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Last active September 2, 2020 17:35
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Attaching UDAs to enum members in dlang
void main()
import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.traits : EnumMembers;
foreach (SymbolKind kind; [EnumMembers!SymbolKind])
string example = enumToString!SymbolKind;
string enumUdatoString(E)(E value)
final switch (value)
static foreach (memberName; __traits(allMembers, E))
case mixin(E, '.', memberName):
return __traits(getAttributes, mixin(E, '.', memberName))[0];
enum SymbolKind
@("No symbol")
@(`"end of file"`)
S_YYEOF = 0,
S_YYerror = 1,
@(`"invalid token"`)
S_EQ = 3,
/+ ... +/
S_input = 14,
S_line = 15,
S_exp = 16,
string enumToString(E)()
import std.format;
string result;
alias BaseType = BaseEnumType!E;
static foreach (memberName; __traits(allMembers, E))
alias member = mixin(E.stringof, ".", memberName);
alias udaSeq = __traits(getAttributes, member);
enum BaseType value = member;
enum description = udaSeq[0]; // FIXME: Here we assume that the first UDA is a the description string
result ~= "%s.%-9s = %-2s | %s\n".format(E.stringof, memberName, value, description);
return result;
template BaseEnumType(E)
static if (is(E Base == enum))
alias BaseEnumType = Base;
static assert (0, "`E` is not an enum type");
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