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import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import System.Random
import Test.QuickCheck
-- Exercise 1
fib :: Integer -> Integer
fib 0 = 1
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
fibs1 :: [Integer]
fibs1 = map fib [0..]
fibs2 :: [Integer]
fibs2 = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs2 (tail fibs2)
-- Exercise 2
data Stream a = Cons a (Stream a)
streamToList :: Stream a -> [a]
streamToList (Cons x xs) = x : streamToList xs
instance Show a => Show (Stream a) where
show s = init (show (take 20 (streamToList s))) ++ "…"
streamRepeat :: a -> Stream a
streamRepeat x = Cons x (streamRepeat x)
streamMap :: (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
streamMap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (streamMap f xs)
streamIterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> Stream a
streamIterate f x = Cons x (streamIterate f (f x))
streamInterleave :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a
streamInterleave (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (streamInterleave ys xs)
nats :: Stream Integer
nats = streamIterate (+1) 0
ruler :: Stream Integer
ruler = streamInterleave (streamRepeat 0) (streamMap (+1) ruler)
-- Exercise 3
data Supply s a = S (Stream s -> (a, Stream s))
get :: Supply s s
get = S (\(Cons x xs) -> (x, xs))
pureSupply :: a -> Supply s a
pureSupply x = S (\xs -> (x, xs))
mapSupply :: (a -> b) -> Supply s a -> Supply s b
mapSupply f (S t) = S go
where go xs = let (a, xs') = t xs
in (f a, xs')
mapSupply2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Supply s a -> Supply s b -> Supply s c
mapSupply2 f (S t1) (S t2) = S go
where go xs = let (a, xs') = t1 xs
(b, xs'') = t2 xs'
in (f a b, xs'')
bindSupply :: Supply s a -> (a -> Supply s b) -> Supply s b
bindSupply (S t1) k = S go
where go xs = let (a, xs') = t1 xs
(S t2) = k a
(b, xs'') = t2 xs'
in (b, xs'')
runSupply :: Stream s -> Supply s a -> a
runSupply s (S t) = fst (t s)
instance Functor (Supply s) where
fmap = mapSupply
instance Applicative (Supply s) where
pure = pureSupply
(<*>) = mapSupply2 id
instance Monad (Supply s) where
return = pureSupply
(>>=) = bindSupply
data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a deriving (Show, Eq)
labelTree :: Tree a -> Tree Integer
labelTree t = runSupply nats (go t)
go :: Tree a -> Supply s (Tree s)
go (Node t1 t2) = Node <$> go t1 <*> go t2
go (Leaf _) = Leaf <$> get
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Tree a) where
arbitrary = genTree
genTree :: Arbitrary a => Gen (Tree a)
genTree = sized $ \size -> do
[ (100, do x<-arbitrary; return $ Leaf x)
, (size, do l <- arbitrary; r <- arbitrary; return $ Node l r)
size :: Tree a -> Integer
size (Leaf _) = 1
size (Node l r) = (size l) + (size r)
toList :: Tree a -> [a]
toList (Leaf x) = [x]
toList (Node l r) = (toList l) ++ (toList r)
prop_lengthOfListShouldEqualTreeSize :: Tree Integer -> Bool
prop_lengthOfListShouldEqualTreeSize t = (size t) == (toInteger $ length $ toList t)
prop_labelTreeDoesNotChangeSizeOfTree :: Tree Integer -> Bool
prop_labelTreeDoesNotChangeSizeOfTree t = (size t) == (size $ labelTree t)
prop_labelTree :: Tree Int -> Bool
prop_labelTree t = ([0..((size t) - 1)] :: [Integer]) == (toList $ labelTree t)
prop_labelTreeIdempotent :: Tree Integer -> Bool
prop_labelTreeIdempotent t = once == twice
where once = labelTree t
twice = labelTree once
main = do
quickCheck prop_lengthOfListShouldEqualTreeSize
quickCheck prop_labelTreeDoesNotChangeSizeOfTree
quickCheck prop_labelTree
quickCheck prop_labelTreeIdempotent
module Main where
data ComplicatedA a b
= Con1 a b
| Con2 [Maybe (a -> b)]
instance Functor (ComplicatedA a) where
fmap f (Con1 x y ) = Con1 x (f y)
fmap f (Con2 inner) = Con2 $ (fmap.fmap.fmap) f inner
data ComplicatedB f g a b
= Con3 (f a)
| Con4 (g b)
| Con5 (g (g [b]))
instance Functor g => Functor (ComplicatedB f g a) where
fmap f (Con3 x) = Con3 x
fmap f (Con4 gb) = Con4 $ fmap f gb
fmap f (Con5 gglb) = Con5 $ (fmap.fmap.fmap) f gglb
main :: IO ()
main = print "kutyus"
module Main where
func0 :: Monad f => (a -> a) -> f a -> f a
func0 f xs = do
x <- xs
