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Created June 20, 2020 19:59
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Two examples of iterating over a list of elements, with ForEach. See bellow how to add a PickerView
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
let tips = ["Dream of mice", "Make some Origami", "Get the dog juggling", "Eating candies", "Sniffing weird stuff"]
var body: some View {
// Simple iteration where there list contains only a bunch of Strings
ForEach(tips, id: \.self) { tip in
VStack {
Text("Cat relaxation tip: \(tip)")
// More complex iteration over a list of instances
VStack {
ForEach(RelaxationTip.demoTips) { tipModel in
VStack {
// Here is the list of instances. Remember: It is mandatory that the Model conforms to Identifiable protocol, so each instance can be identified by an unique identifier
import SwiftUI
struct RelaxationTip: Identifiable {
var id = UUID()
var imageName: String
var tip: String
extension RelaxationTip {
static let demoTips: [RelaxationTip] = [
RelaxationTip(imageName: "Meditate", tip: "Meditate with your human pet"),
RelaxationTip(imageName: "Juggle", tip: "Juggle for a while"),
RelaxationTip(imageName: "DreamOfMice", tip: "Dream of mice"),
RelaxationTip(imageName: "Origami", tip: "Make some Origami"),
RelaxationTip(imageName: "MakeDogJuggle", tip: "Get the dog juggling"),
// Adding a Picker
struct PickerViewExample: View {
// reference to array of instances
let tips = RelaxationTip.demoTips
// holds the selected value index
@State private var selectedPickerIndex = 0
var body: some View {
VStack {
Picker(selection: $selectedPickerIndex, label: Text("Pick your mood")) {
ForEach(0 ..< tips.count) { index in
HStack {
Text("You've selected \([self.selectedPickerIndex].tip)")
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