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Created January 31, 2018 23:42
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nn1<optimized out>
nn2<optimized out>
xyz1<optimized out>
id1<optimized out>
xyz2<optimized out>
id2<optimized out>
ib<optimized out>
node1in<optimized out>
node2in<optimized out>
idm<optimized out>
nnodes<optimized out>
fens<optimized out>
# meta: location sysimg.jl getproperty 8
SSAValue(110) = (Base.getfield)(fens1::FinEtools.FENodeSetModule.FENodeSet, :xyz)::AbstractArray{Float64,2}
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1) = (FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.size)(SSAValue(110), 2)::Any
# meta: location sysimg.jl getproperty 8
SSAValue(111) = (Base.getfield)(fens2::FinEtools.FENodeSetModule.FENodeSet, :xyz)::AbstractArray{Float64,2}
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(3) = (FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.size)(SSAValue(111), 2)::Any
SSAValue(4) = (SSAValue(1) == SSAValue(3))::Any
unless SSAValue(4) goto 12
goto 17
# meta: location boot.jl Type 267
SSAValue(113) = $(Expr(:new, :(Core.AssertionError), "size(, 2) == size(, 2)"))
# meta: pop location
#= line 190 =#
# meta: location sysimg.jl getproperty 8
SSAValue(114) = (Base.getfield)(fens1::FinEtools.FENodeSetModule.FENodeSet, :xyz)::AbstractArray{Float64,2}
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(7) = (FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.size)(SSAValue(114), 2)::Any
SSAValue(8) = (Base.convert)(FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.FInt, SSAValue(7))::Any
dim::Int64 = (Core.typeassert)(SSAValue(8), FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.FInt)::Int64
#= line 191 =#
SSAValue(9) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for count(::FinEtools.FENodeSetModule.FENodeSet), :(FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.count), :(fens1)))::Int64
#= line 192 =#
SSAValue(11) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for count(::FinEtools.FENodeSetModule.FENodeSet), :(FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.count), :(fens2)))::Int64
#= line 193 =#
SSAValue(115) = (Core.tuple)(SSAValue(9), dim::Int64)::Tuple{Int64,Int64}
# meta: location array.jl zeros 386
SSAValue(116) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for zeros(::Type{Float64}, ::Tuple{Int64,Int64}), :(Base.zeros), Float64, SSAValue(115)))::Array{Float64,2}
# meta: pop location
#= line 193 =#
# meta: location sysimg.jl getproperty 8
SSAValue(117) = (Base.getfield)(fens1::FinEtools.FENodeSetModule.FENodeSet, :xyz)::AbstractArray{Float64,2}
# meta: pop location
(FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.copyto!)(SSAValue(116), SSAValue(117))::Array{Float64,2}
#= line 194 =#
# meta: location range.jl colon 5
# meta: location range.jl Type 153
# meta: location range.jl unitrange_last 158
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(132) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(9))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl ifelse 318
SSAValue(134) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(132), SSAValue(9), 0)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(124) = $(Expr(:new, UnitRange{Int64}, 1, SSAValue(134)))
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location range.jl collect 888
SSAValue(135) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for vcat(::UnitRange{Int64}), :(Base.vcat), SSAValue(124)))::Array{Int64,1}
# meta: pop location
#= line 195 =#
SSAValue(136) = (Core.tuple)(SSAValue(11), dim::Int64)::Tuple{Int64,Int64}
# meta: location array.jl zeros 386
SSAValue(137) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for zeros(::Type{Float64}, ::Tuple{Int64,Int64}), :(Base.zeros), Float64, SSAValue(136)))::Array{Float64,2}
# meta: pop location
#= line 195 =#
# meta: location sysimg.jl getproperty 8
SSAValue(138) = (Base.getfield)(fens2::FinEtools.FENodeSetModule.FENodeSet, :xyz)::AbstractArray{Float64,2}
# meta: pop location
(FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.copyto!)(SSAValue(137), SSAValue(138))::Array{Float64,2}
#= line 196 =#
# meta: location range.jl colon 5
# meta: location range.jl Type 153
# meta: location range.jl unitrange_last 158
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(153) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(11))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl ifelse 318
SSAValue(155) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(153), SSAValue(11), 0)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(145) = $(Expr(:new, UnitRange{Int64}, 1, SSAValue(155)))
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location range.jl collect 888
SSAValue(156) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for vcat(::UnitRange{Int64}), :(Base.vcat), SSAValue(145)))::Array{Int64,1}
# meta: pop location
#= line 198 =#
# meta: location C:\Users\PetrKrysl\.julia\v0.7\FinEtools\src\BoxModule.jl boundingbox 101
# meta: location array.jl getindex 292
# meta: location boot.jl Type 383
# meta: location boot.jl Type 364
SSAValue(166) = $(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_alloc_array_1d), Array{Float64,1}, svec(Any, Int64), :(:ccall), 2, Array{Float64,1}, 0, 0))
# meta: pop locations (3)
SSAValue(158) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for updatebox!(::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,2}), :(FinEtools.BoxModule.updatebox!), SSAValue(166), SSAValue(116)))::Array{Float64,1}
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(20) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for inflatebox!(::Array{Float64,1}, ::Float64), :(FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.inflatebox!), SSAValue(158), :(tolerance)))::Array{Float64,1}
# meta: location C:\Users\PetrKrysl\.julia\v0.7\FinEtools\src\BoxModule.jl boundingbox 101
# meta: location array.jl getindex 292
# meta: location boot.jl Type 383
# meta: location boot.jl Type 364
SSAValue(176) = $(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_alloc_array_1d), Array{Float64,1}, svec(Any, Int64), :(:ccall), 2, Array{Float64,1}, 0, 0))
# meta: pop locations (3)
SSAValue(168) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for updatebox!(::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,2}), :(FinEtools.BoxModule.updatebox!), SSAValue(176), SSAValue(137)))::Array{Float64,1}
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(22) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for inflatebox!(::Array{Float64,1}, ::Float64), :(FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.inflatebox!), SSAValue(168), :(tolerance)))::Array{Float64,1}
