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Created September 10, 2014 02:19
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SD Card image shrinker
if [[ -e $IMG ]]; then
P_START=$( fdisk -lu $IMG | grep Linux | awk '{print $2}' ) # Start of 2nd partition in 512 byte sectors
P_SIZE=$(( $( fdisk -lu $IMG | grep Linux | awk '{print $3}' ) * 1024 )) # Partition size in bytes
losetup /dev/loop2 $IMG -o $(($P_START * 512)) --sizelimit $P_SIZE
fsck -f /dev/loop2
resize2fs -M /dev/loop2 # Make the filesystem as small as possible
fsck -f /dev/loop2
P_NEWSIZE=$( dumpe2fs /dev/loop2 2>/dev/null | grep '^Block count:' | awk '{print $3}' ) # In 4k blocks
P_NEWEND=$(( $P_START + ($P_NEWSIZE * 8) + 1 )) # in 512 byte sectors
losetup -d /dev/loop2
echo -e "p\nd\n2\nn\np\n2\n$P_START\n$P_NEWEND\np\nW\n" | fdisk $IMG
I_SIZE=$((($P_NEWEND + 1) * 512)) # New image size in bytes
truncate -s $I_SIZE $IMG
echo "Usage: $0 filename"
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Exactly what I have been looking for! But I've never run bash before. How do I execute this from my Pi? Thanks a ton.

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HeaNimi commented Aug 7, 2016

This just saved me TON OF headache, i'm so thankful i found this. i have been looking for a similar solution for days. i can't just thank enough

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fdisk didn't like the capital W for me.

$ fdisk --version
fdisk from util-linux 2.28.2

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