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Last active February 21, 2018 02:55
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Facebook Flux implementation for scalajs-react
package flux
import utils.Loggable
import scala.concurrent.Future
class Dispatcher[Payload <: AnyRef] extends Loggable {
type Callback = (Payload) => Unit
private var lastId = 0
private val prefix = "ID_"
private var _callbacks = Map[String, Callback]()
private var _isPending = Map[String, Boolean]()
private var _isHandled = Map[String, Boolean]()
private var _isDispatching = false
private var _pendingPayload: Option[Payload] = None
def isDispatching = _isDispatching
def isPending(id:String) = _isPending.getOrElse(id, false)
def isHandled(id:String) = _isHandled.getOrElse(id, false)
def assert(condition: => Boolean, text: String, args: String*) {
if (!condition) {
throw new RuntimeException(text.format(args: _*))
def register(callback: Callback) = {
lastId += 1
val id = prefix + lastId
_callbacks += (id -> callback)
logger.debug(s"register(): Registered a callback with id $id")
def unregister(id: String) {
assert(_callbacks.contains(id), "Dispatcher.unregister(...): `%s` does not map to a registered callback.", id)
_callbacks -= id
def waitFor(ids: List[String]) {
assert(_isDispatching, "Dispatcher.waitFor(...): Must be invoked while dispatching.")
ids.foreach { id =>
if (isPending(id)) {
assert(isHandled(id), "Dispatcher.waitFor(...): Circular dependency detected while waiting for `%s`.", id)
} else {
assert(_callbacks.contains(id), "Dispatcher.waitFor(...): `%s` does not map to a registered callback.", id)
def dispatch(payload: Payload): Future[Int] = {
logger.debug(s"dispatch(): Dispatch requested for payload $payload")
assert(!_isDispatching, "Dispatch.dispatch(...): Cannot dispatch in the middle of a dispatch.")
try {
_callbacks.foreach {
case (id, _) =>
if (!isPending(id)) {
} finally {
private def invokeCallback(id: String) {
logger.debug(s"invokeCallback(): Invoking callback with id '$id' with payload ${_pendingPayload.get}")
_isPending += (id -> true)
_isHandled += (id -> true)
private def startDispatching(payload: Payload) {
_isPending = Map[String, Boolean]()
_isHandled = Map[String, Boolean]()
_pendingPayload = Some(payload)
_isDispatching = true
private def stopDispatching() {
_pendingPayload = None
_isDispatching = false
sealed trait SomeAction {
def dispatch(): Future[Int] = SomeDispatcher.dispatch(this)
sealed trait ViewAction extends SomeAction
case class AddSomething(someThing: Thing) extends ViewAction
package dispatchers
import actions.ProjectEditorAction
import flux.Dispatcher
object SomeDispatcher extends Dispatcher[SomeAction]
package flux
import japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.{Broadcaster, Listenable}
import utils.Loggable
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.Future
abstract class StoreEvent[Item]()
case class StoreAdded[Item](item: Item) extends StoreEvent[Item]
case class StoreRemoved[Item](item: Item) extends StoreEvent[Item]
case class StoreChanged[Item](item: Item) extends StoreEvent[Item]
trait Store[Id, Item] extends Loggable {
val ALL_ITEMS: String = "ALL_ITEMS"
private [Store] class StoreBroadcaster(key: String) extends Broadcaster[StoreEvent[Item]] {
def broadcastAdd(stored: Item) = broadcast(StoreAdded(stored))
def broadcastRemove(stored: Item) = broadcast(StoreRemoved(stored))
def broadcastChange(stored: Item) = broadcast(StoreChanged(stored))
override def register(f: StoreEvent[Item] => Unit) = {
logger.debug(s"register: Registered a listener")
protected def broadcast[Event <: StoreEvent[Item]](a: Event): Unit = {
logger.debug(s"""broadcast(): Broadcasting $a to channel "$key" with ${listeners.size} listeners""")
protected val store = mutable.Map[Id, Item]()
protected val broadcasters = mutable.Map[String, StoreBroadcaster]()
protected def emitAdd(id: Id) = {
protected def emitChange(id: Id) = {
protected def emitRemove(id: Id, item: Item) = {
def listenableFor(id: Id): Listenable[StoreEvent[Item]] =
def listenableForAll: Listenable[StoreEvent[Item]] =
protected def broadCasterFor(id: Id): StoreBroadcaster =
broadcasters.getOrElseUpdate(id.toString, new StoreBroadcaster(id.toString))
protected def broadCasterForAll: StoreBroadcaster =
broadcasters.getOrElseUpdate(ALL_ITEMS, new StoreBroadcaster(ALL_ITEMS))
def all: Iterable[Item] = store.values
def by(id: Id): Option[Item] = store.get(id)
def hydrateWith(items: Seq[Item], f: Item => Id): Future[Int] = {
for(item <- items) store(f(item)) = item
def hydrateWith(item: Item, f: Item => Id): Future[Int] = hydrateWith(Seq(item), f)
def hydrateWith(maybeItems: Option[Seq[Item]], f: Item => Id): Future[Int] = hydrateWith(maybeItems getOrElse Seq(), f)
trait StoredItem[Id] {
def id: Id
trait StoreFactory[Store] {
var instance: Option[Store] = None
def apply(): Store
package stores
import actions._
import dispatchers.ProjectEditorDispatcher
import models.{Thing, ThingId}
import flux.{Store, StoreFactory}
import utils.Loggable
class ThingStore extends Store[ThingId, Thing] with Loggable {
val dispatchToken = SomeDispatcher.register({
case AddSomething(thing) =>
store( = thing
case _ =>
object ThingStore extends StoreFactory[ThingStore] {
def apply(): ThingStore = {
instance.getOrElse {
instance = Some(new ThingStore)
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