SSAValue(23) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for intersectboxes(::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}), :(FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.intersectboxes), SSAValue(20), SSAValue(22)))::Array{Float64,1}
#= line 199 =#
# meta: location array.jl fill 340
# meta: location boot.jl Type 378
# meta: location boot.jl Type 364
SSAValue(189) = $(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_alloc_array_1d), Array{Bool,1}, svec(Any, Int64), :(:ccall), 2, Array{Bool,1}, SSAValue(9), SSAValue(9)))
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location array.jl fill! 313
# meta: location abstractarray.jl eachindex 792
# meta: location abstractarray.jl indices1 87
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 112
SSAValue(201) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(189), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location tuple.jl map 150
# meta: location range.jl Type 180
# meta: location range.jl Type 178
# meta: location promotion.jl max 397
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(216) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(201), 0)::Bool
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(215) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(216), 0, SSAValue(201))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (7)
#temp#@_46::Int64 = 1
# meta: location range.jl done 472
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(226) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(215), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location promotion.jl == 386
SSAValue(227) = (#temp#@_46::Int64 === SSAValue(226))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(194) = (Base.not_int)(SSAValue(227))::Bool
unless SSAValue(194) goto 147
# meta: location range.jl next 471
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(232) = (Base.add_int)(#temp#@_46::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(236) = #temp#@_46::Int64
# meta: pop location
#temp#@_46::Int64 = SSAValue(232)
#= line 314 =#
# meta: location array.jl setindex! 684
(Base.arrayset)(false, SSAValue(189), false, SSAValue(236))::Array{Bool,1}
# meta: pop location
goto 124
# meta: pop locations (2)
#= line 200 =#
# meta: location array.jl fill 340
# meta: location boot.jl Type 378
# meta: location boot.jl Type 364
SSAValue(249) = $(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_alloc_array_1d), Array{Bool,1}, svec(Any, Int64), :(:ccall), 2, Array{Bool,1}, SSAValue(11), SSAValue(11)))
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location array.jl fill! 313
# meta: location abstractarray.jl eachindex 792
# meta: location abstractarray.jl indices1 87
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 112
SSAValue(261) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(249), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location tuple.jl map 150
# meta: location range.jl Type 180
# meta: location range.jl Type 178
# meta: location promotion.jl max 397
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(276) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(261), 0)::Bool
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(275) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(276), 0, SSAValue(261))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (7)
#temp#@_50::Int64 = 1
# meta: location range.jl done 472
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(286) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(275), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location promotion.jl == 386
SSAValue(287) = (#temp#@_50::Int64 === SSAValue(286))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(254) = (Base.not_int)(SSAValue(287))::Bool
unless SSAValue(254) goto 195
# meta: location range.jl next 471
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(292) = (Base.add_int)(#temp#@_50::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(296) = #temp#@_50::Int64
# meta: pop location
#temp#@_50::Int64 = SSAValue(292)
#= line 314 =#
# meta: location array.jl setindex! 684
(Base.arrayset)(false, SSAValue(249), false, SSAValue(296))::Array{Bool,1}
# meta: pop location
goto 172
# meta: pop locations (2)
#= line 201 =#
# meta: location array.jl length 138
SSAValue(297) = (Base.arraylen)(SSAValue(23))::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location operators.jl > 250
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(299) = (Base.slt_int)(0, SSAValue(297))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
unless SSAValue(299) goto 581
#= line 202 =#
# meta: location range.jl colon 5
# meta: location range.jl Type 153
# meta: location range.jl unitrange_last 158
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(314) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(9))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl ifelse 318
SSAValue(316) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(314), SSAValue(9), 0)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (4)
#temp#@_15::Int64 = 1
# meta: location range.jl done 472
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(335) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(316), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location promotion.jl == 386
SSAValue(336) = (#temp#@_15::Int64 === SSAValue(335))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(30) = (Base.not_int)(SSAValue(336))::Bool
unless SSAValue(30) goto 393
# meta: location range.jl next 471
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(341) = (Base.add_int)(#temp#@_15::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1972) = #temp#@_15::Int64
# meta: pop location
#temp#@_15::Int64 = SSAValue(341)
#= line 203 =#
# meta: location subarray.jl view 138
# meta: location indices.jl to_indices 215
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 113
SSAValue(352) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(116), 1)::Int64
SSAValue(353) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(116), 2)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location tuple.jl map 151
# meta: location range.jl Type 180
# meta: location range.jl Type 178
# meta: location promotion.jl max 397
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(381) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(353), 0)::Bool
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(380) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(381), 0, SSAValue(353))::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(378) = $(Expr(:new, Base.OneTo{Int64}, SSAValue(380)))
