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Created August 12, 2017 14:28
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Perf bench for std.bitmanip.BitArray
void main()
import std.algorithm : map, max;
import std.datetime : benchmark, to, TickDuration;
import std.meta : aliasSeqOf, I = Alias;
import std.range : array, iota, roundRobin;
import std.random : uniform;
import std.stdio : File, writefln;
enum evnSizes = [2, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2 << 12, 2 << 14, 2 << 20]; // , 2 << 22, 2 << 24];
enum oddSizes =!(x => x - 1);
enum sizes = roundRobin(oddSizes, evnSizes).array;
auto devnull = File("/dev/null", "w");
foreach (size; sizes[0 .. $])
alias rndBool = () => cast(bool)uniform(0, 2);
alias generate = (size_t size) =>!(x => rndBool()).array;
auto val = rndBool();
auto arr1 = generate(size);
auto arr2 = arr1.dup;
auto bitarr1 = BitArray(arr1);
auto bitarr2 = BitArray(arr2);
alias toMilis = (TickDuration t) =>!(`msecs`, double);
alias asArray = (BitArray ba) => ba._ptr[0 .. ba.dim];
auto iterations = max(100, 10_000_000 / size);
auto res = benchmark!(
() => (bitarr1.opSliceAssign1(val), devnull.rawWrite(bitarr2.I!asArray)),
() => (bitarr2.opSliceAssign2(val), devnull.rawWrite(bitarr2.I!asArray)))
("At [size = %8s | iterations = %8s] opSliceAssign2 was %7.3f times faster -" ~
" %8.3fms (old) vs %8.3fms (new)")
res[0].length / real(res[1].length),
struct BitArray
import core.bitop : bts, btr, bsf, bt;
import core.bitop : btc, bts, btr, bsf, bt;
import std.format : FormatSpec;
void opSliceAssign1(bool val)
for (size_t i = 0; i < _len; i++)
opIndexAssign(val, i);
void opSliceAssign2(bool val)
size_t word = val ? size_t(~0) : 0;
_ptr[0] = word;
if (_len <= bitsPerSizeT)
_ptr[1 .. fullWords] = val ? ~size_t(0) : 0;
if (endBits) _ptr[fullWords] = val?
_ptr[fullWords] | endMask :
_ptr[fullWords] & ~endMask;
size_t _len;
size_t* _ptr;
enum bitsPerSizeT = size_t.sizeof * 8;
this(bool[] ba) pure nothrow @system
length = ba.length;
foreach (i, b; ba)
this[i] = b;
@property size_t length(size_t newlen) pure nothrow @system
if (newlen != _len)
size_t olddim = dim;
immutable newdim = lenToDim(newlen);
if (newdim != olddim)
// Create a fake array so we can use D's realloc machinery
auto b = _ptr[0 .. olddim];
b.length = newdim; // realloc
_ptr = b.ptr;
_len = newlen;
return _len;
@property size_t fullWords() const @nogc pure nothrow
return _len / bitsPerSizeT;
// Number of bits after the last full word
@property size_t endBits() const @nogc pure nothrow
return _len % bitsPerSizeT;
// Bit mask to extract the bits after the last full word
@property size_t endMask() const @nogc pure nothrow
return (size_t(1) << endBits) - 1;
static size_t lenToDim(size_t len) @nogc pure nothrow @safe
return (len + (bitsPerSizeT-1)) / bitsPerSizeT;
@property size_t dim() const @nogc pure nothrow @safe
return lenToDim(_len);
bool opIndexAssign(bool b, size_t i) @nogc pure nothrow
assert(i < _len);
if (b)
bts(_ptr, i);
btr(_ptr, i);
return b;
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