random.choice([
' is destroyed',
' is annihilated',
' is eradicated',
' is vaporized',
' is obliterated',
' is gone',
' is toast',
' is disintegrated',
' is now dust',
logdictation = LogDictation()
# Define a function that plays the audio files in the queue
async def play_audio():
# Iterate over the playbackQueue in the queue
while not playbackQueue.empty():
filePath = playbackQueue.get();
print('Playing file from queue.')
# print('Playing file from queue: '+ filePath)
# Play the audio file
# try:
winsound.PlaySound(filePath, winsound.SND_FILENAME)
# except:
# print('Could not play')
async def main():
while True:
# await logdictation.ook()
# await play_audio()
# Create a task for each function and run them concurrently
playQueuedAudio = asyncio.ensure_future(play_audio())
parseText = asyncio.ensure_future(logdictation.ook())
# # Wait for playQueuedAudio to complete using asyncio.wait()
# done, pending = await asyncio.wait({parseText, playQueuedAudio}, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
# # Iterate over the completed tasks in the order that they completed
# for task in asyncio.as_completed({parseText, playQueuedAudio}):
# asyncio.sleep(1)
# print(f"Task {task} completed")
await asyncio.gather(
# play_audio()
# await logdictation.ook()
# await asyncio.gather(
# parseText
# )
# play_audio()
# Get the event loop
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Run the main function until it is complete
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