# meta: pop locations (4)
# meta: location indices.jl to_indices 218
# meta: location multidimensional.jl to_indices 612
# meta: location multidimensional.jl uncolon 617
# meta: location indices.jl Type 236
# meta: location indices.jl Type 236
SSAValue(411) = $(Expr(:new, Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, SSAValue(378)))
# meta: pop locations (6)
#= line 139 =#
SSAValue(418) = (Core.tuple)(SSAValue(1972), SSAValue(411))::Tuple{Int64,Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkbounds 401
SSAValue(423) = (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(418), 1)::Int64
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkbounds 381
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 113
SSAValue(430) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(116), 1)::Int64
(Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(116), 2)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location tuple.jl map 151
# meta: location range.jl Type 180
# meta: location range.jl Type 178
# meta: location promotion.jl max 397
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(448) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(430), 0)::Bool
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(447) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(448), 0, SSAValue(430))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (5)
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkbounds_indices 427
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkindex 458
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(474) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(423))::Bool
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(478) = (Base.sle_int)(SSAValue(423), SSAValue(447))::Bool
# meta: pop location
# meta: location bool.jl & 36
SSAValue(479) = (Base.and_int)(SSAValue(474), SSAValue(478))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location bool.jl & 36
SSAValue(488) = (Base.and_int)(SSAValue(479), true)::Bool
# meta: pop locations (3)
unless SSAValue(488) goto 296
goto 298
$(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for throw_boundserror(::Array{Float64,2}, ::Tuple{Int64,Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}), :(Base.throw_boundserror), SSAValue(116), SSAValue(418)))::Union{}
# meta: pop location
#= line 140 =#
# meta: location subarray.jl unsafe_view 145
# meta: location subarray.jl Type 22
# meta: location multidimensional.jl ensure_indexable 584
SSAValue(507) = (Core.tuple)(SSAValue(1972), SSAValue(411))::Tuple{Int64,Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}
# meta: pop location
# meta: location subarray.jl Type 31
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_stride1 267
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 113
SSAValue(535) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(116), 1)::Int64
(Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(116), 2)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location tuple.jl map 151
# meta: location range.jl Type 180
# meta: location range.jl Type 178
# meta: location promotion.jl max 397
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(553) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(535), 0)::Bool
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(552) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(553), 0, SSAValue(535))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (5)
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_stride1 270
# meta: location int.jl * 54
SSAValue(581) = (Base.mul_int)(1, SSAValue(552))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (3)
#= line 32 =#
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_offset1 296
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_offset1 298
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_linindex 305
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 113
SSAValue(619) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(116), 1)::Int64
(Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(116), 2)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location tuple.jl map 151
# meta: location range.jl Type 180
# meta: location range.jl Type 178
# meta: location promotion.jl max 397
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(637) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(619), 0)::Bool
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(636) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(637), 0, SSAValue(619))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (5)
#= line 306 =#
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_linindex 310
# meta: location tuple.jl getindex 21
SSAValue(667) = (Base.getfield)(SSAValue(507), 1, true)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl - 52
SSAValue(669) = (Base.sub_int)(SSAValue(667), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
#= line 311 =#
# meta: location int.jl * 54
SSAValue(670) = (Base.mul_int)(SSAValue(669), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(671) = (Base.add_int)(1, SSAValue(670))::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl * 54
SSAValue(675) = (Base.mul_int)(1, SSAValue(636))::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_linindex 316
# meta: location int.jl * 54
SSAValue(698) = (Base.mul_int)(0, SSAValue(675))::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(699) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(671), SSAValue(698))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (4)
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 62
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 113
(Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(116), 1)::Int64
(Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(116), 2)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (3)
# meta: location int.jl * 54
SSAValue(741) = (Base.mul_int)(SSAValue(581), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl - 52
SSAValue(742) = (Base.sub_int)(SSAValue(699), SSAValue(741))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (3)
# meta: location subarray.jl Type 16
SSAValue(748) = $(Expr(:new, SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Int64,Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}},true}, SSAValue(116), SSAValue(507), SSAValue(742), SSAValue(581)))
# meta: pop locations (5)
goto 386
SSAValue(34) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for inbox(::Array{Float64,1}, ::SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Int64,Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}},true}), :(FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.inbox), SSAValue(23), SSAValue(748)))::Bool
# meta: location array.jl setindex! 684
(Base.arrayset)(true, SSAValue(189), SSAValue(34), SSAValue(1972))::Array{Bool,1}