return (f (f x))
func0' :: Functor f => (a -> a) -> f a -> f a
func0' f xs = (f . f) <$> xs
func1 :: Monad f => f a -> f (a,a)
func1 xs = xs >>= (\x -> return (x,x))
func1' :: Functor f => f a -> f (a,a)
func1' = fmap $ \x -> (x,x)
func2 :: Monad f => f a -> f (a,a)
func2 xs = xs >>= (\x -> xs >>= \y -> return (x,y))
func2' :: Applicative f => f a -> f (a,a)
func2' xs = (,) <$> xs <*> xs
func3 :: Monad f => f a -> f (a,a)
func3 xs = xs >>= (\x -> xs >>= \y -> return (x,x))
func3' :: Applicative f => f a -> f (a,a)
func3' xs = (\x _ -> (x,x)) <$> xs <*> xs
func4 :: Monad f => f a -> f a -> f (a,a)
func4 xs ys = xs >>= (\x -> ys >>= \y -> return (x,y))
func4' :: Applicative f => f a -> f a -> f (a,a)
func4' xs ys = (,) <$> xs <*> ys
func5 :: Monad f => f Integer -> f Integer -> f Integer
func5 xs ys = do
x <- xs
let x' = x + 1
y <- (+1) <$> ys
return (x' + y)
func5' :: Applicative f => f Integer -> f Integer -> f Integer
func5' xs ys = let xs' = (+1) <$> xs
ys' = (+1) <$> ys
in (+) <$> xs' <*> ys'
func6 :: Monad f => f Integer -> f (Integer,Integer)
func6 xs = do
x <- xs
return $ if x > 0 then (x, 0)
else (0, x)
func6' :: Functor f => f Integer -> f (Integer,Integer)
func6' xs = f <$> xs
where f x = if x > 0 then (x, 0)
else (0, x)
func7 :: Monad f => f Integer -> f (Integer,Integer)
func7 xs = do
x <- xs
if x > 0 then return (x, 0)
else return (0, x)
func7' :: Functor f => f Integer -> f (Integer,Integer)
func7' = func6'
func8 :: Monad f => f Integer -> Integer -> f Integer
func8 xs x = pure (+) <*> xs <*> pure x
func8' :: Functor f => f Integer -> Integer -> f Integer
func8' xs x = (+x) <$> xs
func9 :: Monad f => f Integer -> f Integer -> f Integer -> f Integer
func9 xs ys zs = xs >>= \x -> if even x then ys else zs
func9' :: Monad f => f Integer -> f Integer -> f Integer -> f Integer
func9' xs ys zs = do
x <- xs
if even x then ys else zs
func10 :: Monad f => f Integer -> f Integer
func10 xs = do
x <- xs >>= (\x -> return (x * x))
return (x + 10)
func10' :: Functor f => f Integer -> f Integer
func10' xs = (+10).(\x -> (x * x)) <$> xs
xs = [1..3]
ys = [4..6]
zs = [-3..3]
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ (func1 xs) == (func1' xs)
print $ (func2 xs) == (func2' xs)
print $ (func3 xs) == (func3' xs)
print $ (func4 xs ys) == (func4' xs ys)
print $ (func5 xs ys) == (func5' xs ys)
print $ (func6 zs) == (func6' zs)
print $ (func7 zs) == (func7' zs)
print $ (func8 zs 10) == (func8' zs 10)
print $ (func9 zs xs ys) == (func9' zs xs ys)
print $ (func10 xs) == (func10' xs)
module Main where
newtype Parser a = P {runParser :: String -> (Maybe a, String)}
parse :: Parser a -> String -> Maybe a
parse p text = let (result, restOfTheText) = runParser p text
in if null restOfTheText then result else Nothing
noParser :: Parser a
noParser = P $ \text -> (Nothing, text)
pureParser :: a -> Parser a
pureParser x = P $ \text -> (Just x, text)
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f (P g) = P $ \text -> let (result, restOfText) = g text
in (f <$> result, restOfText)
instance Applicative Parser where
(P f) <*> (P g) = P $ \text -> let (maybeF, restOfText) = f text
(maybeParam, restOfText') = g restOfText
in (maybeF <*> maybeParam, restOfText')
pure = pureParser
instance Monad Parser where
return = pure
ma >>= k = P $ \text -> let (maybeResult, restOfText) = runParser ma text
maybeMb = k <$> maybeResult
in case maybeMb of
Nothing -> (Nothing, restOfText)
Just mb -> runParser mb restOfText
anyChar :: Parser Char
anyChar = P go
where go [] = (Nothing, [])
go (x:xs) = (Just x, xs)
char :: Char -> Parser ()
char c = do
x <- anyChar
if x==c then return () else noParser
anyCharBut :: Char -> Parser Char
anyCharBut c = do
x <- anyChar
if x==c then noParser else return x
input = "alma"
input2 = "alma\nkorte\nbarack"
orElse :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
orElse l r = P $ \t -> case runParser l t of
all@(Just _, _) -> all
(Nothing, _) -> runParser r t
many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many p = ((:) <$> p <*> (many p)) `orElse` return []
sepBy :: Parser a -> Parser () -> Parser [a]
sepBy p1 p2 = (:) <$> p1 <*> (many (p2 *> p1)) `orElse` return []
main :: IO ()
main = do
