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Last active February 23, 2016 10:17
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Copying Sumo Logic Collector Sources with Powershell
function Get-Collector([string] $collectorName, [PSCredential] $credential) {
$response = iwr "" -Credential $credential
$content = ConvertFrom-Json $response.Content
$match = $content.collectors | Where {$ -eq $collectorName} | Select -First 1
return $match
function Get-CollectorSources([string] $collectorName, [PSCredential] $credential) {
$collector = Get-Collector $collectorName $credential
if(-not $collector){
throw "Could not find collector $collectorName"
$response = iwr "$($" -Credential $credential
$content = ConvertFrom-Json $response.Content
return $content.sources
function Get-CollectorSource([string] $collectorname, [string] $sourceName, [PSCredential] $credential) {
$match = (Get-CollectorSources $collectorname $credential)| Where {$ -eq $sourceName} | Select -First 1
return $match
function Copy-CollectorSource([string] $fromCollectorName, [string] $toCollectorName, [string] $sourceName, [PSCredential] $credential, [Switch] $updateIfExists) {
$source = Get-CollectorSource $fromCollectorName $sourceName $credential
if(-not $source){
throw "Could not find source $sourceName on $fromCollectorName"
$toCollector = Get-Collector $toCollectorName $credential
if(-not $toCollector){
throw "Could not find collector $toCollectorName"
$existingToSource = Get-CollectorSource $toCollectorName $sourceName $credential
if($updateIfExists) {
$fetchExistingresponse = iwr "$($$($" -Credential $credential
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "$($$($" -Credential $credential -Body (ConvertTo-Json @{ source= $source}) -ContentType 'application/json' -Headers @{"If-Match"="$($fetchExistingresponse.Headers.ETag)"}
} else {
throw "The source $sourceName already exists on $toCollectorName. Use the -UpdateIfExists switch to overwrite"
} else {
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$($" -Credential $credential -Body (ConvertTo-Json @{ source= $source}) -ContentType 'application/json'
function Copy-AllCollectorSources([string] $fromCollectorName, [string] $toCollectorName, [PSCredential] $credential, [Switch] $updateIfExists) {
$allSources = Get-CollectorSources $fromCollectorName $credential
Write-Host "Copying $($allSources.Length) sources"
foreach($source in $allSources) {
Try {
Copy-CollectorSource $fromCollectorName $toCollectorName $ $credential $updateIfExists
Catch {
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