# meta: pop location
goto 218
#= line 205 =#
# meta: location range.jl colon 5
# meta: location range.jl Type 153
# meta: location range.jl unitrange_last 158
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(768) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(11))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl ifelse 318
SSAValue(770) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(768), SSAValue(11), 0)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (4)
#temp#@_16::Int64 = 1
# meta: location range.jl done 472
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(789) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(770), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location promotion.jl == 386
SSAValue(790) = (#temp#@_16::Int64 === SSAValue(789))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(38) = (Base.not_int)(SSAValue(790))::Bool
unless SSAValue(38) goto 581
# meta: location range.jl next 471
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(795) = (Base.add_int)(#temp#@_16::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1977) = #temp#@_16::Int64
# meta: pop location
#temp#@_16::Int64 = SSAValue(795)
#= line 206 =#
# meta: location subarray.jl view 138
# meta: location indices.jl to_indices 215
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 113
SSAValue(806) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(137), 1)::Int64
SSAValue(807) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(137), 2)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location tuple.jl map 151
# meta: location range.jl Type 180
# meta: location range.jl Type 178
# meta: location promotion.jl max 397
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(835) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(807), 0)::Bool
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(834) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(835), 0, SSAValue(807))::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(832) = $(Expr(:new, Base.OneTo{Int64}, SSAValue(834)))
# meta: pop locations (4)
# meta: location indices.jl to_indices 218
# meta: location multidimensional.jl to_indices 612
# meta: location multidimensional.jl uncolon 617
# meta: location indices.jl Type 236
# meta: location indices.jl Type 236
SSAValue(865) = $(Expr(:new, Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, SSAValue(832)))
# meta: pop locations (6)
#= line 139 =#
SSAValue(872) = (Core.tuple)(SSAValue(1977), SSAValue(865))::Tuple{Int64,Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkbounds 401
SSAValue(877) = (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(872), 1)::Int64
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkbounds 381
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 113
SSAValue(884) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(137), 1)::Int64
(Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(137), 2)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location tuple.jl map 151
# meta: location range.jl Type 180
# meta: location range.jl Type 178
# meta: location promotion.jl max 397
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(902) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(884), 0)::Bool
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(901) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(902), 0, SSAValue(884))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (5)
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkbounds_indices 427
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkindex 458
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(928) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(877))::Bool
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(932) = (Base.sle_int)(SSAValue(877), SSAValue(901))::Bool
# meta: pop location
# meta: location bool.jl & 36
SSAValue(933) = (Base.and_int)(SSAValue(928), SSAValue(932))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location bool.jl & 36
SSAValue(942) = (Base.and_int)(SSAValue(933), true)::Bool
# meta: pop locations (3)
unless SSAValue(942) goto 484
goto 486
$(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for throw_boundserror(::Array{Float64,2}, ::Tuple{Int64,Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}), :(Base.throw_boundserror), SSAValue(137), SSAValue(872)))::Union{}
# meta: pop location
#= line 140 =#
# meta: location subarray.jl unsafe_view 145
# meta: location subarray.jl Type 22
# meta: location multidimensional.jl ensure_indexable 584
SSAValue(961) = (Core.tuple)(SSAValue(1977), SSAValue(865))::Tuple{Int64,Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}
# meta: pop location
# meta: location subarray.jl Type 31
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_stride1 267
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 113
SSAValue(989) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(137), 1)::Int64
(Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(137), 2)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location tuple.jl map 151
# meta: location range.jl Type 180
# meta: location range.jl Type 178
# meta: location promotion.jl max 397
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(1007) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(989), 0)::Bool
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1006) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1007), 0, SSAValue(989))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (5)
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_stride1 270
# meta: location int.jl * 54
SSAValue(1035) = (Base.mul_int)(1, SSAValue(1006))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (3)
#= line 32 =#
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_offset1 296
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_offset1 298
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_linindex 305
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 113
SSAValue(1073) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(137), 1)::Int64
(Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(137), 2)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location tuple.jl map 151
# meta: location range.jl Type 180
# meta: location range.jl Type 178
# meta: location promotion.jl max 397
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(1091) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(1073), 0)::Bool
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1090) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1091), 0, SSAValue(1073))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (5)
#= line 306 =#