--print $ parse anyChar ""
--print $ parse anyChar "a"
--print $ parse anyChar "alma"
--print $ parse (char 'a') ""
--print $ parse (char 'a') "a"
--print $ parse (char 'a') "alma"
--print $ parse (char 'a') "c"
--print $ parse (anyCharBut 'a') ""
--print $ parse (anyCharBut 'a') "a"
--print $ parse (anyCharBut 'a') "blma"
--print $ parse (anyCharBut 'a') "c"
--let p = pureParser 'a'
--print $ parse (noParser `orElse` p) input == parse p input
--print $ parse (pureParser 'x' `orElse` p) input == parse (pureParser 'x') input
--print $ parse (anyChar `orElse` pureParser 'a') "" == Just 'a'
--print $ parse (anyChar `orElse` pureParser 'a') ['c'] == Just 'c'
--print $ parse (anyChar `orElse` pureParser 'a') "alma" == Nothing
--print $ parse (many anyChar) input == Just input
--print $ parse (many noParser) "" == (Just [] :: Maybe String)
--print $ parse (many noParser) input == (Nothing :: Maybe String)
print $ parse (many (anyCharBut '\n') `sepBy` char '\n') input == Just (lines input)
module Stream where
data Stream a = Cons a (Stream a)
instance Functor Stream where
fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap f xs)
instance Show a => Show (Stream a) where
show s = show $ take 20 $ streamToList s
streamToList :: Stream a -> [a]
streamToList (Cons a rest) = a:streamToList rest
streamRepeat :: a -> Stream a
streamRepeat x = Cons x (streamRepeat x)
streamCompare :: Eq a => [a] -> Stream a -> Bool
streamCompare pattern stream = pattern == take (length pattern) (streamToList stream)
streamIterate :: (a->a) -> a -> Stream a
streamIterate f start = Cons start (streamIterate f (f start))
streamInterleave :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a
streamInterleave (Cons x xs) (Cons y ys) = Cons x (Cons y (streamInterleave xs ys))
module Supply where
import Stream
data Supply s a = S (Stream s -> (a, Stream s))
instance Functor (Supply s) where
fmap f (S g) = S $ \xs -> let (x, stream) = (g xs)
in (f x, stream)
instance Applicative (Supply s) where
pure = pureSupply
(<*>) = mapSupply2 id
instance Monad (Supply s) where
return = pure
(S f) >>= b = S $ \stream -> let (a, stream') = f stream
S g = b a
in g stream'
runSupply :: Stream s -> Supply s a -> a
runSupply stream (S f) = fst $ f stream
get :: Supply s s
get = S $ \(Cons x xs) -> (x, xs)
pureSupply :: a -> Supply s a
pureSupply x = S $ \xs -> (x, xs)
mapSupply2 :: (a->b->c) -> Supply s a -> Supply s b -> Supply s c
mapSupply2 f (S g) (S h) = S $ \stream -> let (a, stream') = g stream
(b, stream'') = h stream'
in (f a b, stream'')
module Main where
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set hiding (foldr)
import Data.Foldable
halveEvens :: [Int] -> [Int]
halveEvens = (map (`div` 2)) . (filter even)
--From a list of integers, remove any odd entry and halve every even entry.
ex_halveEvens =
[ halveEvens [] == []
, halveEvens [1,2,3,4,5] == [1,2]
, halveEvens [6,6,6,3,3,3,2,2,2] == [3,3,3,1,1,1]
safeString :: String -> String
safeString = map replacer
where replacer :: Char -> Char
replacer c | isControl c = '_' | not $ isAscii c = '_' | otherwise = c
--In a string, replace every character that is a control character or not an ASCII character by an underscore. Use the Data.Char module.
ex_safeString =
[ safeString [] == []
, safeString "Hello World!" == "Hello World!"
, safeString "That’s your line:\n" == "That_s your line:_"
, safeString "🙋.o(“Me Me Me”)" == "_.o(_Me Me Me_)"
holes :: [a] -> [[a]]
holes xs = splitter <$> indexes
where indexes = [0..(length xs) - 1]
splitter i = let (start, end) = splitAt i xs in start ++ (safeTail end)
safeTail s | null s = s | otherwise = tail s
--Given a list, return the a list of lists that contains every list that is obtained by the original list by removing one element, in order. (The examples might be more helpful).
ex_holes =
[ holes "" == []
, holes "Hello" == ["ello", "Hllo", "Helo", "Helo", "Hell"]
longestText :: (Traversable t, Show a) => t a -> a
longestText = maximumBy longestShow
where longestShow l r = compare (showLen l) (showLen r)
showLen s = length $ show s
--Given a non-empty list, find the entry for which show results the longest text shown. If there are ties, prefer the last one.
