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Last active June 18, 2021 02:06
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Prim and Kruskal algorithm written in Python
# coding: utf-8
import re
# Class WeightedGraph
class WeightedGraph:
def __init__(self, path):
# open file to initialize the graph
file = open(path, "r")
p = re.compile("\d+")
# initialize the graph
self.vertices, self.edges = map(int, p.findall(file.readline()))
# use adjacent matrix to represent the graph
self.graph = [[0]*self.vertices for _ in range(self.vertices)]
# populate the graph
for i in range(self.edges):
u, v, weight = map(int, p.findall(file.readline()))
self.graph[u][v] = weight
self.graph[v][u] = weight
# Union find data structure for quick kruskal algorithm
class UF:
def __init__(self, N):
self._id = [i for i in range(N)]
# judge two node connected or not
def connected(self, p, q):
return self._find(p) == self._find(q)
# quick union two component
def union(self, p, q):
p_root = self._find(p)
q_root = self._find(q)
if p_root == q_root:
self._id[p_root] = q_root
# find the root of p
def _find(self, p):
while p != self._id[p]:
p = self._id[p]
return p
# prim algorithm
def prim(G):
# initialize the MST and the set X
MST = set()
X = set()
# select an arbitrary vertex to begin with
while len(X) != G.vertices:
crossing = set()
# for each element x in X, add the edge (x, k) to crossing if
# k is not in X
for x in X:
for k in range(G.vertices):
if k not in X and G.graph[x][k] != 0:
crossing.add((x, k))
# find the edge with the smallest weight in crossing
edge = sorted(crossing, key=lambda e:G.graph[e[0]][e[1]])[0]
# add this edge to MST
# add the new vertex to X
return MST
# kruskal algorithm
def kruskal(G):
# initialize MST
MST = set()
edges = set()
# collect all edges from graph G
for j in range(G.vertices):
for k in range(G.vertices):
if G.graph[j][k] != 0 and (k, j) not in edges:
edges.add((j, k))
# sort all edges in graph G by weights from smallest to largest
sorted_edges = sorted(edges, key=lambda e:G.graph[e[0]][e[1]])
uf = UF(G.vertices)
for e in sorted_edges:
u, v = e
# if u, v already connected, abort this edge
if uf.connected(u, v):
# if not, connect them and add this edge to the MST
uf.union(u, v)
return MST
if __name__ == '__main__':
WG = WeightedGraph("Graph")
print("================USING PRIM ALGORITHM================")
MST = prim(WG)
# print the edges of the MST
for edge in MST:
print("================END PRIM ALGORITHM================")
print("================USING KRUSKAL ALGORITHM================")
MST = kruskal(WG)
# print the edges of the MST
for edge in MST:
print("================END KRUSKAL ALGORITHM================")
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The utility data structures are not correctly implemented.
For example, in Prim - you need to use a heap. not resort and take min (which takes more time)

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