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Last active December 23, 2015 07:28
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Save PeterBooker/6600526 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is taken from my Kebo Twitter Feed plugin for WordPress and linkifies Tweet text (Hashtags, Mentions and URLs).
* Converts Tweet text urls, account names and hashtags into HTML links.
* Accepts return data from Twitter API (v1.1)
function kebo_twitter_linkify( $tweets ) {
foreach ( $tweets as $tweet ) {
$hash_length = 45; // Length of HTML added to hashtags
$mention_length = 33; // Length of HTML added to mentions
$markers = array();
* Linkify Hashtags
if ( ! empty( $tweet->entities->hashtags ) ) {
// One Hashtag at a time
foreach ( $tweet->entities->hashtags as $hashtag ) {
// Start offset from 0
$offset = 0;
// Calculate length of hastag - end minus start
$length = $hashtag->indices[1] - $hashtag->indices[0];
// If no markers, no need to offset
if ( ! empty( $markers ) ) {
foreach ( $markers as $mark ) {
// If the start point is past a previous marker, we need to adjust for the characters added.
if ( $hashtag->indices[0] > $mark['point'] ) {
// Include previous offsets.
$offset = ( $offset + ( $mark['length'] ) );
* Replace hashtag text with an HTML link
$tweet->text = substr_replace( $tweet->text, '<a href="' . $hashtag->text . '">#' . $hashtag->text . '</a>', $hashtag->indices[0] + $offset, $length );
// Set marker so we can take into account the characters we just added.
$markers[] = array(
'point' => $hashtag->indices[0],
'length' => $hash_length + $length,
* Linkify Mentions
if ( ! empty( $tweet->entities->user_mentions ) ) {
// One Mention at a time
foreach ( $tweet->entities->user_mentions as $mention ) {
// Start offset from 0
$offset = 0;
// Calculate length of mention - end minus start
$length = $mention->indices[1] - $mention->indices[0];
// If no markers, no need to offset
if ( ! empty($markers) ) {
foreach ( $markers as $mark ) {
// If the start point is past a previous marker, we need to adjust for the characters added.
if ( $mention->indices[0] > $mark['point'] ) {
// Include previous offsets.
$offset = ( $offset + ( $mark['length'] ) );
* Replace mention text with an HTML link
$tweet->text = substr_replace( $tweet->text, '<a href="' . $mention->screen_name . '">@' . $mention->screen_name . '</a>', $mention->indices[0] + $offset, $length );
// Set marker so we can take into account the characters we just added.
$markers[] = array(
'point' => $mention->indices[0],
'length' => $mention_length + $length,
* Linkify text URLs
$tweet->text = make_clickable( $tweet->text );
* Add target="_blank" to all links
$tweet->text = links_add_target( $tweet->text, '_blank', array( 'a' ) );
* Decode HTML Chars like &#039; to '
$tweet->text = htmlspecialchars_decode( $tweet->text, ENT_QUOTES );
return $tweets;
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