ex_longestText =
[ longestText [True,False] == False
, longestText [2,4,16,32] == (32::Int)
, longestText (words "Hello World") == "World"
, longestText (words "Olá mundo") == "Olá"
adjacents :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
adjacents xs = snd $ foldr topairs (Nothing, []) xs
where topairs a (Nothing, acc) = (Just a, acc)
topairs a (Just prev, acc) = (Just a, (a, prev):acc)
--Pair each element with the next one in the list.
ex_adjacents =
[ adjacents "" == []
, adjacents [True] == []
, adjacents "Hello" == [('H','e'),('e','l'),('l','l'),('l','o')]
commas :: [String] -> String
commas = fold . intersperse ", "
--Add commas between strings.
ex_commas =
[ commas [] == ""
, commas ["Hello"] == "Hello"
, commas ["Hello", "World"] == "Hello, World"
, commas ["Hello", "", "World"] == "Hello, , World"
, commas ["Hello", "new", "World"] == "Hello, new, World"
type Coefficients = [Integer]
addPolynomials :: [Coefficients] -> Coefficients
addPolynomials = foldr add []
where add :: Coefficients -> Coefficients -> Coefficients
add diff acc = let properAcc = if null acc
then replicate (length diff) 0
else acc
in zipWith (+) diff properAcc
--Given coefficients to polynomial equations as lists of the same length, output the coefficients for the sum of these equations.
--You may assume that at least one polynomial is given.
ex_addPolynomials =
[ addPolynomials [[]] == []
, addPolynomials [[0, 1], [1, 1]] == [1, 2]
, addPolynomials [[0, 1, 5], [7, 0, 0], [-2, -1, 5]] == [5, 0, 10]
sumNumbers :: String -> Integer
sumNumbers str = sum numbers
where numbers = read <$> numbersAsString
numbersAsString = snd $ foldr filterNums ("", []) str
filterNums c (current, parsed)
| isDigit c = (c:current, parsed)
| null current = (current, parsed)
| otherwise = ("", current:parsed)
--Output the sum of all natural numbers contained in the given string. A natural number in this sense is any maximal subsequence of digits, i.e. one that is neither preceded nor followed by an integer. (The examples should provide more clarification.)
ex_sumNumbers =
[ sumNumbers "" == 0
, sumNumbers "Hello world!" == 0
, sumNumbers "a1bc222d3f44" == 270
, sumNumbers "words0are1234separated12by3integers45678" == 46927
, sumNumbers "000a." == 0
, sumNumbers "0.00a." == 0
testResults :: [(String, [Bool])]
testResults = [ ("halveEvens", ex_halveEvens)
, ("safeString", ex_safeString)
, ("holes", ex_holes)
, ("longestText", ex_longestText)
, ("adjacents", ex_adjacents)
, ("commas", ex_commas)
, ("addPolynomials", ex_addPolynomials)
, ("sumNumbers", ex_sumNumbers)
formatTests :: [(String, [Bool])] -> [String]
formatTests = map report
where report (name, results) = name ++ " " ++ (if and results then "ok" else "failed")
str = unlines [
"first line",
"second line",
"third line"]
wordCount :: String -> [String]
wordCount str = reports
where reports =
[ "number of lines: " ++ (strLength $ lined)
, "number of empty lines: " ++ (strLength $ (filter null lined))
, "number of words: " ++ (strLength worded)
, "number of unique words: " ++ (strLength $ wordset)
, "length of longest line: " ++ (strLength $ longestText lined)
lined = lines str
strLength :: Foldable t => t a -> String
strLength = show . length
worded = foldMap words lined
wordset = Data.Set.fromList worded
main :: IO ()
main = do
--mapM_ putStrLn $ formatTests testResults
mapM_ putStrLn $ wordCount str
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import System.IO
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
type Picture = Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Char
blank :: Picture
blank _ _ = Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = exercise4
translated :: Integer -> Integer -> Picture -> Picture
translated dx dy p = \x y -> p (x - dx) (y + dy)
(&) :: Picture -> Picture -> Picture
l & r = \x y -> let pics = Last <$> (($ y).($ x) <$> [l, r])
in getLast $ fold pics
data Event = KeyPress String deriving (Show, Eq)
scaled :: Int -> Int -> Picture -> Picture
