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Last active July 8, 2021 23:53
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Tensor2Tensor Subword Text Tokenizer.
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2017 The Tensor2Tensor Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import collections
import logging
import re
import sys
import unicodedata
# Dependency imports
import six
from six.moves import xrange # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# This set contains all letter and number characters.
six.unichr(i) for i in xrange(sys.maxunicode)
if (unicodedata.category(six.unichr(i)).startswith("L") or
# Regular expression for unescaping token strings.
# '\u' is converted to '_'
# '\\' is converted to '\'
# '\213;' is converted to unichr(213)
_UNESCAPE_REGEX = re.compile(r"\\u|\\\\|\\([0-9]+);")
_ESCAPE_CHARS = set(u"\\_u;0123456789")
def native_to_unicode_py2(s):
"""Python 2: transform native string to Unicode."""
return s if isinstance(s, unicode) else s.decode("utf8")
# Conversion between Unicode and UTF-8, if required (on Python2)
if six.PY2:
native_to_unicode = native_to_unicode_py2
unicode_to_native = lambda s: s.encode("utf-8")
# No conversion required on Python3
native_to_unicode = lambda s: s
unicode_to_native = lambda s: s
def encode(text):
Encode a unicode string as a list of tokens.
text: a unicode string
a list of tokens as Unicode strings
if not text:
return []
ret = []
token_start = 0
# Classify each character in the input string
is_alnum = [c in _ALPHANUMERIC_CHAR_SET for c in text]
for pos in xrange(1, len(text)):
if is_alnum[pos] != is_alnum[pos - 1]:
token = text[token_start:pos]
if token != u" " or token_start == 0:
token_start = pos
final_token = text[token_start:]
return ret
def decode(tokens):
Decode a list of tokens to a unicode string.
tokens: a list of Unicode strings
a unicode string
token_is_alnum = [t[0] in _ALPHANUMERIC_CHAR_SET for t in tokens]
ret = []
for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
if i > 0 and token_is_alnum[i - 1] and token_is_alnum[i]:
ret.append(u" ")
return "".join(ret)
def _escape_token(token, alphabet):
Escape away underscores and OOV characters and append '_'.
This allows the token to be experessed as the concatenation of a list
of subtokens from the vocabulary. The underscore acts as a sentinel
which allows us to invertibly concatenate multiple such lists.
token: A unicode string to be escaped.
alphabet: A set of all characters in the vocabulary's alphabet.
escaped_token: An escaped unicode string.
ValueError: If the provided token is not unicode.
if not isinstance(token, six.text_type):
raise ValueError("Expected string type for token, got %s" % type(token))
token = token.replace(u"\\", u"\\\\").replace(u"_", u"\\u")
ret = [c if c in alphabet and c != u"\n" else r"\%d;" % ord(c) for c in token]
return u"".join(ret) + "_"
def _unescape_token(escaped_token):
Inverse of _escape_token().
escaped_token: a unicode string
token: a unicode string
def match(m):
if is None:
return u"_" if == u"\\u" else u"\\"
return six.unichr(int(
except (ValueError, OverflowError) as _:
return ""
trimmed = escaped_token[:-1] if escaped_token.endswith("_") else escaped_token
return _UNESCAPE_REGEX.sub(match, trimmed)
class SubwordTextTokenizer(object):
"""Class for invertibly encoding text using a limited vocabulary.
Invertibly encodes a native string as a sequence of subtokens from a limited
A SubwordTextTokenizer is built from a corpus (so it is tailored to the text in
the corpus), and stored to a file. See
It can then be loaded and used to encode/decode any text.
Encoding has four phases:
1. Tokenize into a list of tokens. Each token is a unicode string of either
all alphanumeric characters or all non-alphanumeric characters. We drop
tokens consisting of a single space that are between two alphanumeric
2. Escape each token. This escapes away special and out-of-vocabulary
characters, and makes sure that each token ends with an underscore, and
has no other underscores.
3. Represent each escaped token as a the concatenation of a list of subtokens
from the limited vocabulary. Subtoken selection is done greedily from
beginning to end. That is, we construct the list in order, always picking
the longest subtoken in our vocabulary that matches a prefix of the
remaining portion of the encoded token.
4. Concatenate these lists. This concatenation is invertible due to the
fact that the trailing underscores indicate when one list is finished.
def __init__(self, filename=None):
"""Initialize and read from a file, if provided."""
self._alphabet = set()
if filename is not None:
def encode(self, raw_text):
"""Converts a native string to a list of subtoken ids.
raw_text: a native string.
a list of integers in the range [0, vocab_size)
return self._tokens_to_subtoken(encode(native_to_unicode(raw_text)))
def decode(self, subtokens):
"""Converts a sequence of subtoken ids to a native string.
subtokens: a list of integers in the range [0, vocab_size)
a native string
return unicode_to_native(decode(self._subtoken_to_tokens(subtokens)))
def vocab_size(self):
"""The subtoken vocabulary size."""
return len(self._all_subtoken_strings)
def _tokens_to_subtoken(self, tokens):
Converts a list of tokens to a list of subtoken ids.
tokens: a list of strings.
a list of integers in the range [0, vocab_size)
ret = []
for token in tokens:
self._escaped_token_to_subtoken_strings(_escape_token(token, self._alphabet)))
return ret
def _subtoken_to_tokens(self, subtokens):
"""Converts a list of subtoken ids to a list of tokens.
subtokens: a list of integers in the range [0, vocab_size)
a list of strings.
concatenated = "".join(subtokens)
split = concatenated.split("_")
return [_unescape_token(t + "_") for t in split if t]
def _escaped_token_to_subtoken_strings(self, escaped_token):
"""Converts an escaped token string to a list of subtoken strings.
escaped_token: An escaped token as a unicode string.
