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Created July 13, 2018 05:51
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two greate tool to start proc, or kill proc by name
33 # search and kill
32 function gkill(){
31 filter=$1
30 exp=[${filter:0:1}]${filter:1}
29 echo '>ps aux | grep' $exp
28 echo $( ps aux | grep $exp --color=always | xargs -I % echo '\n' %)
27 echo "Kill?"
26 read Keypress
25 case "$Keypress" in
24 * ) kill $2 $args $(ps aux | grep $exp --color=always | awk '{print $2}');
23 esac
22 }
19 # run a job in screen backgroud
18 function jobstart(){
17 name=$1
16 echo "screen -dmS $name bash -c "$2""
15 screen -dmS $name bash -c "$2"
14 }
13 # send ctrl-c to a screen
12 function jobstop(){
11 name=$1
10 echo "screen -S $1 -p 0 -X stuff $'\003'"
9 screen -S $1 -p 0 -X stuff $'\003'
8 }
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