scaled _ _ p = p
circle :: Double -> Picture
circle _ = charPicture 'O'
-- Lists
data List a = Empty | Entry a (List a) deriving Eq
infixr `Entry`
mapList :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
mapList _ Empty = Empty
mapList f (Entry c cs) = Entry (f c) (mapList f cs)
combine :: List Picture -> Picture
combine Empty = blank
combine (Entry p ps) = p & combine ps
allList :: List Bool -> Bool
allList Empty = True
allList (Entry b bs) = b && allList bs
elemList :: Eq a => a -> List a -> Bool
elemList _ Empty = False
elemList x (Entry y ys) | x == y = True
| otherwise = elemList x ys
appendList :: List a -> List a -> List a
appendList Empty ys = ys
appendList (Entry x xs) ys = Entry x (xs `appendList` ys)
listLength :: List a -> Integer
listLength Empty = 0
listLength (Entry _ xs) = 1 + listLength xs
nth :: List a -> Integer -> a
nth Empty _ = error "list too short"
nth (Entry x _) 1 = x
nth (Entry _ xs) n = nth xs (n-1)
filterList :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
filterList _ Empty = Empty
filterList p (Entry x xs) | p x = Entry x (filterList p xs)
| otherwise = filterList p xs
-- Graph Search
isGraphClosed :: Eq a => a -> (a -> List a) -> (a -> Bool) -> Bool
isGraphClosed initial adjacent isOk = go Empty (Entry initial Empty)
go _ Empty = True
go seen (Entry c todo) | c `elemList` seen = go seen todo
go _ (Entry c _) | not (isOk c) = False
go seen (Entry c todo) = go (Entry c seen) (adjacent c `appendList` todo)
-- Coordinates
data Coord = C Integer Integer
data Direction = R | U | L | D deriving Eq
eqCoord :: Coord -> Coord -> Bool
eqCoord (C x1 y1) (C x2 y2) = x1 == x2 && y1 == y2
instance Eq Coord where
C x1 y1 == C x2 y2 = x1 == x2 && y1 == y2
adjacentCoord :: Direction -> Coord -> Coord
adjacentCoord R (C x y) = C (x+1) y
adjacentCoord U (C x y) = C x (y+1)
adjacentCoord L (C x y) = C (x-1) y
adjacentCoord D (C x y) = C x (y-1)
moveFromTo :: Eq a => a -> a -> a -> a
moveFromTo c1 c2 c | c1 == c = c2
| otherwise = c
-- The maze
data Tile = Wall | Ground | Storage | Box | Blank deriving Eq
data Maze = Maze Coord (Coord -> Tile)
noBoxMaze :: (Coord -> Tile) -> Coord -> Tile
noBoxMaze maze c = case maze c of
Box -> Ground
t -> t
mazeWithBoxes :: (Coord -> Tile) -> List Coord -> Coord -> Tile
mazeWithBoxes maze Empty c' = noBoxMaze maze c'
mazeWithBoxes maze (Entry c cs) c'
| eqCoord c c' = Box
| otherwise = mazeWithBoxes maze cs c'
isOnStorage :: (Coord -> Tile) -> Coord -> Bool
isOnStorage maze c = case maze c of Storage -> True
_ -> False
gameWon :: (Coord -> Tile) -> List Coord -> Bool
gameWon maze cs = allList (mapList (isOnStorage maze) cs)
-- The state
data State = State Coord Direction (List Coord) Integer deriving Eq
initialBoxes :: (Coord -> Tile) -> List Coord
initialBoxes maze = go (-10) (-10)
go 11 11 = Empty
go x 11 = go (x+1) (-10)
go x y = case maze (C x y) of
Box -> Entry (C x y) (go x (y+1))
_ -> go x (y+1)
loadMaze :: Integer -> State
loadMaze n = State c R (initialBoxes maze) n
where (Maze c maze) = nth mazes n
initialState :: State
initialState = loadMaze 1
nthMaze :: Integer -> (Coord -> Tile)
nthMaze n = case nth mazes n of Maze _ maze -> maze
-- Event handling
tryGoTo :: State -> Direction -> State
tryGoTo (State from _ bx i) d
= case currentMaze to of
Box -> case currentMaze beyond of
Ground -> movedState
Storage -> movedState
_ -> didn'tMove
Ground -> movedState
Storage -> movedState
_ -> didn'tMove
where to = adjacentCoord d from
beyond = adjacentCoord d to
maze = nthMaze i
currentMaze = mazeWithBoxes maze bx
movedState = State to d movedBx i
movedBx = mapList (moveFromTo to beyond) bx
didn'tMove = State from d bx i
handleEvent :: Event -> State -> State
handleEvent (KeyPress key) (State _ _ bx i)
| gameWon (nthMaze i) bx
, i < listLength mazes
, key == " " = loadMaze (i+1)
handleEvent _ (State c d bx i)
| gameWon (nthMaze i) bx
= State c d bx i
handleEvent (KeyPress key) s
| key == "l" = tryGoTo s R
| key == "k" = tryGoTo s U
| key == "h" = tryGoTo s L
