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Last active February 17, 2018 18:50
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passwordless only ssh
sudo systemctl enable ssh.service
sudo systemctl start ssh.service

With that you can login with the osmc user.

enable passwordless:

create /.ssh/authorized_keys and copy public key with the osmc user

chmod 700 /home/osmc/.ssh
chmod 644 /home/osmc/.ssh/authorized_keys

from local linux system:

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh pi@raspberrypi.local 'mkdir .ssh/ && cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'

From the internet

To force mapping on your router:

login in your server and run:

sudo apt-get install miniupnpc
upnpc -e "ssh external" -a `ip route get | awk '{print $NF; exit}'` 2223 23 TCP


Disabling password login

Open up the SSHD config file

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Change these parameters to no

ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
PasswordAuthentication no
UsePAM no

Reload SSHD

sudo systemctl restart ssh.service


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