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UFCS-enabled algorithms on alias sequences and "template lambdas"
module rxd.meta2;
# UFCS-enabled algorithms on alias sequences and "template lambdas"
Building blocks:
* `apply(fun, args...)` - applies `args` to `fun` where `fun` is either a
function or template, through speculative evaluation.
* `Π` - dependent (templated) Pi type, used for capturing compile-time
sequences as values, so they can be used as first class objects.
((pi) { int[pi.get] arr; })(π!42);
* `π` - convenience `enum`, used for passing sequences as function
parameters and return values. User code, would likely use the lower-case
`π` in most cases, as opposed to upper-case `Π` directly.
* Polymorphic lambda - an implicitly templated anonymous function that can
be called with different argument types. Example signature:
alias lambda(InputArgs..., OutputArgs...) =
(Π!InputArgs args) => π!OutputArgs;
* `l`, `elementEnvelope` - envelope construction utils. An 'envelope' is
a sequence encapsulation of the form:
alias envelope(seq...) =
Π!(Π!(seq[0]), Π!(seq[1]), ..., Π!(seq[$ - 1]));
The sole purpose of this encapsulation is to preserve compile-time
information. Compare and contrast:
((pi) { static assert(pi.get == 42); })(π!42); // OK
((x) { static assert(x == 42); })(42); // <- Error: variable x cannot
// be read at compile time.
* Higher-order function (HOF) - a template like `staticMap(fun, args...)`
which uses `apply` internally to call `fun` with one or more arguments
from the `args` sequence.
* HOF UFCS adapter function - a UFCS-enabling function that wraps an
existing HOF or defines one internally. General example:
auto xform(alias hof, alias fun, envelope)(envelope _)
if (is(envelope == Π!args, args...))
return π!(hof!(fun, args.get));
Authors: [Petar Kirov](
module meta2;
import std.meta : Alias, AliasSeq;
version (unittest)
import std.conv : to;
import std.format : format;
struct S
int x;
double xy;
int xyz;
string wxyz;
S* vwxyz;
int[4] uvwxyz;
static void foo() {}
void bar() {}
pragma (msg,
l!(__traits(allMembers, S))
.staticMap!(name => π!(name.get.length, name.get))
.staticFilter!(t => t.get[0] % 2 == 0)
.staticMap!(t => t.get[1]).get,
auto filterMembers(alias pred, type)(type _)
alias MemberType(T, string name) = typeof(__traits(getMember, T, name));
return l!(__traits(allMembers, type.get))
.staticMap!(name => π!(MemberType!(type.get, name.get), name.get))
.staticMap!(t => "%s %s".format(t.get[0].stringof, t.get[1]));
pragma (msg,
.filterMembers!(t =>
is(t.get[0] == T*, T) ||
is(t.get[0] : T[], T))
].format!"struct Filtered\n{\n%-( %s;\n%);\n}"
auto memberFunctions(type)(type _)
import std.traits : isSomeFunction;
alias Member(name...) = Alias!(__traits(getMember, type.get, name[0].get));
return l!(__traits(allMembers, type.get))
.staticMap!(t =>
"%s %s".format(
__traits(identifier, t.get),
pragma (msg, [ π!S.memberFunctions.get ].to!string);
auto staticMap(alias fun, args)(args _)
return π!(staticMapImpl!(fun, args.get));
template staticMapImpl(alias fun, args...)
static if (args.length == 0)
alias staticMapImpl = AliasSeq!();
else static if (args.length == 1)
alias staticMapImpl = AliasSeq!(apply!(fun, π!(args[0])));
alias staticMapImpl =
staticMapImpl!(fun, args[ 0 .. $/2]),
staticMapImpl!(fun, args[$/2 .. $ ])
auto staticFilter(alias pred, args)(args _)
return π!(staticFilterImpl!(pred, args.get));
template staticFilterImpl(alias pred, args...)
static if (args.length == 0)
alias staticFilterImpl = AliasSeq!();
else static if (args.length == 1)
static if (apply!(pred, args[0]))
alias staticFilterImpl = AliasSeq!(π!(args[0]));
alias staticFilterImpl = AliasSeq!();
alias staticFilterImpl =
staticFilterImpl!(pred, args[ 0 .. $/2]),
staticFilterImpl!(pred, args[$/2 .. $ ])
/// Pi type and value definitions
template Π(envelope)
if (is(envelope == Π!args, args...))
