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Created October 2, 2016 16:55
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <capstone/capstone.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef INFO
#define pr_info(...) \
do {\
fprintf(stderr, "[+]");\
fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);\
} while (0)
#define pr_info(...)
#define pr_good_shit(...) \
do {\
fprintf(stderr, "[!]");\
fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);\
} while (0)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int fd = open("rev.bin", O_RDONLY);
assert(fd != -1);
unsigned char *memptr = mmap(NULL, 0x24c8d, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
assert(memptr != MAP_FAILED);
unsigned char *mem = memptr;
#if 0
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++)
pr_info("%02x, ", mem[i]);
char password[0x40] = { 0 };
csh handle;
cs_insn *insn;
size_t count;
if (cs_open(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64, &handle) != CS_ERR_OK)
return -1;
count = cs_disasm(handle, mem, 0x100, 0x1000, 0, &insn);
if (!count) {
fprintf(stderr, "fuck :(\n");
return -1;
for (size_t j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
const char *mn = insn[j].mnemonic;
const char *op = insn[j].op_str;
uint64_t a = insn[j].address;
pr_info("0x%llx:\t%s\t\t%s\n", a, mn, op);
if (!strcmp(mn, "mov") && !strcmp(op, "rax, rbx")) {
pr_info("Found move at offset %d\n", insn[j].address - 0x1000);
} else if (!strcmp(mn, "lea") && !strcmp(op, "rsi, qword ptr [rip + 0x34]")) {
uint64_t addr = a + 0x34 + 7;
pr_info("Decrypt from address: %p\n", (void *)addr);
uint64_t off = addr - 0x1000;
uint32_t *xor_ptr = (uint32_t *)(mem + off);
pr_info("xor_ptr: %p\n", xor_ptr);
uint32_t rcx = *xor_ptr;
uint32_t eax = *xor_ptr;
pr_info("rcx: 0x%x\n", rcx);
pr_info("eax: 0x%x\n", eax);
for (size_t i = 0; i < rcx; i ++) {
xor_ptr[i] ^= eax;
off += 8;
count = cs_disasm(handle, mem + off, 0x100, 0x1000, 0, &insn);
if (!count) {
fprintf(stderr, "fuck :(\n");
return -1;
mem = mem + off;
off = 0;
j = 0;
} else if (!strcmp(mn, "mov") && strstr(op, "al, byte ptr [rax +")) {
pr_good_shit("0x%llx:\t%s\t\t%s\n", a, mn, op);
char *tmp = strchr(op, '+');
//pr_good_shit("tmp: %s\n", tmp);
size_t pos = strtol(tmp, NULL, 16);
pr_good_shit("pos: 0x%lx\n", pos);
mn = insn[j + 1].mnemonic;
op = insn[j + 1].op_str;
a = insn[j + 1].address;
pr_good_shit("0x%llx:\t%s\t\t%s\n", a, mn, op);
tmp = strchr(op, ' ');
size_t val = strtol(tmp, NULL, 16);
pr_good_shit("and: 0x%lx\n", val);
mn = insn[j + 2].mnemonic;
op = insn[j + 2].op_str;
a = insn[j + 2].address;
pr_good_shit("0x%llx:\t%s\t\t%s\n", a, mn, op);
if (!strcmp(mn, "jne")) {
password[pos] &= ~val;
} else if (!strcmp(mn, "je")) {
password[pos] |= val;
pr_good_shit("password: %s\n", password);
return 0;
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