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Last active August 6, 2017 15:13
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Rust code completion for neovim

Rust code completion for neovim

Using vim-racer and racer.


  1. Install racer

    cargo install racer

  2. Fetch the Rust sourcecode

    rustup component add rust-src

  3. Set the RUST_SRC_PATH

    export RUST_SRC_PATH="$(rustc --print sysroot)/lib/rustlib/src/rust/src"

  4. Test on the command line

    racer complete std::io::B


  1. Add to vim-plug

    Plug 'racer-rust/vim-racer'

  2. Add g:racer_cmd to init.vim

    set hidden
    let g:racer_cmd = "/path/to/racer/bin"
  3. To show the complete function definition (e.g. its arguments and return type)

    let g:racer_experimental_completer = 1
  4. GoTo definations

    au FileType rust nmap gd <Plug>(rust-def)
    au FileType rust nmap gs <Plug>(rust-def-split)
    au FileType rust nmap gx <Plug>(rust-def-vertical)
    au FileType rust nmap <leader>gd <Plug>(rust-doc)
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