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Created February 19, 2016 23:28
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Save PerArneng/67f86c1e6acbf2100396 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# requires python 3
import getpass
import hashlib
import random
#from typing import List
import sys
import math
import time
class Quote:
def __init__(self, quote: str, author, question, answer):
self.quote = quote = author
self.question = question
self.answer = answer
class QuoteList:
quotes = None # type: List[Quote]
def __init__(self):
self.quotes = [
"Life is very interesting... in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths.",
"Drew Barrymore", "The pains becomes your?", "strengths"),
Quote("When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top",
"Unknown", "An uphill what?", "struggle"),
Quote("Destroy what destroys you!",
"Unknown", "What is destroyed?", "you"),
Quote("Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others!",
"Unknown", "What will it do to others?", "inspire")
def read_line() -> str:
return sys.stdin.readline().strip()
def hash_sum(plain_text: bytearray) -> bytearray:
hasher = hashlib.sha512()
return hasher.digest()
def show_quote(quote: Quote) -> str:
count = 0 # type: int
while True:
print(' "%s" ~ %s\n' % (quote.quote,
hint = ""
if count == 5:
hint = ' (hint: %s)' % quote.answer
print(' %s%s -> ' % (quote.question, hint), end="", flush=True)
line = read_line()
if line == quote.answer:
count += 1
return quote.answer
class CharClass:
def __init__(self, name: str, chars: str): = name
self.chars = chars
def get_char(self, index: int, max: int) -> str:
part = index / max
char_index = int(round(len(self.chars) * part))
if char_index < 0:
char_index = 0
if char_index > len(self.chars) - 1:
char_index = len(self.chars) - 1
return self.chars[char_index]
class CharClasses:
def __init__(self):
self.classes = [
CharClass("Alpha Lower", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz"),
CharClass("Numerical", "0123456789"),
CharClass("Special", "!#%&/()=?_-.@")
def get_class(self, char: str):
for char_class in self.classes:
if char in char_class.chars:
return char_class
return self.classes[0]
def main():
quotelist = QuoteList()
print("apassgen 1.0")
pwd = getpass.getpass("Initial password: ")
hashed_pwd = hash_sum(pwd.encode('utf-8'))
# collect the answers
answers = []
for quote in quotelist.quotes:
answer = show_quote(quote)
# hash the password with the answers
for answer in answers:
hashed_pwd = hash_sum(hashed_pwd + answer.encode('utf-8'))
char_classes = CharClasses()
new_password = ""
for i in range(0, len(pwd)):
pwd_char = pwd[i]
char_class = char_classes.get_class(pwd_char)
hash_char_byte_value = int(hashed_pwd[i])
new_char = char_class.get_char(hash_char_byte_value, 255)
new_password += new_char
print('password will be removed in 10 seconds')
print("\ngenerated password: %s" % new_password, end="", flush=True)
print("\rgenerated password: ", end="", flush=True)
for char in new_password:
print("*", end="", flush=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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