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Created August 17, 2023 18:18
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Simulation of background activity and noise in human intracranial microwire recordings.
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal
from NoiseSim.StdNoiseFilter import StdNoiseFilter
class StdNoiseGen:
Standard noise generator.
Encapsulates filter length and leading zeros.
def __init__(self, sampRate = 25000, gainFactor = 1.0, rngSeed = 12345):
Build filter and get length.
:param sampRate: sampling rate
:param gainFactor: std in passband (300-3000 Hz) of output noise in volts
:param rngSeed: seed for random number generation
self.filt = StdNoiseFilter(sampRate, gainFactor)
self.filtLen = self.filt.filtLength()
self.rng = np.random.default_rng(rngSeed)
def genNoise(self, length):
Generate a standard noise sequence of given time duration.
Provide leading noise for input to minimize effect of filter startup.
:param length: length in seconds
:return: numpy.array 1-d with filtered noise
outSamps = round(length * self.filt._sr)
numSamps = round(outSamps + self.filtLen)
w = self.rng.normal(size=numSamps)
output = signal.sosfilt(self.filt.sos, w)
return output[(numSamps-outSamps):]
def genNoiseForMultIntervals(self, intervals, multipliers):
Generate noise given intervals of time and different multipliers.
:param intervals: np.array 1-d of time intervals to generate noise for
:param multipliers: np.array 1-d of multipliers on the gain to be applied for each interval
:return: np.array 1-d with filtered noise
outSamps = round(np.sum(intervals) * self.filt._sr)
numSamps = round(outSamps + self.filtLen)
# run in interval at first multiplier
w0 = self.rng.normal(size=self.filtLen) * multipliers[0]
wsegs = [w0]
# for each interval
for i in range(0,intervals.shape[0]):
sw = self.rng.normal(size=round(intervals[i] * self.filt._sr)) * multipliers[i]
w = np.concatenate(wsegs)
output = signal.sosfilt(self.filt.sos, w)
return output[(numSamps-outSamps):]
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