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Created November 21, 2017 20:43
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using FinEtools
using FinEtools.MeshExportModule
println("""Heat conduction example from JuAFEM.""")
t0 = time()
A = 2.0
thermal_conductivity = eye(2,2); # conductivity matrix
function getsource!(forceout::FFltVec, XYZ::FFltMat, tangents::FFltMat, fe_label::FInt)
forceout[1] = 1.0; #heat source
N = 1000;
println("Mesh generation")
@time fens,fes = Q4block(A, A, N, N)[:,1] .-= A/2[:,2] .-= A/2
geom = NodalField(
Temp = NodalField(zeros(size(,1),1))
println("Searching nodes for BC")
@time l1 = selectnode(fens; box=[-A/2 -A/2 -A/2 A/2], inflate = 1.0/N/100.0)
@time l2 = selectnode(fens; box=[A/2 A/2 -A/2 A/2], inflate = 1.0/N/100.0)
@time l3 = selectnode(fens; box=[-A/2 A/2 -A/2 -A/2], inflate = 1.0/N/100.0)
@time l4 = selectnode(fens; box=[-A/2 A/2 A/2 A/2], inflate = 1.0/N/100.0)
List = vcat(l1, l2, l3, l4);
setebc!(Temp, List, true, 1, 0.0)
t1 = time()
m = MatHeatDiff(thermal_conductivity)
femm = FEMMHeatDiff(IntegData(fes, GaussRule(2, 2)), m)
@time K=conductivity(femm, geom, Temp)
println("Internal heat generation")
fi = ForceIntensity(FFlt, 1, getsource!);
@time F1 = distribloads(femm, geom, Temp, fi, 3);
@time K = cholfact(K)
println("Solution of the factorized system")
@time U = K\(F1)
scattersysvec!(Temp, U[:])
println("Total time elapsed = $(time() - t0) [s]")
println("Solution time elapsed = $(time() - t1) [s]")
println("Maximum temperature = $(maximum(Temp.values)) ")
# using MeshExportModule
# File = "a.vtk"
# MeshExportModule.vtkexportmesh(File, fes.conn, hcat(geom.values, Temp.values), MeshExportModule.Q4; scalars=[("Temperature", Temp.values)])
# @async run(`"paraview.exe" $File`)
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