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Forked from andyrbell/
Last active September 30, 2024 02:59
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  • Save Pezmc/38017cb03daccb17d3835280c568dc0f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Pezmc/38017cb03daccb17d3835280c568dc0f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Make a pdf look scanned with macOS automator as a quick action
# This script takes a PDF or list of PDFs and outputs a file(s)
# named <file>_scanned.pdf that looks like it has been scanned
# Requires imagemagic and popper to be installed (brew install imagemagick poppler)
# Accepts: a list of files
# Usage: ./<scriptfilename> pdf1.pdf pdf2.pdf
# To use as a macOS automator quick action you need to:
# - Create a new quick action that receives files or folders
# - Add a shell script
# - Paste in this script
set -e
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
for file in "$@"; do
# Split PDF into pages
echo "Splitting $base into separate pages"
pdfseparate "$file" /tmp/fake-scan-split-%04d.pdf
# Loop over the pages
for splitFile in /tmp/fake-scan-split-*.pdf; do
# Slightly rotate page, add a bit of noise and output a flat pdf
convert -density 130 -trim -flatten "$splitFile" -attenuate 0.2 +noise Gaussian -rotate "$([ $((RANDOM % 2)) -eq 1 ] && echo -)0.$(($RANDOM % 8 + 1))" "$splitFileScanned"
echo "Output page $splitFileBase to $splitFileScanned"
# Combine the PDFs, add noise across the entire document, apply sharpening, convert to b&w, soften the blacks slightly
convert -density 130 $(ls -rt /tmp/fake-scan-split-*_scanned.pdf) -attenuate 0.2 +noise Multiplicative -sharpen 0x1.0 -colorspace Gray +level 15%,100% "$base"
echo "PDF re-combined to $base"
# Remove all the temporary PDFs
echo "Cleaning up"
rm /tmp/fake-scan-split-*.pdf
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thanks! awesome :)

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In case someone has questions on how do the automator:

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mhalano commented Aug 1, 2021

Hi @Pezmc! I really liked your snippet, but I missed a false real signal of a scanned document, the shadows between the margin of scanner and the document. I can produce this with the original script, but with your changes the shadow doesn't show.

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Rajanqy commented Sep 15, 2022


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I had to add some absolute paths to the binaries to made it work with homebrew. I’ve also added a small shadow to the rotated pages:

# This script takes a PDF or list of PDFs and outputs a file(s)
# named <file>_scanned.pdf that looks like it has been scanned
# Requires imagemagic and popper to be installed (brew install imagemagick poppler)
# Accepts: a list of files
# Usage: ./<scriptfilename> pdf1.pdf pdf2.pdf
# To use as a macOS automator quick action you need to:
# - Create a new quick action that receives files or folders
# - Add a shell script
# - Paste in this script
set -e

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
for file in "$@"; do

  # Remove all temp pdfs before
  # rm -f /tmp/fake-scan-split-*.pdf

  # Split PDF into pages
  echo "Splitting $base into separate pages"
  /opt/homebrew/bin/pdfseparate "$file" /tmp/fake-scan-split-%04d.pdf

  # Loop over the pages
  for splitFile in /tmp/fake-scan-split-*.pdf; do

    # Slightly rotate page, add a bit of noise and output a flat pdf
    /opt/homebrew/bin/convert -density 130 -trim -flatten "$splitFile" -attenuate 0.2 +noise Gaussian -rotate "$([ $((RANDOM % 2)) -eq 1 ] && echo -)0.$(($RANDOM % 8 + 1))" \( +clone -background black -shadow 30x5+5+5 \) +swap -background white -layers merge +repage "$splitFileScanned"
    echo "Output page $splitFileBase to $splitFileScanned"

  # Combine the PDFs, add noise across the entire document, apply sharpening, convert to b&w, soften the blacks slightly
  /opt/homebrew/bin/convert -density 130 $(ls -rt /tmp/fake-scan-split-*_scanned.pdf) -attenuate 0.2 +noise Multiplicative -sharpen 0x1.0 -colorspace Gray +level 15%,100% "$base"
  # /opt/homebrew/bin/convert rose: ( +clone  -background navy  -shadow 80x3+5+5 ) -density 130 $(ls -rt /tmp/fake-scan-split-*_scanned.pdf) -attenuate 0.2 +noise Multiplicative -sharpen 0x1.0 -colorspace Gray +level 15%,100% "$base"
  echo "PDF re-combined to $base"

  # Remove all the temporary PDFs
  echo "Cleaning up"
  rm /tmp/fake-scan-split-*.pdf

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Thank you all so much for your work!

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hivefi commented Feb 1, 2023


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