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Created May 15, 2016 17:51
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Factory for producing `srcset` image sets
#!/usr/bin/env php
/* Inspired by: */
# BEGIN: Configuration
$config = array (
'breakpoints' => array(10, 80, 480, 768, 820, 1024, 1280, 1640),
'group_breakpoints' => TRUE, // if TRUE, will group the images into folders for each breakpoint
'jpeg_quality' => 75,
'sharpen' => TRUE,
'exclusions' => array('landscape.gif', '.DS_Store'), // won't do anything with these files
'conserve_disk_space' => FALSE, // if TRUE, won't duplicate files for breakpoints greater than their widths
'interlace_jpegs' => TRUE,
'ratios' => array(1),
'serialize_filenames' => TRUE, // (almost) guarantees unique filenames
'template' => '<figure><div style="background-image: url(\'{BACKGROUND}\'); padding-bottom: calc(({H4}/{W4})*100%);" class="rounded image-loader"><img alt="" title="{ORIGINAL}" src="/assets/images/{P2}" srcset="/assets/images/{P1} {W1}w, /assets/images/{P2} {W2}w, /assets/images/{P3} {W3}w, /assets/images/{P4} {W4}w, /assets/images/{P5} {W5}w, /assets/images/{P6} {W6}w, /assets/images/{P7} {W7}w" sizes="100vw" class="rounded" onload="imageLoaded(this)" /></div><figcaption><strong itemprop="title">IMAGE_TITLE</strong> --- <span>Credit: <a href="AUTHOR_URL"><span itemprop="author">PHOTOGRAPHER_NAME</span>.</a></span> <span>License: <a href="LICENSE_URL" itemprop="license">LICENCE</a></span></figcaption></figure>{: style="max-width: 100vw;" .align-center .captioned-image }',
# END: Configuration
// Do nothing if this is executed via a web-browser
if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') die('FATAL ERROR: You should run this program from the command-line only.' . PHP_EOL);
// Do nothing if the GD library is not available
if (!extension_loaded('gd')) { // it's not loaded
if (!function_exists('dl') || !dl('')) { // and we can't load it either
echo 'FATAL ERROR: GD library is not available, or could not be loaded.' . PHP_EOL;
// Parse Options/Args
$long_opts = array(
'source:', // source is a required input!
'destination::' // destination is an optional input - if no destination is given then the program will use the source folder
$options = getopt(NULL, $long_opts);
// Do nothing if a path or filename hasn't been supplied
if ( !isset($options['source']) || ($options['source'] == '') ) {
echo 'Nothing to do. No source path or filename given.' . PHP_EOL;
// Check Destination
if ( isset($options['destination']) ) {
$options['destination'] = realpath(rtrim($options['destination'], '/'));
if ( !directory_manager($options['destination']) ) {
echo 'Destination (' . $options['destination'] . ') does not exist, is not a directory or is otherwise unavailable.' . PHP_EOL;
// Pre-flight
$template_properties = array();
// Run-time!
if (file_exists($options['source'])) {
$options['source'] = realpath($options['source']);
$config['allowed_types'] = array('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif');
$response = '';
if (is_dir($options['source'])) {
$scanned_directory = array_diff(scandir($options['source']), array('..', '.'));
foreach ($scanned_directory as $file) {
$response .= PHP_EOL . create_image_sets($options['source'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file) . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$response = create_image_sets($options['source']);
if ( $response ) {
echo ltrim(rtrim($response));
} else {
echo 'ALERT: There were errors while creating the image-set!' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'ALERT: The given path or filename does not exist.' . PHP_EOL;
function create_image_sets($filename = NULL) {
global $config, $template_properties, $options;
$template_properties = array();
if ( is_null($filename) || !file_exists($filename) || is_dir($filename) || is_null($config) || !is_array($config) || !count($config) ) return FALSE;
// Parse the path/filename
$parts = pathinfo($filename);
if ( isset($config['exclusions']) && is_array($config['exclusions']) && count($config['exclusions']) && in_array($parts['basename'], $config['exclusions']) ) return FALSE;
$serialized_filename = md5_file($filename);
if ( !isset($config['breakpoints']) || !is_array($config['breakpoints']) || !count($config['breakpoints']) ) $config['breakpoints'] = array(480, 768, 1024);
// Is the file an image?