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_linindex 310
# meta: location tuple.jl getindex 21
SSAValue(1121) = (Base.getfield)(SSAValue(961), 1, true)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl - 52
SSAValue(1123) = (Base.sub_int)(SSAValue(1121), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
#= line 311 =#
# meta: location int.jl * 54
SSAValue(1124) = (Base.mul_int)(SSAValue(1123), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1125) = (Base.add_int)(1, SSAValue(1124))::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl * 54
SSAValue(1129) = (Base.mul_int)(1, SSAValue(1090))::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location subarray.jl compute_linindex 316
# meta: location int.jl * 54
SSAValue(1152) = (Base.mul_int)(0, SSAValue(1129))::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1153) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(1125), SSAValue(1152))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (4)
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 62
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 113
(Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(137), 1)::Int64
(Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(137), 2)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (3)
# meta: location int.jl * 54
SSAValue(1195) = (Base.mul_int)(SSAValue(1035), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl - 52
SSAValue(1196) = (Base.sub_int)(SSAValue(1153), SSAValue(1195))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (3)
# meta: location subarray.jl Type 16
SSAValue(1202) = $(Expr(:new, SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Int64,Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}},true}, SSAValue(137), SSAValue(961), SSAValue(1196), SSAValue(1035)))
# meta: pop locations (5)
goto 574
SSAValue(42) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for inbox(::Array{Float64,1}, ::SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Int64,Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}},true}), :(FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.inbox), SSAValue(23), SSAValue(1202)))::Bool
# meta: location array.jl setindex! 684
(Base.arrayset)(true, SSAValue(249), SSAValue(42), SSAValue(1977))::Array{Bool,1}
# meta: pop location
goto 406
#= line 210 =#
# meta: location operators.jl > 250
# meta: location float.jl < 450
SSAValue(1209) = (Base.lt_float)(0.0, tolerance::Float64)::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
unless SSAValue(1209) goto 741
#= line 211 =#
# meta: location range.jl colon 5
# meta: location range.jl Type 153
# meta: location range.jl unitrange_last 158
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(1224) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(9))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl ifelse 318
SSAValue(1226) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1224), SSAValue(9), 0)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (4)
#temp#@_17::Int64 = 1
# meta: location range.jl done 472
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1245) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(1226), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location promotion.jl == 386
SSAValue(1246) = (#temp#@_17::Int64 === SSAValue(1245))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(47) = (Base.not_int)(SSAValue(1246))::Bool
unless SSAValue(47) goto 741
# meta: location range.jl next 471
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1251) = (Base.add_int)(#temp#@_17::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1982) = #temp#@_17::Int64
# meta: pop location
#temp#@_17::Int64 = SSAValue(1251)
#= line 212 =#
# meta: location array.jl getindex 646
SSAValue(1252) = (Base.arrayref)(true, SSAValue(189), SSAValue(1982))::Bool
# meta: pop location
unless SSAValue(1252) goto 739
#= line 213 =#
breakoff::Bool = false
#= line 214 =#
# meta: location range.jl colon 5
# meta: location range.jl Type 153
# meta: location range.jl unitrange_last 158
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(1267) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(11))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl ifelse 318
SSAValue(1269) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1267), SSAValue(11), 0)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (4)
#temp#@_35::Int64 = 1
# meta: location range.jl done 472
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1288) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(1269), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location promotion.jl == 386
SSAValue(1289) = (#temp#@_35::Int64 === SSAValue(1288))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(53) = (Base.not_int)(SSAValue(1289))::Bool
unless SSAValue(53) goto 739
# meta: location range.jl next 471
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1294) = (Base.add_int)(#temp#@_35::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1981) = #temp#@_35::Int64
# meta: pop location
#temp#@_35::Int64 = SSAValue(1294)
#= line 215 =#
# meta: location array.jl getindex 646
SSAValue(1295) = (Base.arrayref)(true, SSAValue(249), SSAValue(1981))::Bool
# meta: pop location
unless SSAValue(1295) goto 732
#= line 216 =#
distance::Float64 = 0.0
#= line 217 =#
# meta: location range.jl colon 5
# meta: location range.jl Type 153
# meta: location range.jl unitrange_last 158
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(1310) = (Base.sle_int)(1, dim::Int64)::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl ifelse 318
SSAValue(1312) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1310), dim::Int64, 0)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (4)
#temp#@_39::Int64 = 1
# meta: location range.jl done 472
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1331) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(1312), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location promotion.jl == 386
SSAValue(1332) = (#temp#@_39::Int64 === SSAValue(1331))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(60) = (Base.not_int)(SSAValue(1332))::Bool
unless SSAValue(60) goto 717
# meta: location range.jl next 471
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1337) = (Base.add_int)(#temp#@_39::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1978) = #temp#@_39::Int64
# meta: pop location
#temp#@_39::Int64 = SSAValue(1337)
#= line 218 =#
SSAValue(62) = distance::Float64
# meta: location array.jl getindex 647
SSAValue(1340) = (Base.arrayref)(true, SSAValue(137), SSAValue(1981), SSAValue(1978))::Float64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location array.jl getindex 647
