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Created August 1, 2023 12:47
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Python script used to detect low-level jets in
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Possible to run on backend: sbatch
#SBATCH --job-name=era5
#SBATCH --partition=short
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
""" Three routines to identify low-level jets in wind profiles:
# 1. Simply loop over all profiles using np.apply_along_axis
llj_strength = wspd.reduce(detect_llj,dim='level')
# 2a. Fully vectorized function returning one llj characteristic at a time
# Most generic, can still be optimized by returning multiple outputs at once.
llj_strength = wspd.reduce(detect_llj_vectorized,dim='level',output='falloff')
# 2b. Call multiple times to combine relevant data ######
# Suboptimal, but xarray.DataArray.reduce only accepts single output arrays
get_height = lambda i: np.where(i>0,wspd.level.values[i],np.nan)
lljs = xr.merge([
lljs.height.values = lljs.height.pipe(get_height)
# 3. High-level xarray implementation
# This is fastest for the my specific use case
lljs = detect_llj_xarray(wspd)
Peter Kalverla
March 2018
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
def detect_llj(x, axis=None, falloff=0, output='strength', inverse=False):
""" Identify maxima in wind profiles.
- x : ndarray with wind profile data
- axis : specifies the vertical dimension
is internally used with np.apply_along_axis
- falloff : threshold for labeling as low-level jet
default 0; can be masked later, e.g. llj[falloff>2.0]
- output : specifiy return type: 'strength' or 'index'
returns (depending on <output> argument):
- strength : 0 if no maximum identified, otherwise falloff strength
- index : nan if no maximum identified, otherwise index along
<axis>, to get the height of the jet etc.
def inner(x, output):
if inverse:
x = x[::-1, ...]
# Identify local maxima
x = x[~np.isnan(x)]
dx = x[1:] - x[:-1]
ind = np.where((np.hstack((dx, 0)) < 0) &
(np.hstack((0, dx)) >= 0))[0]
# Last value of x cannot be llj
if ind.size and ind[-1] == x.size-1:
ind = ind[:-1]
# Compute the falloff strength for each local maxima
if ind.size: # this assumes height increases along axis!!!
strength = np.array([x[i] - min(x[i:]) for i in ind])
imax = np.argmax(strength)
# Return jet_strength and index of maximum:
if output=='strength':
r = max(strength) if ind.size else 0
elif output=='index':
r = ind[imax] if ind.size else 0
return r
# Wrapper interface to apply 1d function to ndarray
return np.apply_along_axis(inner,axis,x,output=output)
def detect_llj_vectorized(xs,axis=-1,output='falloff', mask_inv=False, inverse=False):
""" Identify local maxima in wind profiles.
- x : ndarray with wind profile data
- axis : specifies the vertical dimension
- output : specifiy return type: 'falloff', 'strength' or 'index'
- mask_inv : use to mask nan values
returns (depending on <output> argument and whether llj is identified):
- falloff : 0 or largest difference between local max and subseq min
- strength : 0 or wind speed at jet height
- index : -1 or index along <axis>
# Move <axis> to first dimension, to easily index and iterate over it.
xv = np.rollaxis(xs,axis)
if inverse:
xv = xv[::-1, ...]
if mask_inv:
xv =
# Set initial arrays
min_elem = xv[-1].copy()
max_elem = np.zeros(min_elem.shape)
max_diff = np.zeros(min_elem.shape)
max_idx = np.ones(min_elem.shape,dtype=int) * (-1)
# Start at end of array and search backwards for larger differences.
for i, elem in reversed(list(enumerate(xv))):
min_elem = np.minimum(elem, min_elem)
new_max_identified = elem - min_elem > max_diff
max_diff = np.where(new_max_identified, elem - min_elem, max_diff)
max_elem = np.where(new_max_identified, elem, max_elem)
max_idx = np.where(new_max_identified, i, max_idx)
if output == 'falloff':
r = max_diff
elif output == 'strength':
r = max_elem
elif output == 'index':
r = max_idx
raise ValueError('Invalid argument for <output>: %s'%output)
return r
def detect_llj_xarray(da, inverse=False):
""" Identify local maxima in wind profiles.
- da : xarray.DataArray with wind profile data
- inverse : ecmwf stores the data upside-down
returns: : xarray.Dataset with vertical dimension removed containing:
- falloff : 0 or largest difference between local max and subseq min
- strength : 0 or wind speed at jet height
- index : -1 or index along <axis>
Note: vertical dimension should be labeled 'level' and axis=1
# Move <axis> to first dimension, to easily index and iterate over it.
xv = np.rollaxis(da.values,1)
if inverse:
xv = xv[::-1, ...]
# Set initial arrays
min_elem = xv[-1].copy()
max_elem = np.zeros(min_elem.shape)
max_diff = np.zeros(min_elem.shape)
max_idx = np.ones(min_elem.shape,dtype=int) * (-1)
# Start at end of array and search backwards for larger differences.
for i, elem in reversed(list(enumerate(xv))):
min_elem = np.minimum(elem, min_elem)
new_max_identified = elem - min_elem > max_diff
max_diff = np.where(new_max_identified, elem - min_elem, max_diff)
max_elem = np.where(new_max_identified, elem, max_elem)
max_idx = np.where(new_max_identified, i, max_idx)
# Combine the results in a dataframe
get_height = lambda i: np.where(i>0,da.level.values[i],da.level.values[-1])
dims = da.isel(level=0).drop('level').dims
coords = da.isel(level=0).drop('level').coords
lljs = xr.Dataset({'falloff': (dims, max_diff),
'strength': (dims, max_elem),
'level': (dims, get_height(max_idx)),
}, coords = coords)
print 'Beware! Level is also filled if no jet is detected!'
print 'use ds.sel(level=lljs.level).where(lljs.falloff>0) to rid it'
return lljs
if __name__=="__main__":
ecmwf_levs = {
110: 2081.09, 111: 1910.76, 112: 1750.63, 113: 1600.44,
114: 1459.91, 115: 1328.70, 116: 1206.44, 117: 1092.73,
118: 987.15, 119: 889.29, 120: 798.72, 121: 715.02,
122: 637.76, 123: 566.54, 124: 500.95, 125: 440.61,
126: 385.16, 127: 334.24, 128: 287.52, 129: 244.69,
130: 205.44, 131: 169.51, 132: 136.62, 133: 106.54,
134: 79.04, 135: 53.92, 136: 30.96, 137: 10.00
# Read ERA5 data; Reverse order of levels!
era5 = xr.open_mfdataset('RAW/era5_*').sel(level=slice(None,124,-1))
era5['level'] = [ecmwf_levs[x] for x in era5.level.values]
# Compute wind speed
wspd = (era5.u**2+era5.v**2)**.5
# Detect low-level jets and write to output
lljs = detect_llj_xarray(wspd)
print 'ready'
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