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Created October 4, 2022 18:54
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Random lean code
def hello := "world"
open List
#check Nat.succ
#check Nat.succ 0
#check Nat.add
#check Nat.add 1
#check Nat.add 2 2
#check List.filter
#check List.filter (λ x => x < 10)
def f (l: List Nat): List Nat :=
List.filter (λ x => x < 10) l
def f': List Nat → List Nat :=
List.filter (λ x => x < 10)
def f'' := List.filter (λ x => x < 10)
def divisible (n m: Nat) : Bool := n % m = 0
structure PosNat where
numerator: Nat
denominator: Nat
inductive Maybe (α: Type) where
| Nothing
| Just: α → Maybe α
def natDivTo (n m: Nat): Type 0 :=
if divisible n m then Nat else PosNat
def natDivTo' (n m: Nat): Maybe Nat :=
if divisible n m then
Maybe.Just (n / m)
#eval 2 + (if 4 > 5 then 10 else 5)
def baz: Nat :=
let x := natDivTo' 12 3
match x with
| Maybe.Nothing => 0
| Maybe.Just x' => x'
inductive Either (α: Type) (β: Type) where
| Left: α → Either α β
| Right: β → Either α β
inductive Result (α: Type) where
| Error: String → Result α
| OK: α → Result α
#check divisible
#eval f [0, 5, 10, 15]
#eval f' [0, 5, 10, 15]
#eval f'' [0, 5, 10, 15]
def addOne: Nat → Nat := Nat.add 1
def sum (l: List Nat): Nat :=
--foldr (λ i acc => i + acc) 0 l
foldr Nat.add 0 l
class Summable (α : Type) where
plus: α → α → α
origin: α
instance : Summable Nat where
plus := Nat.add
origin := 0
def sum' [Summable α] (l: List α): α :=
foldr Summable.origin l
def upTo (n: Nat): List Nat := drop 1 (range n)
def divisors (n: Nat) := filter (divisible n) (upTo n)
#eval divisors 8
def sumOfDivisors (n: Nat): Nat := sum' (divisors n)
#eval sumOfDivisors 6
def even (n: Nat): Bool := n % 2 = 0
def odd (n: Nat): Bool := n % 2 = 1
def prime (n: Nat): Bool :=
n > 1 && length (divisors n) = 1
def perfect (n: Nat): Bool :=
sumOfDivisors n = n
def abundant (n: Nat): Bool :=
sumOfDivisors n > n
def powerlist (l: List α): List (List α) :=
match l with
| nil => [nil]
| (n :: ns) =>
let p := powerlist ns
List.append p (map (cons n) p)
#eval powerlist [6, 4, 9, 12]
def semiperfect (n: Nat): Bool :=
any (powerlist (divisors n)) (λ l => sum l = n)
def weird (n: Nat): Bool :=
abundant n && not (semiperfect n)
#eval weird 70
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