| key == "j" = tryGoTo s D
handleEvent _ s = s
-- Drawing
wall, ground, storage, box :: Picture
wall = charPicture '#'
ground = charPicture ' '
storage = charPicture 'U'
box = charPicture '@'
drawTile :: Tile -> Picture
drawTile Wall = wall
drawTile Ground = ground
drawTile Storage = storage
drawTile Box = box
drawTile Blank = blank
pictureOfMaze :: (Coord -> Tile) -> Picture
pictureOfMaze maze = draw21times (\r -> draw21times (\c -> drawTileAt maze (C r c)))
draw21times :: (Integer -> Picture) -> Picture
draw21times something = go (-10)
go :: Integer -> Picture
go 11 = blank
go n = something n & go (n+1)
drawTileAt :: (Coord -> Tile) -> Coord -> Picture
drawTileAt maze c = atCoord c (drawTile (noBoxMaze maze c))
atCoord :: Coord -> Picture -> Picture
atCoord (C x y) pic = translated (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) pic
charPicture :: Char -> Picture
charPicture c = \x y -> if x == 0 && y == 0
then Just c
else Nothing
player :: Direction -> Picture
player R = charPicture '>'
player L = charPicture '<'
player U = charPicture '^'
player D = charPicture 'v'
pictureOfBoxes :: List Coord -> Picture
pictureOfBoxes cs = combine (mapList (\c -> atCoord c (drawTile Box)) cs)
drawState :: State -> Picture
drawState (State c d boxes i)
= pictureOfMaze (nthMaze i)
& pictureOfBoxes boxes
& atCoord c (player d)
-- The complete interaction
sokoban :: Interaction State
sokoban = Interaction initialState handleEvent drawState
-- The general interaction type
data Interaction world = Interaction
(Event -> world -> world)
(world -> Picture)
runInteraction :: Interaction s -> IO ()
runInteraction (Interaction state0 handle draw) = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
loop state0
where loop state = do
k <- getChar
let newState = handle (KeyPress [k]) state
putStr $ stringWorld $ (draw newState)
loop newState
stringWorld :: Picture -> String
stringWorld f = [if x == 11 then '\n' else (translatePicture f) x y | y <- [-10..10], x <- [-10..11]]
translatePicture :: Picture -> Integer -> Integer -> Char
translatePicture f = \x y -> case f x y of
Nothing -> ' '
Just c -> c
-- Resetable interactions
resetable :: Interaction s -> Interaction s
resetable (Interaction state0 handle draw)
= Interaction state0 handle' draw
where handle' (KeyPress key) _ | key == "Esc" = state0
handle' e s = handle e s
data WithUndo a = WithUndo a (List a)
withUndo :: Eq a => Interaction a -> Interaction (WithUndo a)
withUndo (Interaction state0 handle draw)
= Interaction state0' handle' draw'
state0' = WithUndo state0 Empty
handle' (KeyPress key) (WithUndo s stack) | key == "U"
= case stack of Entry s' stack' -> WithUndo s' stack'
Empty -> WithUndo s Empty
handle' e (WithUndo s stack)
| s' == s = WithUndo s stack
| otherwise = WithUndo s' (Entry s stack)
where s' = handle e s
draw' (WithUndo s _) = draw s
-- The main function
exercise4 :: IO ()
exercise4 = runInteraction (resetable (withUndo sokoban))
mazes :: List Maze
mazes =
Entry (Maze (C 1 1) maze9) $
Entry (Maze (C 0 0) maze8) $
Entry (Maze (C (-3) 3) maze7) $
Entry (Maze (C (-2) 4) maze6) $
Entry (Maze (C 0 1) maze5) $
Entry (Maze (C 1 (-3)) maze4) $
Entry (Maze (C (-4) 3) maze3) $
Entry (Maze (C 0 1) maze1) $
extraMazes :: List Maze
extraMazes =
Entry (Maze (C 1 (-3)) maze4') $
Entry (Maze (C 1 (-3)) maze4'') $
Entry (Maze (C 1 1) maze9') $
maze1 :: Coord -> Tile
maze1 (C x y)
| abs x > 4 || abs y > 4 = Blank
| abs x == 4 || abs y == 4 = Wall
| x == 2 && y <= 0 = Wall
| x == 3 && y <= 0 = Storage
| x >= -2 && y == 0 = Box
| otherwise = Ground
maze3 :: Coord -> Tile
maze3 (C (-5) (-5)) = Wall
maze3 (C (-5) (-4)) = Wall
maze3 (C (-5) (-3)) = Wall
maze3 (C (-5) (-2)) = Wall
maze3 (C (-5) (-1)) = Wall
maze3 (C (-5) 0 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-5) 1 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-5) 2 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-5) 3 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-5) 4 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-4) (-5)) = Wall