SSAValue(1351) = (Base.arrayref)(true, SSAValue(116), SSAValue(1982), SSAValue(1978))::Float64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location float.jl - 395
SSAValue(1360) = (Base.sub_float)(SSAValue(1340), SSAValue(1351))::Float64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location float.jl abs 517
SSAValue(1361) = (Base.abs_float)(SSAValue(1360))::Float64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location float.jl + 393
SSAValue(1362) = (Base.add_float)(SSAValue(62), SSAValue(1361))::Float64
# meta: pop location
distance::Float64 = SSAValue(1362)
#= line 219 =#
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location float.jl <= 452
SSAValue(1364) = (Base.le_float)(tolerance::Float64, distance::Float64)::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
unless SSAValue(1364) goto 715
#= line 220 =#
goto 717
goto 672
#= line 223 =#
# meta: location float.jl < 450
SSAValue(1365) = (Base.lt_float)(distance::Float64, tolerance::Float64)::Bool
# meta: pop location
unless SSAValue(1365) goto 732
#= line 224 =#
# meta: location int.jl - 51
SSAValue(1366) = (Base.neg_int)(SSAValue(1981))::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location array.jl setindex! 684
(Base.arrayset)(true, SSAValue(135), SSAValue(1366), SSAValue(1982))::Array{Int64,1}
# meta: pop location
#= line 224 =#
breakoff::Bool = true
#= line 227 =#
unless breakoff::Bool goto 737
#= line 228 =#
goto 739
goto 636
goto 600
#= line 235 =#
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1370) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(9), SSAValue(11))::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1371) = (Core.tuple)(SSAValue(1370), dim::Int64)::Tuple{Int64,Int64}
# meta: location array.jl zeros 386
SSAValue(1372) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for zeros(::Type{Float64}, ::Tuple{Int64,Int64}), :(Base.zeros), Float64, SSAValue(1371)))::Array{Float64,2}
# meta: pop location
xyzm::Array{Float64,2} = SSAValue(1372)
#= line 236 =#
# meta: location range.jl colon 5
# meta: location range.jl Type 153
# meta: location range.jl unitrange_last 158
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(1387) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(11))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl ifelse 318
SSAValue(1389) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1387), SSAValue(11), 0)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (4)
#temp#@_19::Int64 = 1
# meta: location range.jl done 472
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1408) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(1389), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location promotion.jl == 386
SSAValue(1409) = (#temp#@_19::Int64 === SSAValue(1408))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(76) = (Base.not_int)(SSAValue(1409))::Bool
unless SSAValue(76) goto 820
# meta: location range.jl next 471
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1414) = (Base.add_int)(#temp#@_19::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1975) = #temp#@_19::Int64
# meta: pop location
#temp#@_19::Int64 = SSAValue(1414)
#= line 237 =#
# meta: location range.jl colon 5
# meta: location range.jl Type 153
# meta: location range.jl unitrange_last 158
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(1429) = (Base.sle_int)(1, dim::Int64)::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl ifelse 318
SSAValue(1431) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1429), dim::Int64, 0)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (4)
#temp#@_31::Int64 = 1
# meta: location range.jl done 472
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1450) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(1431), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location promotion.jl == 386
SSAValue(1451) = (#temp#@_31::Int64 === SSAValue(1450))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(81) = (Base.not_int)(SSAValue(1451))::Bool
unless SSAValue(81) goto 818
# meta: location range.jl next 471
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1456) = (Base.add_int)(#temp#@_31::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1974) = #temp#@_31::Int64
# meta: pop location
#temp#@_31::Int64 = SSAValue(1456)
#= line 238 =#
# meta: location array.jl getindex 647
SSAValue(1459) = (Base.arrayref)(true, SSAValue(137), SSAValue(1975), SSAValue(1974))::Float64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location array.jl setindex! 685
(Base.arrayset)(true, xyzm::Array{Float64,2}, SSAValue(1459), SSAValue(1975), SSAValue(1974))::Array{Float64,2}
# meta: pop location
goto 792
goto 763
#= line 241 =#
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1482) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(9), SSAValue(11))::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location array.jl zeros 386
# meta: location array.jl zeros 384
# meta: location boot.jl Type 373
# meta: location boot.jl Type 364
SSAValue(1507) = $(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_alloc_array_1d), Array{Int64,1}, svec(Any, Int64), :(:ccall), 2, Array{Int64,1}, SSAValue(1482), SSAValue(1482)))
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location array.jl fill! 313
# meta: location abstractarray.jl eachindex 792
# meta: location abstractarray.jl indices1 87
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 112
SSAValue(1519) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(1507), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location tuple.jl map 150
# meta: location range.jl Type 180
# meta: location range.jl Type 178
# meta: location promotion.jl max 397
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(1534) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(1519), 0)::Bool
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1533) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1534), 0, SSAValue(1519))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (7)
#temp#@_64::Int64 = 1
# meta: location range.jl done 472
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1544) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(1533), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location promotion.jl == 386
SSAValue(1545) = (#temp#@_64::Int64 === SSAValue(1544))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(1512) = (Base.not_int)(SSAValue(1545))::Bool
unless SSAValue(1512) goto 871
# meta: location range.jl next 471
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1550) = (Base.add_int)(#temp#@_64::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1554) = #temp#@_64::Int64
# meta: pop location
#temp#@_64::Int64 = SSAValue(1550)