A list of subtokens as unicode strings.
# NOTE: This algorithm is greedy; it won't necessarily produce the "best"
# list of subtokens.
ret = []
start = 0
token_len = len(escaped_token)
while start < token_len:
for end in xrange(min(token_len, start + self._max_subtoken_len), start, -1):
subtoken = escaped_token[start:end]
if subtoken in self._all_subtoken_strings:
start = end
else: # Did not break
# If there is no possible encoding of the escaped token then one of the
# characters in the token is not in the alphabet. This should be
# impossible and would be indicative of a bug.
assert False, "Token substring not found in subtoken vocabulary."
return ret
def build_to_target_size(cls, target_size, token_counts, min_val, max_val, num_iterations=4):
"""Builds a SubwordTextTokenizer that has `vocab_size` near `target_size`.
Uses simple recursive binary search to find a minimum token count that most
closely matches the `target_size`.
target_size: Desired vocab_size to approximate.
token_counts: A dictionary of token counts, mapping string to int.
min_val: An integer; lower bound for the minimum token count.
max_val: An integer; upper bound for the minimum token count.
num_iterations: An integer; how many iterations of refinement.
A SubwordTextTokenizer instance.
ValueError: If `min_val` is greater than `max_val`.
if min_val > max_val:
raise ValueError("Lower bound for the minimum token count "
"is greater than the upper bound.")
def bisect(min_val, max_val):
"""Bisection to find the right size."""
present_count = (max_val + min_val) // 2"Trying min_count %d" % present_count)
subtokenizer = cls()
subtokenizer.build_from_token_counts(token_counts, present_count, num_iterations)
# If min_val == max_val, we can't do any better than this.
if subtokenizer.vocab_size == target_size or min_val >= max_val:
return subtokenizer
if subtokenizer.vocab_size > target_size:
other_subtokenizer = bisect(present_count + 1, max_val)
other_subtokenizer = bisect(min_val, present_count - 1)
if other_subtokenizer is None:
return subtokenizer
if (abs(other_subtokenizer.vocab_size - target_size) <
abs(subtokenizer.vocab_size - target_size)):
return other_subtokenizer
return subtokenizer
return bisect(min_val, max_val)
def build_from_token_counts(self, token_counts, min_count, num_iterations=4):
"""Train a SubwordTextTokenizer based on a dictionary of word counts.
token_counts: a dictionary of Unicode strings to int.
min_count: an integer - discard subtokens with lower counts.
num_iterations: an integer. how many iterations of refinement.
# Bootstrap the initial list of subtokens with the characters from the
# alphabet plus the escaping characters.
# We build iteratively. On each iteration, we segment all the words,
# then count the resulting potential subtokens, keeping the ones
# with high enough counts for our new vocabulary.
if min_count < 1:
min_count = 1
for i in xrange(num_iterations):"Iteration {0}".format(i))
# Collect all substrings of the encoded token that break along current
# subtoken boundaries.
subtoken_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
for token, count in six.iteritems(token_counts):
escaped_token = _escape_token(token, self._alphabet)
subtokens = self._escaped_token_to_subtoken_strings(escaped_token)
start = 0
for subtoken in subtokens:
for end in xrange(start + 1, len(escaped_token) + 1):
new_subtoken = escaped_token[start:end]
subtoken_counts[new_subtoken] += count
start += len(subtoken)
# Array of sets of candidate subtoken strings, by length.
len_to_subtoken_strings = []
for subtoken_string, count in six.iteritems(subtoken_counts):
lsub = len(subtoken_string)
if count >= min_count:
while len(len_to_subtoken_strings) <= lsub:
# Consider the candidates longest to shortest, so that if we accept
# a longer subtoken string, we can decrement the counts of its
# prefixes.
new_subtoken_strings = []
for lsub in xrange(len(len_to_subtoken_strings) - 1, 0, -1):
subtoken_strings = len_to_subtoken_strings[lsub]
for subtoken_string in subtoken_strings:
count = subtoken_counts[subtoken_string]
if count >= min_count:
# Exclude alphabet tokens here, as they must be included later,
# explicitly, regardless of count.
if subtoken_string not in self._alphabet:
new_subtoken_strings.append((count, subtoken_string))
for l in xrange(1, lsub):
subtoken_counts[subtoken_string[:l]] -= count
# Include the alphabet explicitly to guarantee all strings are
# encodable.
new_subtoken_strings.extend((subtoken_counts.get(a, 0), a) for a in self._alphabet)
# Reinitialize to the candidate vocabulary.
self._init_subtokens_from_list([subtoken for _, subtoken in new_subtoken_strings])"vocab_size = %d" % self.vocab_size)
def _init_subtokens_from_list(self, subtoken_strings):
"""Initialize token information from a list of subtoken strings."""