maze3 (C (-4) (-4)) = Ground
maze3 (C (-4) (-3)) = Ground
maze3 (C (-4) (-2)) = Ground
maze3 (C (-4) (-1)) = Ground
maze3 (C (-4) 0 ) = Ground
maze3 (C (-4) 1 ) = Ground
maze3 (C (-4) 2 ) = Ground
maze3 (C (-4) 3 ) = Ground
maze3 (C (-4) 4 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-3) (-5)) = Wall
maze3 (C (-3) (-4)) = Ground
maze3 (C (-3) (-3)) = Wall
maze3 (C (-3) (-2)) = Wall
maze3 (C (-3) (-1)) = Wall
maze3 (C (-3) 0 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-3) 1 ) = Ground
maze3 (C (-3) 2 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-3) 3 ) = Ground
maze3 (C (-3) 4 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-3) 5 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-2) (-5)) = Wall
maze3 (C (-2) (-4)) = Box
maze3 (C (-2) (-3)) = Ground
maze3 (C (-2) (-2)) = Ground
maze3 (C (-2) (-1)) = Ground
maze3 (C (-2) 0 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-2) 1 ) = Ground
maze3 (C (-2) 2 ) = Box
maze3 (C (-2) 3 ) = Box
maze3 (C (-2) 4 ) = Ground
maze3 (C (-2) 5 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-1) (-6)) = Wall
maze3 (C (-1) (-5)) = Wall
maze3 (C (-1) (-4)) = Ground
maze3 (C (-1) (-3)) = Ground
maze3 (C (-1) (-2)) = Ground
maze3 (C (-1) (-1)) = Ground
maze3 (C (-1) 0 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-1) 1 ) = Ground
maze3 (C (-1) 2 ) = Ground
maze3 (C (-1) 3 ) = Box
maze3 (C (-1) 4 ) = Ground
maze3 (C (-1) 5 ) = Wall
maze3 (C (-1) 6 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 0 (-6)) = Wall
maze3 (C 0 (-5)) = Ground
maze3 (C 0 (-4)) = Ground
maze3 (C 0 (-3)) = Ground
maze3 (C 0 (-2)) = Ground
maze3 (C 0 (-1)) = Ground
maze3 (C 0 0 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 0 1 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 0 2 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 0 3 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 0 4 ) = Ground
maze3 (C 0 5 ) = Ground
maze3 (C 0 6 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 1 (-6)) = Wall
maze3 (C 1 (-5)) = Ground
maze3 (C 1 (-4)) = Ground
maze3 (C 1 (-3)) = Ground
maze3 (C 1 (-2)) = Ground
maze3 (C 1 (-1)) = Ground
maze3 (C 1 0 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 1 1 ) = Storage
maze3 (C 1 2 ) = Storage
maze3 (C 1 3 ) = Storage
maze3 (C 1 4 ) = Ground
maze3 (C 1 5 ) = Ground
maze3 (C 1 6 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 2 (-6)) = Wall
maze3 (C 2 (-5)) = Wall
maze3 (C 2 (-4)) = Ground
maze3 (C 2 (-3)) = Ground
maze3 (C 2 (-2)) = Ground
maze3 (C 2 (-1)) = Ground
maze3 (C 2 0 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 2 1 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 2 2 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 2 3 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 2 4 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 2 5 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 2 6 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 3 (-5)) = Wall
maze3 (C 3 (-4)) = Ground
maze3 (C 3 (-3)) = Ground
maze3 (C 3 (-2)) = Storage
maze3 (C 3 (-1)) = Ground
maze3 (C 3 0 ) = Wall
maze3 (C 4 (-5)) = Wall
maze3 (C 4 (-4)) = Wall
maze3 (C 4 (-3)) = Wall
maze3 (C 4 (-2)) = Wall
maze3 (C 4 (-1)) = Wall
maze3 (C 4 0 ) = Wall
maze3 _ = Blank
maze4 :: Coord -> Tile
maze4 (C x y)
| abs x > 4 || abs y > 4 = Blank
| abs x == 4 || abs y == 4 = Wall
| x == 2 && y < 0 = Wall
| x >= -1 && y == 1 && x <= 2 = Wall
| x == -3 && y == 1 = Wall
| x == 0 && y == 3 = Wall
| x == 0 && y == 0 = Wall
| x == 3 && y == -3 = Storage
| x == 1 && y == 2 = Storage
| x == -3 && y == 2 = Storage
| x == 1 && y == -1 = Storage
| x == -2 && y == 1 = Box
| x == 2 && y == 2 = Box
| x <= 1 && y == -2 && x >= 0 = Box
| otherwise = Ground
maze5 :: Coord -> Tile
maze5 (C x y)
| abs x > 4 || abs y > 4 = Blank
| abs x == 4 || abs y == 4 = Wall
| x == 1 && y < 0 = Wall
| x == -3 && y == -2 = Wall
| x <= 1 && x > -2 && y == 0 = Wall
| x > -3 && x < 3 && y == 2 = Wall
