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Last active April 11, 2024 16:04
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Find all perfect matching of a graph, very fast!
from collections import defaultdict
from pprint import pprint
import time
def tryAppend(combinations, nodeA, nodeB):
Try to add edge (nodeA, nodeB) to the existing combinations.
Return new combinations that contains edge (nodeA, nodeB)
newCombinations = []
if len(combinations) == 0:
return newCombinations
for pairedNodes, combination in combinations:
if nodeA in pairedNodes or nodeB in pairedNodes:
newPairedNodes = pairedNodes.copy()
newCombination = combination.copy()
newCombination.append((nodeA, nodeB))
newCombinations.append((newPairedNodes, newCombination))
return newCombinations
if __name__ == '__main__':
connectionPairs = defaultdict(set)
# "A;B|A;C|B;C" indicates there're 3 edges, A-B, A-C, and B-C
serializedGraph = "0;1|0;2|0;4|0;5|1;4|1;5|2;3|2;4|4;5"
nodeNumber = 6
serializedEdges = serializedGraph.split("|")
for edge in serializedEdges:
nodes = edge.split(";")
nodes = sorted(nodes)
nodeA = int(nodes[0])
nodeB = int(nodes[1])
# main logic
startTime = time.time()
combinations = []
sortedKeys = sorted(connectionPairs.keys())
for i, nodeA in enumerate(sortedKeys):
connectedNodes = connectionPairs[nodeA]
newCombinations = []
for nodeB in connectedNodes:
if i == 0:
newCombinations.append((set([nodeA, nodeB]), [(nodeA, nodeB)]))
newCombinations.extend(tryAppend(combinations, nodeA, nodeB))
# for the old combinations that doesn't contain nodeA, we abandon
# them because it's impossible for them to form a perfect matching
for combination in combinations:
if nodeA in combination[0]:
combinations = newCombinations
print(i + 1, '/', len(connectionPairs), ": ", len(combinations))
# exclude unfinished combinations
perfectMatchings = [x[1] for x in combinations if len(x[0]) == nodeNumber]
endTime = time.time()
print("Number of perfect matchings:", len(perfectMatchings))
for perfectMatching in perfectMatchings:
print("Elapsed time: ", endTime - startTime, " seconds")
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