# we remember the maximum length of any subtoken to avoid having to
# check arbitrarily long strings.
self._all_subtoken_strings = set([s for s in subtoken_strings if s])
self._max_subtoken_len = max([len(s) for s in subtoken_strings])
def _init_alphabet_from_tokens(self, tokens):
"""Initialize alphabet from an iterable of token or subtoken strings."""
# Include all characters from all tokens in the alphabet to guarantee that
# any token can be encoded. Additionally, include all escaping
# characters.
self._alphabet = {c for token in tokens for c in token}
self._alphabet |= _ESCAPE_CHARS
def _load_from_file(self, filename):
"""Load from a file."""
subtoken_strings = []
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
def store_to_file(self, filename):
with open(filename, "w") as f:
for subtoken_string in self._all_subtoken_strings:
f.write("'" + unicode_to_native(subtoken_string) + "'\n")
import unittest
import collections
import mock
import subword_text_tokenizer
class SubwordTextTokenizerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_encode_decode(self):
corpus = ('This is a corpus of text that provides a bunch of tokens from which '
'to build a vocabulary. It will be used when strings are encoded '
'with a SubwordTextTokenizer subclass. The encoder was coded by a coder.')
token_counts = collections.Counter(corpus.split(' '))
alphabet = set(corpus) ^ {' '}
original = 'This is a coded sentence encoded by the SubwordTextTokenizer.'
token_counts.update(original.split(' '))
encoder = subword_text_tokenizer.SubwordTextTokenizer.build_to_target_size(
100, token_counts, 2, 10)
# Encoding should be reversible.
encoded = encoder.encode(original)
decoded = encoder.decode(encoded)
self.assertEqual(original, decoded)
# The substrings coded and coder are frequent enough in the corpus that
# they should appear in the vocabulary even though they are substrings
# of other included strings.
subtoken_strings = encoded
self.assertIn('encoded_', subtoken_strings)
self.assertIn('coded_', subtoken_strings)
self.assertIn('SubwordTextTokenizer', encoder._all_subtoken_strings)
self.assertIn('coder', encoder._all_subtoken_strings)
# Every character in the corpus should be in the encoder's alphabet and
# its subtoken vocabulary.
for a in alphabet:
self.assertIn(a, encoder._all_subtoken_strings)
def test_unicode(self):
corpus = 'Cat emoticons. \U0001F638 \U0001F639 \U0001F63A \U0001F63B'
token_counts = collections.Counter(corpus.split(' '))
encoder = subword_text_tokenizer.SubwordTextTokenizer.build_to_target_size(
100, token_counts, 2, 10)
self.assertIn('\U0001F638', encoder._alphabet)
self.assertIn('\U0001F63B', encoder._all_subtoken_strings)
def test_small_vocab(self):
corpus = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
token_counts = collections.Counter(corpus.split(' '))
alphabet = set(corpus) ^ {' '}
encoder = subword_text_tokenizer.SubwordTextTokenizer.build_to_target_size(
10, token_counts, 2, 10)
# All vocabulary elements are in the alphabet and subtoken strings even
# if we requested a smaller vocabulary to assure all expected strings
# are encodable.
for a in alphabet:
self.assertIn(a, encoder._all_subtoken_strings)
def test_encodable_when_not_in_alphabet(self):
corpus = 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
token_counts = collections.Counter(corpus.split(' '))
encoder = subword_text_tokenizer.SubwordTextTokenizer.build_to_target_size(
100, token_counts, 2, 10)
original = 'This has UPPER CASE letters that are out of alphabet'
# Early versions could have an infinite loop when breaking into subtokens
# if there was any out-of-alphabet characters in the encoded string.
encoded = encoder.encode(original)
decoded = encoder.decode(encoded)
self.assertEqual(original, decoded)
encoded_str = ''.join(encoded)
self.assertIn('\\84;', encoded_str)
@mock.patch.object(subword_text_tokenizer, '_ESCAPE_CHARS', new=set('\\_;13579'))
def test_raises_exception_when_not_encodable(self):
corpus = 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
token_counts = collections.Counter(corpus.split(' '))
# Deliberately exclude some required encoding chars from the alphabet
# and token list, making some strings unencodable.
encoder = subword_text_tokenizer.SubwordTextTokenizer.build_to_target_size(
100, token_counts, 2, 10)
original = 'This has UPPER CASE letters that are out of alphabet'
# Previously there was a bug which produced an infinite loop in this case.
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
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Can someone point me to a documentation on the algorithm used in this tokenizer?

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AssertionError: Token substring not found in subtoken vocabulary.

How do I fix this?

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