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Last active March 5, 2024 19:30
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Python test assignment coderbyte
import statistics
import ast
import math
import json
from typing import Callable
class ParseError(Exception):
# Brute-force version :)
# Works as expected on a valid input but ignores some syntax errors.
def string_flattener_1(values_str, empty_list_value):
# This parser is fundamentally sloppy, now trying to cath some input inconsistencies explicitly:
if not values_str.startswith('[') or not values_str.endswith(']'):
raise ParseError("Top level value is not a list.")
if values_str.count('[') != values_str.count(']'):
raise ParseError("List brackets are not balanced.")
values_str = (values_str
.replace('[]', str(empty_list_value))
.replace('[', '')
.replace(']', ''))
for x_str in values_str.split(','):
if x_str.lower() == 'nan':
yield math.nan
yield float(x_str)
except ValueError:
raise ParseError(f"Numeric value is malformed: {x_str}")
# Version of _1 with bracket nesting checks.
# Single loop procedure with depth tracking (alternatively it can be recursive).
def parser_flattener_2(values_str, empty_list_value):
depth = 0
value_start = None
state = 'start'
def eval_x():
x_str = values_str[value_start:i]
return float(x_str)
except ValueError:
raise ParseError(f"Numeric value is malformed: {x_str}")
for i in range(len(values_str)):
ch = values_str[i]
if ch == '[':
if state not in [',', '[', 'start']:
raise ParseError(f"Unexpected start of the list at [{i}]")
state = '['
depth += 1
elif ch == ']':
if state == 'value':
yield eval_x()
elif state == '[':
yield empty_list_value
elif state != ']':
raise ParseError(f"Unexpected end of the list at [{i}]")
state = ']'
depth -= 1
if depth < 0:
raise ParseError("Unmatched closing bracket.")
elif ch == ',':
if state == 'value':
yield eval_x()
elif state != ']':
raise ParseError(f"Unexpected ',' at [{i}]")
state = ','
elif ch.isalnum() or ch in ['.', '-']: # Should also accept NaNs
if state in [',', '[']:
state = 'value'
value_start = i
elif state != 'value':
raise ParseError(f"Unexpected '{ch}' at [{i}]")
if depth > 0:
raise ParseError(f"Not enough closing list brackets ({depth} more expected).")
# Using 0 as "[]" value is inconsistent, but it was one of the task requirements.
def flatten(xs, empty_list_value):
if xs == 'nan':
yield math.nan
elif type(xs) == int or type(xs) == float:
yield xs
elif type(xs) == list:
if len(xs) == 0:
yield empty_list_value
for x in xs:
yield from flatten(x, empty_list_value)
raise ParseError(f"Unexpected list value {xs}")
# Using Python eval.
# Slow, but speed was not a requirement. Turns out ast.literal_eval is safe I missed that while googling.
# This still may fail when given deeply nested string.
def python_flattener_3(values_str, empty_list_value):
xs = ast.literal_eval(values_str.lower().replace('nan', '"nan"'))
except SyntaxError or ValueError as e:
raise ParseError(e)
if type(xs) != list:
raise ParseError("Top level value is not a list.")
yield from flatten(xs, empty_list_value)
# Using JSON parse.
# This one also may be unsafe on some inputs.
def json_flattener_4(values_str, empty_list_value):
xs = json.loads(values_str.lower().replace('nan', '"nan"'))
except (SyntaxError, ValueError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError) as e:
# (???) Breakpoint here for JSONDecodeError exception crashes debugger with SIGSEGV.
raise ParseError(e)
if type(xs) != list:
raise ParseError("Top level value is not a list.")
yield from flatten(xs, empty_list_value)
# This function shouldn't be renamed, so it can be imported in the tests
# Note `flattener` parameter was not part of the required API in the task.
# Including it here to test different list parsers.
def parse_compute_averages(input_arguments: str,
flattener: Callable[[str, float], list[float]]) -> str:
pairs = [pair.split('=')
for pair in input_arguments.split(' ')]
output = []
for pair in pairs:
if len(pair) != 2:
raise ParseError(f"key-value pair around '=' is malformed: {pair}")
key, values_str = pair
if not key.isalnum():
raise ParseError(f"Key name is invalid: {key}")
values = flattener(values_str, 0.0)
average = round(statistics.mean(values), 2)
return ' '.join(output)
examples = ["a=[] b=[2] c=[[]] d=[[4]] e=[[1],2] e=[2,[1]] d=[1,[2],3] d=[1,[[2]],[3]]",
"g=[-1] h=[2.0] i=[-2.0] j=[-1.003,345.65432] k=[[-1],-2] l=[-2,[-1]] m=[-1,[-2],-3] n=[-1,[[-2]],[-3]]",
"as=[12,2,[-3.4],[-12,12.00,[13000,8]],99] bz=[23,nan] bz=[23]"]
parse_error_examples = ['', '-2', '[]', '[23]', '=[3]', 'eh=45', 'a=[12,,3]',
'x=[,]', 'r=[2, 3]', 'z=[2]u=[3]', 'n=[nanan]',
'skew=[2[,]]', 'skew=[3,4', 'skew=[3,[4]']
implementations = [string_flattener_1,
# For each implementation the output should be identical.
for impl in implementations:
print(f"\nImpl {impl.__name__} :")
for input in examples:
print(parse_compute_averages(input, impl))
for input in parse_error_examples:
parse_compute_averages(input, impl)
assert False, f"A ParseError exception is expected on '{input}'."
except ParseError:
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PetrGlad commented Mar 5, 2024

Did not manage to implement it in the required 1.5 hours.
Created several different implementations just as an exercise.
This whole thing took me about 4 hours in total.

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