| x == 3 && y > 1 = Storage
| y == -2 && x < 0 = Box
| y == -2 && x == 2 = Box
| y == 0 && x == 3 = Box
| y == -1 && x > 1 && x < 4 = Storage
| otherwise = Ground
maze6 :: Coord -> Tile
maze6 (C x y)
| abs x > 3 || abs y > 5 = Blank
| abs x == 3 || (abs y == 5 && abs x < 4) = Wall
| x == 0 && abs y < 4 = Storage
| x == -1 && (y == 0 || abs y == 2) = Box
| x == 1 && (abs y == 1 || abs y == 3) = Box
| x == (-2) && y == 1 = Wall
| otherwise = Ground
maze7 :: Coord -> Tile
maze7 (C x y)
| abs x > 4 || abs y > 4 = Blank
| abs x == 4 || abs y == 4 = Wall
| not (x == 2) && y == 2 = Wall
| not (x == -2) && y == -1 = Wall
| x == 3 && y == -3 = Storage
| x == 2 && y == 2 = Box
| otherwise = Ground
maze8 :: Coord -> Tile
maze8 (C x y)
| abs x > 10 || abs y > 10 = Blank
| x == 0 && y == 0 = Ground
| abs x == 9 && abs y == 9 = Wall
| abs x == 10 || abs y == 10 = Wall
| x == y = Storage
| abs x == abs y = Box
| x < 0 && x > (-9) && y == 0 = Box
| x > 0 && x < 9 && y == 0 = Storage
| otherwise = Ground
maze9 :: Coord -> Tile
maze9 (C x y)
| abs x > 4 || abs y > 4 = Blank
| abs x == 4 || abs y == 4 || x == -3 = Wall
| x == -2 && (y == 3 || y == 0) = Wall
| x == -1 && y == -1 = Wall
| x == -0 && y == 1 = Wall
| x == 3 && y == 0 = Wall
| x < 0 && (y == 2 || y == -3) = Storage
| x == -1 && y == 1 = Storage
| x == 0 && (y == 2 || y == 0 || y == -1) = Box
| x == 1 && y == -2 = Box
| x == 2 && y == -3 = Box
| otherwise = Ground
maze4'' :: Coord -> Tile
maze4'' (C 1 (-3)) = Box
maze4'' c = maze4 c
maze4' :: Coord -> Tile
maze4' (C 0 1) = Blank
maze4' c = maze4 c
maze9' :: Coord -> Tile
maze9' (C 3 0) = Box
maze9' (C 4 0) = Box
maze9' c = maze9 c
module Main where
import Stream
import Supply
import Control.Monad
fib :: [Int]
fib = 1:1:next fib
where next (x:t@(y:ys)) = (x+y):(next t)
fib2 :: [Int]
fib2 = 1:1:(zipWith (+) fib2 (tail fib2))
exercise :: String -> IO () -> IO ()
exercise title action = header >> action
where header :: IO ()
header = putStrLn "" >> putStrLn title >> putStrLn separatorLine
separatorLine :: String
separatorLine = replicate (length title) '*'
nats :: Stream Integer
nats = streamIterate (+1) 0
ruler :: Stream Integer
ruler = streamInterleave zeros (streamInterleave ones (streamInterleave twos threefour))
where zeros = streamRepeat 0
ones = streamRepeat 1
twos = streamRepeat 2
threefour = streamInterleave (streamRepeat 3) (streamRepeat 4)
data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a deriving (Show, Eq)
labelTree :: Tree a -> Tree Integer
labelTree t = runSupply nats (go t)
where go :: Tree a -> Supply Integer (Tree Integer)
go (Node l r) = Node <$> go l <*> go r
go (Leaf _) = get >>= return . Leaf
main :: IO ()
main = do
exercise "fibs" $ do
print $ take 15 $ fib
print $ take 15 $ fib2
exercise "stream" $ do
print $ "ap" == (take 2 $ streamToList (Cons 'a' (Cons 'p' (streamRepeat '.'))))
print $ streamCompare "aaaa" (streamRepeat 'a')
print $ streamCompare "aaaa" (const 'a' <$> (streamRepeat '.'))
print $ streamCompare [1,2,4] (streamIterate (*2) 1)
print $ streamCompare [0,1,0,1] (streamInterleave (streamRepeat 0) (streamRepeat 1))
print $ streamCompare [0..10] nats
print $ streamCompare [0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4] ruler
exercise "supply" $ do
print $ 0 == runSupply nats get
print $ 10 == runSupply nats (pureSupply 10)
print $ "10" == runSupply nats (show <$> pureSupply 10)
print $ 30 == runSupply nats (mapSupply2 (+) (pureSupply 10) (pureSupply 20))
print $ 200 == runSupply nats ((*) <$> (pureSupply 10) <*> (pureSupply 20))
print $ 2 == runSupply nats (get >> get >> get >>= pureSupply)
let x = runSupply nats $ do
x <- get
pureSupply x
print $ 2 == x
exercise "tree" $ do
let leaf = Leaf ()
let tree = Node (Node (Node leaf leaf) leaf) (Node leaf leaf)
let labeledTree = Node (Node (Node (Leaf 0) (Leaf 1)) (Leaf 2)) (Node (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4))
print $ (labelTree tree) == labeledTree
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