#= line 314 =#
# meta: location array.jl setindex! 684
(Base.arrayset)(false, SSAValue(1507), 0, SSAValue(1554))::Array{Int64,1}
# meta: pop location
goto 848
# meta: pop locations (3)
#= line 242 =#
# meta: location range.jl colon 5
# meta: location range.jl Type 153
# meta: location range.jl unitrange_last 158
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(1569) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(11))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl ifelse 318
SSAValue(1571) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1569), SSAValue(11), 0)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (4)
#temp#@_21::Int64 = 1
# meta: location range.jl done 472
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1590) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(1571), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location promotion.jl == 386
SSAValue(1591) = (#temp#@_21::Int64 === SSAValue(1590))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(88) = (Base.not_int)(SSAValue(1591))::Bool
unless SSAValue(88) goto 908
# meta: location range.jl next 471
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1596) = (Base.add_int)(#temp#@_21::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1980) = #temp#@_21::Int64
# meta: pop location
#temp#@_21::Int64 = SSAValue(1596)
#= line 243 =#
# meta: location array.jl setindex! 684
(Base.arrayset)(true, SSAValue(1507), SSAValue(1980), SSAValue(1980))::Array{Int64,1}
# meta: pop location
goto 885
#= line 245 =#
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1600) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(11), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
mid::Int64 = SSAValue(1600)
#= line 247 =#
# meta: location range.jl colon 5
# meta: location range.jl Type 153
# meta: location range.jl unitrange_last 158
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(1615) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(9))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl ifelse 318
SSAValue(1617) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1615), SSAValue(9), 0)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (4)
#temp#@_23::Int64 = 1
# meta: location range.jl done 472
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1636) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(1617), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location promotion.jl == 386
SSAValue(1637) = (#temp#@_23::Int64 === SSAValue(1636))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(93) = (Base.not_int)(SSAValue(1637))::Bool
unless SSAValue(93) goto 1021
# meta: location range.jl next 471
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1642) = (Base.add_int)(#temp#@_23::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1979) = #temp#@_23::Int64
# meta: pop location
#temp#@_23::Int64 = SSAValue(1642)
#= line 248 =#
# meta: location array.jl getindex 646
SSAValue(1643) = (Base.arrayref)(true, SSAValue(135), SSAValue(1979))::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location operators.jl > 250
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(1645) = (Base.slt_int)(0, SSAValue(1643))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
unless SSAValue(1645) goto 1005
#= line 249 =#
# meta: location array.jl setindex! 684
(Base.arrayset)(true, SSAValue(135), mid::Int64, SSAValue(1979))::Array{Int64,1}
# meta: pop location
#= line 250 =#
# meta: location array.jl setindex! 684
(Base.arrayset)(true, SSAValue(1507), mid::Int64, mid::Int64)::Array{Int64,1}
# meta: pop location
#= line 251 =#
# meta: location range.jl colon 5
# meta: location range.jl Type 153
# meta: location range.jl unitrange_last 158
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(1666) = (Base.sle_int)(1, dim::Int64)::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl ifelse 318
SSAValue(1668) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1666), dim::Int64, 0)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (4)
#temp#@_27::Int64 = 1
# meta: location range.jl done 472
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1687) = (Base.add_int)(SSAValue(1668), 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location promotion.jl == 386
SSAValue(1688) = (#temp#@_27::Int64 === SSAValue(1687))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(100) = (Base.not_int)(SSAValue(1688))::Bool
unless SSAValue(100) goto 998
# meta: location range.jl next 471
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1693) = (Base.add_int)(#temp#@_27::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1983) = #temp#@_27::Int64
# meta: pop location
#temp#@_27::Int64 = SSAValue(1693)
#= line 252 =#
# meta: location array.jl getindex 647
SSAValue(1696) = (Base.arrayref)(true, SSAValue(116), SSAValue(1979), SSAValue(1983))::Float64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location array.jl setindex! 685
(Base.arrayset)(true, xyzm::Array{Float64,2}, SSAValue(1696), mid::Int64, SSAValue(1983))::Array{Float64,2}
# meta: pop location
goto 972
#= line 254 =#
# meta: location int.jl + 53
SSAValue(1719) = (Base.add_int)(mid::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
mid::Int64 = SSAValue(1719)
goto 1019
#= line 256 =#
# meta: location array.jl getindex 646
SSAValue(1720) = (Base.arrayref)(true, SSAValue(135), SSAValue(1979))::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl - 51
SSAValue(1721) = (Base.neg_int)(SSAValue(1720))::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location array.jl getindex 646
SSAValue(1722) = (Base.arrayref)(true, SSAValue(156), SSAValue(1721))::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location array.jl setindex! 684
(Base.arrayset)(true, SSAValue(135), SSAValue(1722), SSAValue(1979))::Array{Int64,1}
# meta: pop location
goto 926
#= line 259 =#
# meta: location int.jl - 52
SSAValue(1726) = (Base.sub_int)(mid::Int64, 1)::Int64
# meta: pop location
#= line 260 =#
SSAValue(107) = xyzm::Array{Float64,2}
# meta: location range.jl colon 5
# meta: location range.jl Type 153
# meta: location range.jl unitrange_last 158
# meta: location operators.jl >= 297
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(1741) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(1726))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl ifelse 318
SSAValue(1743) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1741), SSAValue(1726), 0)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (2)
SSAValue(1733) = $(Expr(:new, UnitRange{Int64}, 1, SSAValue(1743)))
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location abstractarray.jl getindex 935
