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Last active July 17, 2019 12:36
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Deployment Contributor for renaming of columns in SQL Server Temporal Tables
/*! *****************************************************************************
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using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Deployment;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Model;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Tangra.SqlServer.Dac
/// <summary>
/// This deployment contributor modifies a deployment plan by adding statements before and after
/// column rename steps to remove and re-create the SYSTEM_VERSIONING settings of a temporal table
/// </summary>
[ExportDeploymentPlanModifier("Tangra.SqlTemporalColumnRenameContributor", "")]
public class SqlTemporalColumnRenameContributor : DeploymentPlanModifier
protected override void OnExecute(DeploymentPlanContributorContext context)
DeploymentStep nextStep = context.PlanHandle.Head;
var visitedTemporalTables = new List<string>();
// Loop through all steps in the deployment plan
while (nextStep != null)
// Increment the step pointer, saving both the current and next steps
DeploymentStep currentStep = nextStep;
nextStep = currentStep.Next;
if (!(currentStep is SqlRenameStep))
var renameStep = currentStep as SqlRenameStep;
if (renameStep.RenamedElement.ObjectType.Name != "Column")
var currentTable = renameStep.RenamedElement.GetParent();
var originalTable = currentTable.GetReferencing(Table.TemporalSystemVersioningHistoryTable);
TSqlObject temporalTable;
if (originalTable.Count() == 0)
// Rename in the Temporal Table itself
temporalTable = currentTable;
// Rename in the related History Table
temporalTable = originalTable.Single();
var temporalTableName = string.Join(".", temporalTable.Name.Parts.ToArray());
if (visitedTemporalTables.IndexOf(temporalTableName) == -1)
// First visit of the table => We need to turn off system versioning for the table
var newBatch = new TSqlBatch();
(renameStep.Script as TSqlScript).Batches.Insert(0, newBatch);
// Already visited table => We need to generate a script that turns SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON
var createTemporalDefinitionStatement = GetCreateTemporalStatement(temporalTable);
if (createTemporalDefinitionStatement != null)
var newBatch = new TSqlBatch();
(renameStep.Script as TSqlScript).Batches.Add(newBatch);
private SchemaObjectName GetSchemaObjectName(params string[] identifiers)
var name = new SchemaObjectName();
foreach (var identifier in identifiers)
name.Identifiers.Add(new Identifier() { Value = identifier, QuoteType = QuoteType.SquareBracket });
return name;
private IfStatement GetIfExistsDropTemporalStatement(string[] tableNameParts)
return new IfStatement()
Predicate = new ExistsPredicate()
Subquery = new ScalarSubquery()
QueryExpression = new QuerySpecification()
SelectElements =
new SelectScalarExpression() { Expression = new IntegerLiteral() { Value = "1" } }
FromClause = new FromClause()
TableReferences =
new NamedTableReference() { SchemaObject = GetSchemaObjectName("sys", "tables") }
WhereClause = new WhereClause()
SearchCondition = new BooleanBinaryExpression()
BinaryExpressionType = BooleanBinaryExpressionType.And,
FirstExpression = new BooleanBinaryExpression()
BinaryExpressionType = BooleanBinaryExpressionType.And,
FirstExpression = new BooleanComparisonExpression()
ComparisonType = BooleanComparisonType.Equals,
FirstExpression = new ColumnReferenceExpression()
MultiPartIdentifier = new MultiPartIdentifier()
Identifiers = { new Identifier() { Value = "name", QuoteType = QuoteType.SquareBracket } }
SecondExpression = new StringLiteral() { Value = tableNameParts.Last() }
SecondExpression = new BooleanComparisonExpression()
ComparisonType = BooleanComparisonType.Equals,
FirstExpression = new ScalarExpressionSnippet()
Script = "SCHEMA_NAME([schema_id])"
SecondExpression = new StringLiteral() { Value = tableNameParts[tableNameParts.Length - 2] }
SecondExpression = new BooleanComparisonExpression()
ComparisonType = BooleanComparisonType.Equals,
FirstExpression = new ColumnReferenceExpression()
MultiPartIdentifier = new MultiPartIdentifier()
Identifiers = { new Identifier() { Value = "temporal_type", QuoteType = QuoteType.SquareBracket } }
SecondExpression = new IntegerLiteral() { Value = "2" }
ThenStatement = new BeginEndBlockStatement()
StatementList = new StatementList()
Statements =
new AlterTableSetStatement()
SchemaObjectName = GetSchemaObjectName(tableNameParts.ToArray()),
Options = { new SystemVersioningTableOption() { OptionState = OptionState.Off } }
private AlterTableSetStatement GetCreateTemporalStatement(TSqlObject table)
var retentionUnit = table.GetProperty<int>(Table.RetentionUnit);
var retentionValue = table.GetProperty<int?>(Table.RetentionValue);
var historyTable = table.GetReferenced(Table.TemporalSystemVersioningHistoryTable);
if (historyTable.Count() == 0)
return null;
RetentionPeriodDefinition retentionPeriod = null;
if (retentionUnit != -1 && retentionValue != -1)
retentionPeriod = new RetentionPeriodDefinition()
Duration = new IntegerLiteral() { Value = retentionValue.ToString() },
Units = (TemporalRetentionPeriodUnit)retentionUnit,
return new AlterTableSetStatement()
SchemaObjectName = GetSchemaObjectName(table.Name.Parts.ToArray()),
Options =
new SystemVersioningTableOption()
OptionState = OptionState.On,
ConsistencyCheckEnabled = OptionState.On,
HistoryTable = GetSchemaObjectName(historyTable.Single().Name.Parts.ToArray()),
RetentionPeriod = retentionPeriod
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