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$mime_type = finfo_file($finfo, $filename);
if ( !in_array($mime_type, $config['allowed_types']) ) return FALSE;
// Get the image's dimensions
$dimensions = getimagesize($filename);
// Cycle through the breakpoints
foreach ( $config['breakpoints'] as $breakpoint ) {
$write_directory = ( isset($options['destination']) ) ? $options['destination'] : $parts['dirname'];
$relative_path = '';
if ( isset($config['group_breakpoints']) && $config['group_breakpoints'] ) {
$write_directory .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $breakpoint;
$relative_path .= $breakpoint . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if ( !directory_manager($write_directory) ) return FALSE;
// Cycle through the ratios (1x, 2x, etc.)
if ( !isset($config['ratios']) || !is_array($config['ratios']) || !count($config['ratios']) ) $config['ratios'] = array(1);
foreach ($config['ratios'] as $ratio) {
$suffix = '';
if ( !isset($config['group_breakpoints']) || ((boolean)$config['group_breakpoints'] === FALSE) ) $suffix .= '_' . $breakpoint;
$suffix .= ( intval($ratio) !== (int)1 ) ? '_@' . $ratio . 'x' : '';
if ( isset($config['serialize_filenames']) && ((boolean)$config['serialize_filenames'] === TRUE) ) $parts['filename'] = $serialized_filename;
$write_filename = $parts['filename'] . $suffix;
switch ( $mime_type ) {
case 'image/png':
$extension = 'png';
case 'image/gif':
$extension = 'gif';
$extension = 'jpg';
if ($breakpoint == 10) {
$extension = 'jpg';
if ( file_exists( $write_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $write_filename . '.' . $extension ) ) {
$write_filename = $serialized_filename . $suffix;
$parts['filename'] = $serialized_filename;
$relative_path .= $write_filename . '.' . $extension;
if ( !file_exists( $write_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $write_filename . '.' . $extension ) ) {
if ( $dimensions[0] > ($breakpoint * $ratio) ) {
$multiplier = $dimensions[1] / $dimensions[0];
$width = ($breakpoint * $ratio);
$height = ceil($width * $multiplier);
$file_spec = array(
'source' => $filename,
'source_width' => $dimensions[0],
'source_height' => $dimensions[1],
'mime_type' => $mime_type,
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'write_directory' => $write_directory,
'write_filename' => $write_filename,
'relative_path' => $relative_path,
'breakpoint' => $breakpoint,
$status = save_image($file_spec);
if ( $status === FALSE ) return FALSE;
$template_properties[] = array( 'P' => $file_spec['relative_path'], 'W' => $file_spec['width'], 'H' => $file_spec['height'] );
if (is_string($status)) {
$template_properties['background'] = $status;
} elseif ( !$config['conserve_disk_space'] ) {
$destination = $write_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $write_filename . '.';
$destination .= $extension;
if ( !copy($filename, $destination) ) return FALSE;
$template_properties[] = array( 'P' => $relative_path, 'W' => $dimensions[0], 'H' => $dimensions[1] );
} else {
return FALSE;
} // END: each ratio
} // END: each breakpoint
$write_directory = ( isset($options['destination']) ) ? $options['destination'] : $parts['dirname'];
$write_directory .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sources';
if ( !directory_manager($write_directory) ) return FALSE;
if ( !file_exists( $write_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $parts['filename'] . '.' . $extension ) ) {
if ( !rename($filename, $write_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $parts['filename'] . '.' . $extension) ) return FALSE;
if ( isset($config['template']) && $config['template'] ) {
$response = $config['template'];
$response = preg_replace_callback( '(\{(P|W|H)(\d)\})', function ($m) { global $template_properties; return $template_properties[ $m[2] ][ $m[1] ]; }, $response );
$response = preg_replace('/\{ORIGINAL\}/', $parts['basename'], $response);
if (isset($template_properties['background'])) {
$response = preg_replace('/\{BACKGROUND\}/', $template_properties['background'], $response);
return $response;
} else {
return TRUE;
function save_image($file_spec = NULL) {
if ( is_null($file_spec) || !is_array($file_spec) || !count($file_spec) ) return FALSE;
$destination = imagecreatetruecolor($file_spec['width'], $file_spec['height']);
switch ( $file_spec['mime_type'] ) {
case 'image/png':
$source = @imagecreatefrompng($file_spec['source']);
imagealphablending($destination, FALSE);
imagesavealpha($destination, TRUE);
$transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($destination, 255, 255, 255, 127);