# meta: location indices.jl to_indices 215
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 113
SSAValue(1759) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(107), 1)::Int64
SSAValue(1760) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(107), 2)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location tuple.jl map 151
# meta: location range.jl Type 180
# meta: location range.jl Type 178
# meta: location promotion.jl max 397
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(1788) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(1760), 0)::Bool
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1787) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1788), 0, SSAValue(1760))::Int64
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1785) = $(Expr(:new, Base.OneTo{Int64}, SSAValue(1787)))
# meta: pop locations (4)
# meta: location indices.jl to_indices 218
# meta: location multidimensional.jl to_indices 612
# meta: location multidimensional.jl uncolon 617
# meta: location indices.jl Type 236
# meta: location indices.jl Type 236
SSAValue(1816) = $(Expr(:new, Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, SSAValue(1785)))
# meta: pop locations (6)
# meta: location multidimensional.jl _getindex 627
SSAValue(1833) = (Core.tuple)(SSAValue(1733), SSAValue(1816))::Tuple{UnitRange{Int64},Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkbounds 401
SSAValue(1838) = (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(1833), 1)::UnitRange{Int64}
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkbounds 381
# meta: location abstractarray.jl axes 80
# meta: location array.jl size 113
SSAValue(1845) = (Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(107), 1)::Int64
(Base.arraysize)(SSAValue(107), 2)::Int64
# meta: pop location
# meta: location tuple.jl map 151
# meta: location range.jl Type 180
# meta: location range.jl Type 178
# meta: location promotion.jl max 397
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(1863) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(1845), 0)::Bool
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1862) = (Base.select_value)(SSAValue(1863), 0, SSAValue(1845))::Int64
# meta: pop locations (5)
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkbounds_indices 427
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkindex 463
# meta: location range.jl isempty 354
# meta: location range.jl first 433
# meta: location sysimg.jl getproperty 8
SSAValue(1896) = (Base.getfield)(SSAValue(1838), :start)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location range.jl last 438
# meta: location sysimg.jl getproperty 8
SSAValue(1899) = (Base.getfield)(SSAValue(1838), :stop)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location operators.jl > 250
# meta: location int.jl < 49
SSAValue(1901) = (Base.slt_int)(SSAValue(1899), SSAValue(1896))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (3)
# meta: location range.jl first 433
# meta: location sysimg.jl getproperty 8
SSAValue(1904) = (Base.getfield)(SSAValue(1838), :start)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkindex 458
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(1910) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(1904))::Bool
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(1914) = (Base.sle_int)(SSAValue(1904), SSAValue(1862))::Bool
# meta: pop location
# meta: location bool.jl & 36
SSAValue(1915) = (Base.and_int)(SSAValue(1910), SSAValue(1914))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location range.jl last 438
# meta: location sysimg.jl getproperty 8
SSAValue(1918) = (Base.getfield)(SSAValue(1838), :stop)::Int64
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location abstractarray.jl checkindex 458
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(1924) = (Base.sle_int)(1, SSAValue(1918))::Bool
# meta: pop location
# meta: location int.jl <= 405
SSAValue(1928) = (Base.sle_int)(SSAValue(1918), SSAValue(1862))::Bool
# meta: pop location
# meta: location bool.jl & 36
SSAValue(1929) = (Base.and_int)(SSAValue(1924), SSAValue(1928))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location bool.jl & 36
SSAValue(1930) = (Base.and_int)(SSAValue(1915), SSAValue(1929))::Bool
# meta: pop location
# meta: location bool.jl | 37
SSAValue(1931) = (Base.or_int)(SSAValue(1901), SSAValue(1930))::Bool
# meta: pop locations (2)
# meta: location bool.jl & 36
SSAValue(1940) = (Base.and_int)(SSAValue(1931), true)::Bool
# meta: pop locations (3)
unless SSAValue(1940) goto 1138
goto 1140
$(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for throw_boundserror(::Array{Float64,2}, ::Tuple{UnitRange{Int64},Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}), :(Base.throw_boundserror), SSAValue(107), SSAValue(1833)))::Union{}
# meta: pop location
#= line 628 =#
SSAValue(1829) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for _unsafe_getindex(::IndexLinear, ::Array{Float64,2}, ::UnitRange{Int64}, ::Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}), :(Base._unsafe_getindex), :($(QuoteNode(IndexLinear()))), SSAValue(107), SSAValue(1733), SSAValue(1816)))::Array{Float64,2}
# meta: pop locations (2)
xyzm::Array{Float64,2} = SSAValue(1829)
#= line 263 =#
# meta: location C:\Users\PetrKrysl\.julia\v0.7\FinEtools\src\FENodeSetModule.jl Type 26
# meta: location deepcopy.jl deepcopy 28
# meta: location abstractdict.jl Type 530
# meta: location boot.jl Type 364
SSAValue(1970) = $(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_alloc_array_1d), Array{Any,1}, svec(Any, Int64), :(:ccall), 2, Array{Any,1}, 32, 32))
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1966) = $(Expr(:new, :(Base.ObjectIdDict), SSAValue(1970), 0))
# meta: pop location
SSAValue(1958) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for deepcopy_internal(::Array{Float64,2}, ::ObjectIdDict), :(Base.deepcopy_internal), :(xyzm), SSAValue(1966)))::Any
SSAValue(1960) = (Core.typeassert)(SSAValue(1958), Array{Float64,2})::Array{Float64,2}
# meta: pop location
self::FinEtools.FENodeSetModule.FENodeSet = $(Expr(:new, :(FinEtools.FENodeSetModule.FENodeSet), SSAValue(1960)))
# meta: pop location
#= line 265 =#
new_indexes_of_fens1_nodes::Array{Int64,1} = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for getindex(::Array{Int64,1}, ::Colon), :(FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.getindex), SSAValue(135), :(FinEtools.MeshModificationModule.::)))::Array{Int64,1}
#= line 267 =#
SSAValue(109) = (Core.tuple)(self::FinEtools.FENodeSetModule.FENodeSet, new_indexes_of_fens1_nodes::Array{Int64,1})::Tuple{FinEtools.FENodeSetModule.FENodeSet,Array{Int64,1}}
return SSAValue(109)
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