alias Π = envelope;
/// ditto
template Π(args...)
if (args.length == 1 && is(typeof(args[0]) == Π!args2, args2...))
alias Π = args[0];
/// ditto
template Π(args...)
if (args.length != 1 || (args.length == 1 && !is(typeof(args[0]) : Π!args2, args2...)))
struct Π
static if (args.length == 1)
static if (__traits(compiles, { auto x = args[0]; }))
enum get = args[0];
alias get = args[0];
alias get = args;
/// diito
enum π(args...) = Π!args.init;
static assert(is(Π!1 == Π!1));
static assert(is(Π!(Π!1) == Π!1));
static assert(is(Π!(Π!(Π!1)) == Π!1));
static assert(is(Π!(Π!(Π!(Π!1))) == Π!1));
static assert(is(typeof(π!1) == Π!1));
static assert(is(typeof(π!(π!1)) == Π!1));
static assert(is(typeof(π!(π!(π!1))) == Π!1));
static assert(is(typeof(π!(π!(π!(π!1)))) == Π!1));
alias l2 = Π!(Π!1, Π!2);
static assert(is(l2.get[0] == Π!1));
static assert(is(l2.get[1] == Π!2));
alias l23 = Π!(Π!(Π!1, Π!2, Π!3), Π!(Π!4, Π!5, Π!6));
static assert(is(l23.get[0].get[0] == Π!1));
static assert(is(l23.get[0].get[1] == Π!2));
static assert(is(l23.get[0].get[2] == Π!3));
static assert(is(l23.get[1].get[0] == Π!4));
static assert(is(l23.get[1].get[1] == Π!5));
static assert(is(l23.get[1].get[2] == Π!6));
enum lv2 = π!(π!1, π!2);
static assert(is(typeof(lv2.get[0]) == Π!1));
static assert(is(typeof(lv2.get[1]) == Π!2));
enum lv23 = π!(π!(π!1, π!2, π!3), π!(π!4, π!5, π!6));
static assert(is(typeof(lv23.get[0].get[0]) == Π!1));
static assert(is(typeof(lv23.get[0].get[1]) == Π!2));
static assert(is(typeof(lv23.get[0].get[2]) == Π!3));
static assert(is(typeof(lv23.get[1].get[0]) == Π!4));
static assert(is(typeof(lv23.get[1].get[1]) == Π!5));
static assert(is(typeof(lv23.get[1].get[2]) == Π!6));
/// Wraps each element of `args` in a `Π` envelope.
template elementEnvelope(args...)
static if (args.length == 0)
alias elementEnvelope = AliasSeq!();
else static if (args.length == 1)
alias elementEnvelope = AliasSeq!(π!(args[0]));
alias elementEnvelope =
elementEnvelope!(args[ 0 .. $/2]),
elementEnvelope!(args[$/2 .. $ ]),
/// List envelope.
enum l(args...) = Π!(elementEnvelope!args).init;
enum list = l!(1, 2, 3);
static assert(is(typeof(list) == Π!(π!1, π!2, π!3)));
template apply(alias func, args...)
static if (__traits(compiles, { alias res = Alias!(func(args)); }))
// Evaluate `fun(args)` at compile-time and wrap the result
// in an `Alias`, so it can be used without special-casing
// in higher-order templates like `staticMap`.
alias apply = Alias!(func(args));
else static if (is(typeof(func(args))))
// `fun` is a regular callable, but we can't call it at compile-time.
// Delay the evaluation of `fun(args)` to run-time by wrapping it in a
// `@property` function.
@property auto ref apply() { return func(args); }
else static if (__traits(compiles, { alias res = Alias!(func!args); }))
// `fun` is a manifest constant (a.k.a. `enum`) template or a
// function template with no run-time parameters which can be evaulated
// at compile-time. Wrap the result in an `Alias`, so it can be aliased.
alias apply = Alias!(func!args);
else static if (__traits(compiles, { alias res = func!args; }))
// `fun` is template that yields an `AliasSeq`, or something that can't
// be wrapped with `Alias`.
alias apply = func!args;
alias apply = Alias!(func(args));
//static assert(0, "Cannot call / instantiate `" ~
// __traits(identifier, func) ~ "` with arguments: `" ~
// args.stringof ~ "`");