imagefilledrectangle($destination, 0, 0, $file_spec['width'], $file_spec['height'], $transparent);
case 'image/gif':
$source = @imagecreatefromgif($file_spec['source']);
$current_transparent = imagecolortransparent($source);
if ($current_transparent != -1) {
$transparent_colour = imagecolorsforindex($source, $current_transparent);
$current_transparent = imagecolorallocate($destination, $transparent_color['red'], $transparent_color['green'], $transparent_color['blue']);
imagefill($destination, 0, 0, $current_transparent);
imagecolortransparent($destination, $current_transparent);
$source = @imagecreatefromjpeg($file_spec['source']);
if ( isset($config['interlace_jpegs']) && $config['interlace_jpegs'] ) imageinterlace($destination, TRUE);
imagecopyresampled($destination, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $file_spec['width'], $file_spec['height'], $file_spec['source_width'], $file_spec['source_height']);
if ( isset($config['sharpen']) && $config['sharpen'] && function_exists('imageconvolution') ) {
$sharpness = calculate_sharpness_adjustment($file_spec['source_width'], $file_spec['width']);
$convolution_matrix = array(
array(-1, -2, -1),
array(-2, $sharpness + 12, -2),
array(-1, -2, -1)
imageconvolution($destination, $convolution_matrix, $sharpness, 0);
if ( !is_writable($file_spec['write_directory']) ) return FALSE;
$new_image = NULL;
$saved = FALSE;
$base_64_mime_type = $file_spec['mime_type'];
switch ( $file_spec['mime_type'] ) {
case 'image/png':
if ($file_spec['breakpoint'] > 10) {
$new_image = $file_spec['write_directory'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_spec['write_filename'] . '.png';
$saved = imagepng($destination, $new_image);
} else {
$new_image = $file_spec['write_directory'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_spec['write_filename'] . '.jpg';
$quality = ( isset($config['jpeg_quality']) && is_numeric($config['jpeg_quality']) ) ? intval($config['jpeg_quality']) : 75;
$saved = imagejpeg($destination, $new_image, $quality);
$base_64_mime_type = 'image/jpeg';
case 'image/gif':
if ($file_spec['breakpoint'] > 10) {
$new_image = $file_spec['write_directory'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_spec['write_filename'] . '.gif';
$saved = imagegif($destination, $new_image);
} else {
$new_image = $file_spec['write_directory'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_spec['write_filename'] . '.jpg';
$quality = ( isset($config['jpeg_quality']) && is_numeric($config['jpeg_quality']) ) ? intval($config['jpeg_quality']) : 75;
$saved = imagejpeg($destination, $new_image, $quality);
$base_64_mime_type = 'image/jpeg';
$new_image = $file_spec['write_directory'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_spec['write_filename'] . '.jpg';
$quality = ( isset($config['jpeg_quality']) && is_numeric($config['jpeg_quality']) ) ? intval($config['jpeg_quality']) : 75;
$saved = imagejpeg($destination, $new_image, $quality);
if ( !$saved || is_null($new_image) || !file_exists($new_image) ) {
return FALSE;
} else {
if ($file_spec['breakpoint'] > 10) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return base64_encode_image($new_image, $base_64_mime_type);
function calculate_sharpness_adjustment($width_source, $width_destination) {
$width_destination = $width_destination * (750.0 / $width_source);
$intA = 52;
$intB = -0.27810650887573124;
$intC = .00047337278106508946;
$intRes = $intA + $intB * $width_destination + $intC * $width_destination * $width_destination;
return max(round($intRes), 0);
function directory_manager($write_directory = NULL) {
if ( is_null($write_directory) || !$write_directory ) return FALSE;
// Ensure that the folder-structure can support our write plan
if ( file_exists($write_directory) ) { // write path exists
if ( is_dir($write_directory) ) { // it's a directory
if ( !is_writable($write_directory) ) { // the directory is not writable
// if we can't make it writable then bail out
if ( !chmod($write_directory, 0777) ) return FALSE;
// the directory is writable
} else {
// it's not a directory
return FALSE;
} else {
// the directory doesn't exist
if ( !mkdir($write_directory, 0777) ) { // and we're unable to create it
// but make sure there wasn't a race condition before bailing out
if ( !file_exists($write_directory) || !is_dir($write_directory) ) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function base64_encode_image($filename = string, $filetype = string) {
if ($filename) {
$image_binary = fread(fopen($filename, 'r'), filesize($filename));
return 'data:' . $filetype . ';base64,' . base64_encode($image_binary);
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